Heretic TOC is my personal blog. I have been at odds with “the dominant narrative” of sexual morality over the last several decades, especially as regards children’s sexual self-determination and paedophilia. My aim here is to present a discourse of resistance. That probably sounds grim, but humour and cheerfulness are my weapons of choice, along with reason and research. Odd to call cheerfulness a “weapon”, I suppose, but I do feel it’s a good tool, at least, for combating the depression into which so many are prone to sink in these difficult times. Nor do I really intend to use humour as a weapon to hurt people, in the sense that satire can be savage. I prefer a gentler tone, in line with the kind of society I’d like to see.
I wish I could say it’s optimism keeps me going, but the demented ferocity of “abuse” witch hunting is patently becoming ever more dangerous and destructive. Raging infernos burn themselves out eventually, but I doubt I shall live to see the day. Anyone who wants to know about me need only Google. Here I will just add that I am the author of Paedophilia: The Radical Case, the full text of which is accessible at IPCE , and (as Carl Toms) Michael Jackson’s Dangerous Liaisons. – Tom O’Carroll
Hello Mr.O’Carroll, I have been a long time fan of you, your work, though I only recently read “The Radical Case”. Mainly read of your exploits in the tabloids. I hope you are well, and I thank you for giving me hope.
Thanks so much for your words of appreciation! I trust you will continue to find sustenance from this forum and from other aspects of the MAP community. You wrote:
> I only recently read “The Radical Case”.
Amazingly, even after all these years, new readers are coming to this book, which has been free online for a long time at Ipce and is now here, at ResearchGate:
You will see that it currently has 21 citations in other research literature but no recommendations as yet. It is possible that only those who are registered as researchers can add recommendations, but if anyone can join in it would be great to see a few recommendations added.
ResearchGate is strict on its citations criteria. Google Scholar, by comparison, currently lists 191 citations of RadCase in scholarly books and papers.
hi. Why many people call to protect children from psychological and sexual abuse but no one is talking about psychological problems arising from not satisfying the sexual interest when it arises in childhood. It can be equally traumatic as violance. Should not anyone start protecting this type of children?
Thanks, Mikhail. If you want this comment or any others you make to be widely read, please post them in the comments space under the latest blog.
H, Mikhail. I find what you say very interesting, because I myself feel traumatized for NOT having had sex during my childhood and (barely) during my adolescence. I really would have liked to have had an active sex life in those years, and since that didn’t happen, I feel that something is missing in me. I feel that I missed out on something important and I feel envious of those who did have a full, joyful and of course consensual sex life during those stages of life.
This sense of trauma from not having had any active sex life in childhood and adolescence may seem crazy to many people, as it clashes with the contact trauma narrative that has been exploited so much since the 1980s, but I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling the same way.
This frustration is compounded by a much worse frustration: that of not being able to develop and enjoy my sexuality as an adult because of the cultural, social and legislative context.
Tom, your book has disappeared
It is here:
But this is not A Heretic TOC matter. Cyril. Why post on About page?
Because the link I tried to open is on the About page. You’ld better fix the link.
>Because the link I tried to open is on the About page.
OK, that makes sense.
>You’ld better fix the link.
Where is it? Ah, just checked. Turns out to be two different places. Have just fixed them both. Thanks.
I liked the information available on your website. I request one thing is that whenever you post an article please a make PDF format as well. Because when any kind of discussion related to the MAP community if only positive analysis appears web hosting companies are forced to bring down such websites.
Therefore, PDF articles will provide better protection for the thoughts shared on this website for readers who read offline as well.
> if only positive analysis appears web hosting companies are forced to bring down such websites.
It’s my own website, Zen. The hosting server does not depend on the goodwill of a major platform.
That said, no website is entirely secure, not even government ones. That is why this site is constantly backed up. As for making PDFs available, I’ll give some thought to that. Meanwhile, thanks for the suggestion.
try some app of this kind:
Make it possible to change the font size for reading, please.
You can change the size by pressing “Control” and “Plus” (+) or “Minus” (-).
where is it?
Ah, you are using a phone! I was referring to the keyboard on a PC. However, there is probably an equivalent way of doing it on a phone. You’ll have to look it up, depending on what phone/keypad you use.
How do you like photos, Tom?
[MODERATOR: Cyril posted a link to some “cosplay” images here. Perfectly legal, but a few of the pictures were of a sexual nature. Prefer not to go down that road.]
if everything is legal then what is wrong with it?
>what is wrong with it?
Prefer not to go down that road.
would love to know what groups are available for discussion or maybe more.
This comment section is a discussion forum in itself. It is not an access point to other forums, except as regards the links given in the “Hotspots” blogroll.
So everyone here is going to pretend child sexual trauma can’t cause irreversible damage?
You’ve never watched a person waste away from anorexia or chase violently abusive relationships?
The thing you folks need to understand is that social standards aren’t completely arbitrary. And you should thank your lucky stars that you live in a society that restrains you from doing permanent damage to another person.
Every barrier you face is the world giving you another chance to reconsider your actions and make the right decision.
What paedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, incest and other such paraphilias share, besides social condemnation, is the opportunity to maximise one’s own sexual gratification and minimise the chance of rejection.
By the way, recounting your paedophilic encounters can be considered producing child pornography.
Small, thin, youthful looking adults exist. This isn’t about aesthetics. It is about preference, the preference to control the situation.
It’s hard for me to live my life, sitting on the sidelines while I watch one man’s split second impulse travel down my family tree. For an act that occurred before I was born to ripple and drown everyone who touches his life. He has destroyed my sister. As her best friend watched her devolve into incoherence he ran across the world so he wouldn’t have to watch her slowly kill herself. She lived, but we lost him last August. Her children coped surprisingly well for the first ten years. But they’re getting old enough to notice their mothers shortcomings as they barely stay out of the foster system. I am disabled and unable to take care of them.
My father was not a violent man. He was a skilled and intelligent man. He didn’t raise his voice, he didn’t have a temper. He didn’t bully or intimidate people and he kept a calm and assertive disposition. He was modestly educated, but educated all the same. Had a stable home life and lives comfortably.
He got along well with my sister when I was young. He got along with his stepdaughter better than my mother did. They had a very amicable relationship. He was always reasonable and thoughtful. And he was very, very, very good at rationalising his thoughts and opinions.
It’s no wonder he admitted his behaviour to me when I confronted him. He really thought it was okay. You guys really think this is okay.
>So everyone here is going to pretend child sexual trauma can’t cause irreversible damage?
Harvard psychologist Susan Clancy’s well-researched book The Trauma Myth does what it says on the tin, demonstrating that trauma is not a consequence of childhood sexual activity but, rather, of misplaced modern insistence that children should be “innocent” – whether they want to be or not.
Clancy, to be clear, has always taken a conventional stance against “child sexual abuse”; and, under severe social pressure following the publication of her book, she has been arguably even more stridently – some would say desperately – insistent in this regard. My response? As with Galileo, who was forced to recant his finding that Earth revolves around the Sun, not vice versa, we should focus on the findings, not on the recantation.
See my free online article “Childhood ‘Innocence’ is Not Ideal: Virtue Ethics and Child–Adult Sex” for a fuller account of my position, in the peer-reviewed academic journal Sexuality and Culture, here.
Words of empathy from me regarding the obviously deep and abiding trauma experienced in your family, Farrow, for whatever reason – there could be many – would probably be seen as insincere. So I will spare you any such exercise and simply wish you well.
»Small, thin, youthful looking adults exist. This isn’t about aesthetics. It is about preference, the preference to control the situation.«
You know, Farrow, effeminate, transgender men also exist, and if you remain heterosexual, it is not about aesthetics, it is your preference to control, to rape poor women.
The thing you, Farrow, need to understand is that natural phenomena aren’t completely accidental. You should thank your lucky stars that you are disabled and cannot do permanent damage to women you wanna rape (because all heterosexuals are rapists).
Great to find a forum like this. In the last few months I’ve become active in my area posting literature (anonymously) to educate the public about the truth. Most recently it’s been a flier for Ipce’s book Positive Memories.
Sayaka, you wrote:
>I’ve become active in my area posting literature…
Great to see someone taking an energetic initiative! And Positive Memories is a good book to promote.
By all means join the conversation on the current blog!
Thanks especially for linking to
the Consenting Juveniles project. I hope everyone to whom that term has applied can contribute to the research.
Congratulations for courage to talk about this controversial topic and discussed so superficially. Denis – Brazil
I do hope you mean “discussed so superficially” in the dominant discourse rather than the one here?! 🙂
Yes, this is a subject discussed superficially in the mainstream media, obviously. congratulations!
Tom? as a supposed victim myself aged between 4 and 13. I loved every minute. It was special. Men desiring my young body and caressing me was a turn on., My only reget was being in the wrong body at the wrong time. I have no desire to touch kids myself, but I will always be that little girl with older men
I’ve got these messages:
May be Frans needs help, or the messages are fake, I don’t know.
Cyril, these links are not working.
In any case, though, please post this sort of information to the current blog comments, not to the About page. Thanks.
Change the number of the cdn-XX, then click Download.
Thanks, but it looks like you have to accept a browser extension. I don’t like that.
Hi to all. Just wondering about Alice Day. Is it an actual day that people celebrate in recognition of child lovers…And also about certain peices of jewelry that people wear to recognize each other, where do you purchase it or is this just another urban myth….?
Alice Day is more of a celebration between girl lovers. There is jewelry, indeed, but I don’t think anyone has any courage to manufacture them anymore. I think it stopped, but, from what I can gather, it used to happen.
I am writing to tell you– reader– about a film that I have seen. It is called Hanna, and for the past week it has had an effect on me like nothing else. It is amazing! Truthfully, I never watch movies or anything like that, but I’ve had so much on my mind that I decided to try and watch some in order to distract me from my miserable, lonely and disgraceful life. I had seen Hanna advertised before on Prime, but deliberately avoided it because I thought it would be social justice warrior stuff with anti-male scenes. I knew that I would turn off as soon as the cliche of the dirty pedophile getting beaten or even killed came on.
THE FILM is an allegory of ChildLove. The father is portrayed as a really kind man and a serious man who is preparing his child for the her world, and the evil antagonist is an unmarried woman while her sidekick is also an obnoxious queer who dresses like it’s the 80s still. The horrible adults of the CIA ( Adultism) try to hurt the beautiful Hanna. The man in the old theme park is probably a childlover who is an ally of her father. There arenotherbdecent men, like how at one point she wonders out from the desert into a hotel and some Arab owner let’s her stay in a room for free, and without asking for sexual factors as would normally happen in a movie. There is nothing like that anti-male stuff you get everywhere nowadays. Hanna’s deceased mother had a last dying wish to protect her infant daughter from being turned into a hateful person like the female antagonist.
When I tell you that Hanna is amazing you must believe me! She’s beautiful and elegant and might be partly related to a wolf because she is a mutant lol. I wish I could tuck her in at night and watch her grow into a woman.
Eventually this beautiful girl-child must kill the evil feminist manhater. I was so upset when it ended. I wanted her to be safe. But I worried for her because everyone was dead in the film around her, especially her father. The film ended so abruptly! Where does she go and has she any money? Where will she stay? She is of course equipped to survive in the wilderness like a forest or tundra or desert, to eat, to keep herself clean and wear clothes that she makes herself as she is an expert hunter. But I was worried that she doesn’t know much about the world outside of that. I couldn’t stand the idea that she might be so lonely and cold and I was depressed for days. I knew, however, that she had been trained to “adapt or die” and so she would probably at first steal money by way of her stealth martial arts abilities and superior problem-soving intelligence. Then she would get lots of money from that, as well as having taken some money off of the dead bodies around her belonging to the evil henchmen. So I prayed to God or whatever it is a number of times that she would be safe and well fed and happy. She knows several languages so I figured she might want to travel Europe. Surely they could have had shown her grown up as an old woman with grandkids or something? But then the film is present day so it wouldn’t work. Then I found out that a scene had been taken out from the end so I watched the scene on YouTube. The scene is she is back in her old cabin with her wilddogs. She is wearing her modern clothes under her skins with the intention to suggest how though she lives back in the wild she will be making visits to towns and such and maybe she will eventually stay there. Though that too would be sad as she would miss her wilddogs. Only, the chimney is burning as she leaves… what does that mean? I will have to revisit that scene or investigate chimney safety in wild forests. Also, if the wolfdogs are on the bed, they must have a special entrance in her absence. She already had a fake passport but I knew that she was perfectly capable of adapting. And then at the end of the clip she turns and smiles at the camera. It is as if she is smiling at me to let me know she is fine. Do you think that the universe answered my worries? I know she doesn’t exist now but I thought maybe somewhere in another universe or whatever… I know now she is safe. What do you think girrlovers ? I know this is mostly boys tho… I have watched interviews with the actress and stuff to stop me from obsessing with the character. The actress lol is nothing like Hanna and has horrible feminist views and supports the nspc although that is in Ireland so maybe it’s different there I know the church is bad. The film is absolutely about a girl growing into a woman. Her voice is amazing and sweet in the film and I just want her to be happy. This will sound anti-sex but it’s not: I haven’t fantasised once about kissing her or anything. For some reason I don’t have a sex drive towards her. I mean it’s there but in the background.
I would die right now in a thousand torture chambers for her happiness. Of course it is selfish because I am a worshipper of beauty!
The actress said recently that she was never chosen by directors for her looks. She said it to make a MeToo point. Really though? This current atmosphere where they decry the virtue of beauty , when it is as any other like intelligence and kindness. I adore her beauty when she was a girl. From interviews at the time of the release eight years ago, it is clear how entirely different she is from her character. Some said she saved the film, which did have problems. The film might be an imperfect vessel in this life for the true thing in another. I mean, the director is English so what do they know about where a stag’s heart should be? They only shoot pheasants there.
What did anyone else think of the film? And, moreover, Hanna herself?
( I am trying to get this post on multiple forums)
Thanks for your contribution, KindWolf, but the About page comment area is not really the place for movie reviews, especially long ones. The comments here should really be about this blog, Heretic TOC.
You made me want to watch
Hi tom, i just wanted to say how happy i am to find you and others who also support maps like me. As a gay 15 year old i feel that if i show my support for maps ill really be hated. I really can wait till i dont have to hide a relashionship with an older guy like you.
Thanks Gabriel. Good to hear your supportive message.
I should add, though, that the law in all English-language jurisdictions I know of, and many others too, forbids sexual relations between youths of your age and adults. It seems you are well aware of this but it needs to be emphasised in view of the serious consequences that can befall anyone who breaks the law. Even the younger party can be given a very hard time.
Obviously, this is why we would like to see the law changed, and the culture that supports it.
If you or others want to talk to me you can on [NAME OF SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM AND USER NAME DELETED]
Hello Tom. I was wondering if you had any insights on the current political atmosphere and how this affects your goals and what impacts it has had if any on your ideas about child/adult relationships.
Seems to me that we live in a post fact era and that there’s an increase air of disatisfaction with both the economic system and the growing uncertainty for the future. I myself am worried about the whether the world will break apart and turn openly violent or if it will be more of the same until we hit the inevitable wall (like a.i or the irreversible ecological catastrophe looking over our heads).
Thank you.
Thanks, Benjamin, for this interesting expression of some very far-reaching concerns.
>I was wondering if you had any insights…
I have views and like writing about them which is why I do the blog. Maybe I’ll get around to a blog on the points you raise but in practice it takes me about 2,000 words to get into gear on a single detailed issue. To do justice to what you are asking would take a whole book!
By all means post about this and other topics not here, on the About page, which is supposed to be about the blog itself, but on the comments to whatever blog is current. That’s where more people will see it and will have the opportunity to contribute to the discussion. Don’t worry about being strictly “on topic”.
Hello, Tom! I’m a map from Russia. On our forum we made a decision to introduce the Day of Remembrance and Solidarity with the victims of pedophobia.
This is not a holiday, but a day of sorrow and memorial for those people who have not committed any violence and whose lives were destroyed by anti-pedophile laws and public hatred of pedophiles.
We need ideas on what day to assign it. It may be the date of a known murder or suicide due to pedophobia. Or it could be the date of the adoption of some particularly cruel law, because of which many innocent people suffered.
Do you support the idea of such a memorable day? If so, share your ideas on what date it should be assigned. We have some variants but we need more.
Sincerely, Sasha
Hi Sasha, good to hear from you!
>Do you support the idea of such a memorable day?
Very interesting! I imagine heretics here will have some thoughts to contribute. I’d love to hear them.
Maybe remembering Paul Christiano’s suicide, but the date is uncertain, he isolated himself on Wednesday July 29, 2015, and his corpse was discovered on Saturday August 1.
Further to my earlier comment, and following Christian’s mention of Paul Christiano:
Sasha, do you know about Paul Christiano?
The fact that your inquiry is from Russia reminds me that the suffering in question is being felt in many countries.
Paul Christiano should definitely be remembered, so I welcome Christian’s suggestion. He lived in the US and made his contribution to the cause in that country.
I would also nominate Edward Brongersma, of the Netherlands, and Pastor Joseph Doucé, of Belgium and France, as particularly worthy of commemoration.
Dr Brongersma died by voluntary euthanasia in 1998 after seeing the political climate in his own country and elsewhere turn against the radical sexual reforms he had fought long and hard for.
Pastor Doucé was murdered in 1990, reportedly after being tortured. A cleric and psychologist who ran the Centre du Christ Libérateur in Paris, he attracted hostile attention as a result of his support for a range of sexual minorities, including paedophiles. He was taken for questioning by men who showed badges indicating they were police. He never returned. Three months later his body was discovered in a forest.
Paul Christiano was for many years a dedicated volunteer and board member for B4U-ACT, working towards reducing social stigma and creating a more just society for those attracted to children and adolescents He was a talented and creative dancer and choreographer from Chicago. He apparently fell victim to despair in 2015 when faced with a possible prison sentence for violation of housing restrictions imposed as a result of a child pornography offence many years earlier. The best way to discover Paul is through the dance artistry and verbal eloquence he gave us in what may now be seen as his own memorial, a 33-minute film ironically titled Unspeakable, made in 2011. See below.
There are many online sources of information about these three figures, and I would urge you, Sasha, and your forum friends to explore them.
I would offer the following as a starting point:
Edward Brongersma:
Joseph Doucé:
Paul Christiano:
Thank you for this information! Cristiano and Brongersma was among considered options. Information about Joseph Doucé is new.
(I am Sasha Kopot. It’s my new account.)
Sadly it would just provide further opportunity for persecution and hatred of people who fight that enough.
Hi Erik. How are you? Are you doing ok?
I understand your frustrations Erik but I don’t think this blog is here for that purpose. It’s more to discuss the issue in a positive light hearted manner. I would be happy to chat privately with you if you wish to leave a contact number.
In view of the nature of Erik’s post, I’m not sure I’d be comfortable posting such a contact number. I carry the legal responsibility for this blog. In the past I was convicted of “conspiracy to corrupt public morals” and had to serve a two-year prison sentence because prosecutors managed to persuade a jury (falsely, based on very thin evidence) that I had allowed people to contact each other for sexually illicit purposes. You will understand that I am not keen to repeat that experience.
I don’t know why you want to contact Erik, Quana. In all probability the purpose is just for discussion and nothing else. However, in view of what Erik said, I have to err on the side of caution.
It was just so he could have some one to talk to as he seems quite frustrated. I completely understand your position. Apologies if I have caused any upset…
No problem, Quana, you seem like a nice guy. I share your frustration. It would be good to have a dialogue with Erik rather than close him down, but we have to live with reality…
i don’t wanna cause any trouble for anyone here-especially Tom Carroll. i guess i’m just a bit more honest about who & what i am sexually. i fully understand the implications i have stated. and if i have offended anyone please forgive me. i just wish i could talk with someone personally to air my feelings. it upsets me the laws and social outlook this subject seems to illicit. i promise to “tone” down my responses, but if it’s any way i can speak with someone, i am in great need of this.
>…if i have offended anyone please forgive me.
I don’t feel offended, Erik, but I do hear alarm bells.
>i just wish i could talk with someone personally to air my feelings…
Write to me if you think it would help, Erik, but for reasons already given there are some things I cannot allow on this forum. If you email me you will be able to say what you like and I will do my best to respond helpfully and sympathetically, but please be aware that I am not going to encourage anything illegal. This is my email address:
You have not offended me at all Erik… I admire your honesty and courage. We just have to be prudent and respectful…
I’m Erik and a young boy lover. My interest is young boys. I’m 58 years old and see myself as normal in every way. Just because I prefer sex with young boys doesn’t make me “sick”, or a “pervert”. And personally I don’t care what society thinks about me. Nor do I ever feel the need to feel ashamed for loving young boys. Yes, I fully understand society’s outlook on this subject, I know my desires are natural. In no way would I ever physically harm anyone but my natural instincts when I see a young boy fill my head with desire for him. I’m writing this to maybe talk with other like minded men.
Hi Erik. Interesting listening to you. Not sure how to make contact with like minded men on this site.
i’m a man with NEEDS for sexual gratification with young boys & young girls.
It just seems like Erik is able to be honest about who he is here. It’s easy to get carried away with how good it feels to do that after living a lie for so long. I hope you find someone like minded you can talk honestly with Erik. I completely understand how that would ease the loneliness of hiding every day. I admire your openness and courage x
I agree that 12 is the right age. I knew what I wanted then. And from my own personal experience I was fine…
At what age does penetrative sex with young boys/girls it become a realistic idea (assuming both people consent ofc)? I would think if the child was under 15 it would be too painful, even with lube and other preparations, but that’s just a first-glance kind of opinion.
> I would think if the child was under 15 it would be too painful, even with lube
Anyone, of any age, might find it too painful, regardless of what sort of penetration you have in mind.
The important principle, though, is that any sexual activity should be freely chosen. It has long been my view that those aged 12 and above are old enough to decide for themselves what sexual activity they wish to try, with a partner they are happy with and whom they are confident will stop if things start getting too painful.
Do you ever get any hassle from the UK officialdom regarding your blog, Tom? I’m thinking of publishing my own, but am wary of the downside, etc.
>Do you ever get any hassle from the UK officialdom regarding your blog, Tom?
Not yet, fingers crossed. Could be because I steer clear of contentious images, written pornography and any encouragement to break the law.
Hello Thomas. It dawned on me that from my perspective the biggest challenge for the promotion of child/adult intimate relationship is that of the relative instructional powerlessness that minors often find themselves. The idea of childhood innocence being burried so deeply in western civilization’s moral fabric that it has created several generations of hyper innocent children. How do you think this would be changed? I thought that perhaps by encouraging youth (and by that I mean adolescents) to get more involved in society hence allowing them to slowly over generations to detach themselves from the traditional hierarchy of the modern day family unit.
Any thoughts?
Hi Benjamin. Thanks for your interesting contribution. Just as a practical matter, I find I am really busy at the moment and cannot keep framing short answers (that need considerable thought) to complex questions such as this in the About column.
You might want to re-frame the question slightly and submit it in the comments section of the main current blog, where other readers are more likely to see it and pitch in with their own thoughts.
If you like have sex with a younger woman of age then. What about the children makes it desirable? I like to understand what you think. And what’s so great about the child or children?
>I like to understand what you think.
That’s a good start.
>And what’s so great about the child or children?
If you are attracted to men, Lizzie, can you explain why? Most people do not understand their own sexual feelings. They are not chosen, they are just a fact of the way we are. It is exactly the same with attraction to children.
So what if you dated or had sex with a women who looked like a child then what?
Good question!
A woman who looks very young might well be attractive to many men whose preference is for prepubescent children. However, there are not many women who look convincingly like children. Even if they do, in early adulthood, the juvenile appearance is unlikely to last long.
Also, some men, including myself, are exclusively attracted to prepubescent children. Even boys and girls of 13 or 14 are no longer attractive to me once they have entered puberty. Their body shape changes, they get pubic hair. To me they become almost a different species to what they were before.
Don’t get me wrong, paedophiles may have good social skills and be very friendly with adolescents and adults or all ages; but sexual attraction is a different matter.
Research suggests that women’s sexual orientation is typically far more fluid than men’s. For this reason, women may find it hard to understand the relatively fixed, inflexible nature of men’s sexual interests.
Hey Tom. I wanted to thank you for making me aware of the ipce site. It’s a trove of information and I’m taken aback at how “non-pc” the information is on there. It’s very strange to be aware of this perspective but unable to discuss it with anyone. I’ve tried with some friends and while some were open-minded some reacted rather violently to very notion of there being a “positive side” to pedophilic relationships.
But my question is, seeing as you’ve gone through the sexual revolution I was wondering if you could give me some insight on how pedophilia became so taboo in the first place? Like it’s been present throughout history and throughout a variety of culture but today it’s basically considered the worst possible thing you can be or do.
>But my question is, seeing as you’ve gone through the sexual revolution I was wondering if you could give me some insight on how pedophilia became so taboo in the first place?
Great question, Benjamin, but even just a half-good answer would amount to a whole book’s worth of information and discussion without being able to do more than outline a few main themes as aspects of possible explanation.
It also depends on what depths of history we go back to. Taking just the very short-term perspective, asking why the sexual revolution of the 1960s & ’70s failed to press ahead with the pro-paedophilia views then being put forward by philosophers and in left-wing politics, I would say the explanation is fundamentally economic.
Women’s increasingly important place in the workplace with the declining importance of muscle-powered manual labour has been the engine behind the morphing of old style “masculine” Marxism (the solidarity of working men and their intellectual leaders, who favoured men’s sexual liberation from monogamy and “bourgeois” family values) into pressure towards a different kind of search for social equality and justice.
This was one that castigated “patriarchal” power in a male dominated society, linking men’s alleged (and all too often real) unfair domination of women to that of children as well. In this formulation, instead of projecting sexual liberation down through the generations, so that children could be sexually free, feminist power analysis emphasised opposition to male power being used sexually against both women and children alike.
Looking more deeply into history, including the origin of “patriarchy” itself, is a much longer story!
I don’t see what the big deal is. I had my first sexual encounter when I was 12 with a man much older than me and it was such an amazing experience… It lasted for about 3 years after that and I ended up doing ok in life.
Quana, your voice and others with a similar message need to be heard more often and more fully. Great if you could relate your account to Consenting Juveniles, here:
Just go to the Contact page. Or even write a guest blog for Heretic TOC (anonymously, for your protection) if you feel you have plenty to say.
Hello. I’m trying to get an idea of the conversation and while I’ve seen references I haven’t managed to find sources. I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction in order to find these so called “black swan” cases where the youth in the relationship expresses positive or neutral impact that their relationship with adult (sexual or not) had on them. I’m finding it difficult to find the sources of your book ” the radical case” on the internet and I’m never sure whether the stories of abuse I do find on the web suffer from the same oversaturated sample of people that the studies of child sexual abuse bring (as I’m the pedos are often from a clinical sample meaning it’s not ideal for judging the whole demographic
Great question for the About section Benjamin. Actually, I should get around to making a dedicated page to do full justice to this fundamental point as I am not sure the “black swan” sources are succinctly stated elsewhere.
There are two very important, readily accessible compilations giving actual cases of positively experienced child-adult sexual contacts:
Burns, M. (2015). Cases in the research. Consenting Juveniles.
Rivas, T. (2013). Positive memories: Cases of positive memories of erotic and platonic relationships and contacts of children with adults as seen from the perspective of the former minor. Ipce.
The most important scientifically sound source in terms of understanding the overall situation is this one:
Rind, B., Bauserman, R., & Tromovitch, P. (1998). A meta-analytic examination of assumed properties of child sexual abuse using college samples. Psychological Bulletin, 124(1), 22–53.
Precisely because this was a statistically rigorous study showing that so-called child sexual “abuse victims” are NOT generally traumatised (even when non-consensual encounters are included in the figures), it came under extraordinary attack not long after publication and its authors were vilified. However, their work is now accepted by psychologists and other academics in the field, and widely cited by them.
The Rind et al. study is heavy-going, especially for those of us who are not expert statisticians. However, papers that explain the debate for the lay reader are given at “The RBT Files” on the excellent Ipce site:
Everyone should see this great new video, which is a wonderful “black swan” interview with Hollywood legend Scotty Bowers:
Tom, I don’t have means to contact you directly, in private. So I’m commenting here.
The United Nations are moving to ban cartoon/fictional child pornography. More details below.
Thanks for this info sent to the About page, Yure. This kinds of thing is better posted in the Comments space on the latest blog though.
Anyone who needs to contact me on a personal or private matter can do so by email to me at this address:
Should I repost there?
If you’ve got a moment, yes. More readers will see it there. The About section is mainly for newcomers.
I do have time. Thanks for the headsup. I showed here because the latest blog post wasn’t about this, so I thought it would be weird to mention something off-topic.
For those who belive that beeing pedophile is normal, well is not normal at all no metter as hard you try to prove it is.
You are muddling a couple of concepts here Roxana. Most people are not preferential paedophiles. So paedophilia is unusual. Heretic TOC does not deny this. So, yes, statistically speaking paedophilia is not the norm. The same could be said of homosexuality.
With homosexuality, do we say it is bad because it is not the mainstream? If something is to be condemned, there has to be a reason over and above whether it is common or unusual.
Maybe you are saying paedophilia is pathological? The linked article makes some suggestions along these lines. But even if this were true it does not in itself have moral implications e.g. when you catch a cold or get cancer, you are suffering from a sickness but it doesn’t indicate that you are a bad person or do bad things.
Some psychological “disorders” actually have a positive side. It is now known that many top scientists, engineers and other very creative intellectuals are on the autistic spectrum.
In today’s worldly societies; the norm is dictated by the specific laws each country has and if they enforce these laws. Morality subserviently is entrusted by law. Some countries state that adult sexual relations is legal starting at 12 or 13 years of age. Due to that law; it is not immoral to have sex with a person of that age. In the US; sex with a person of that age is against the law; therefore immoral. Morality does not dictate the norm. Law does.
Hi, I just started reading Pedophilia: The Radical Case and I haven’t finished it yet but so far I’ve found it really fascinating. I don’t know what my opinion is at this point- if I think pedophilia is good in some cases or all cases or bad without exception (and maybe that’s a good thing, for the sake of reading without bias.)
I don’t have it all figured out yet, but the one thing I know I disagree with is the fact that pedophiles are judged as immoral, disgusting beings without being given any platform to defend themselves. Whenever somebody’s revealed as a pedophile, their life is destroyed, so of course most people are just going to keep their nose clean. In my opinion, if we’re going to advance anywhere as a society we have to engage both sides in the argument, whether or not the issue at hand is immoral or not. Maybe pedophiles are detestable in all cases, but even if that’s so, they’re still human. So they have the same rights as anybody else.
Are there any other books, movies, essays, etc that support pedophilia? I feel like there’s so much discussion being wasted with the knee-jerk reaction of most people, but it’s so difficult to find any material from the other side.
Thank you,
Love your open-mindedness, Ain! We sure could do with more of that across a range of topics.
Did you find my book online at Ipce’s excellent library? There is a wealth of interesting material to be found at but it may be hard to know how to prioritise.
For a recent selection of the best work you could do worse than consult some of the references mentioned in the conclusion to a paper of mine published recently in the academic journal Sexuality & Culture. I would say that to start with it is more useful to understand what is known about child sexuality rather than paedophilia, and I give references on that. In recent years, though, there has been far too little formal study in this area: it’s seen as too hot to handle!
Indeed, as I say in my conclusion, “…the very concept of “child sexuality” is increasingly presented as an oxymoron (Angelides 2004).”
I then continue:
“In these circumstances, a reasonable starting point would be to begin giving fair consideration to the limited amount of evidence we do have on child sexuality, including the fact that it does not support the conventional wisdom of childhood innocence (Bancroft 2003; Leahy 1991, 1992; Martinson 1973, 1994) and does indicate that mutually desired child–adult sexual relations are not intrinsically harmful and may be beneficial (Burns 2015; Kilpatrick 1992; Leahy 1991, 1992, 1996; Okami 1991; Rind 2003; Rivas 2013; Sandfort 1987, 1992).”
These references are listed in full at the end of the paper which you can get as a free full text PDF download from the publisher’s link, here:
In addition there are important formal discussions of relevant ethics/philosophy. The best introduction to the references would be to read my article, which is itself largely philosophical.
Its people who are sexual sadists and that have a violent nature, that like to inflict mental and physical pain, that cause the real problems. Not only in children but in adults as well. The word pedophile is being used as a general term and should be called something else when it doesn’t include sadism. I know therapists will argue that all forms of sexual encounters between children and adults is harmful and causes mental pain, but that’s an assumption and a lie. It all depends on how it is done. If it is against the will of a person ofcourse it’s damaging and wrong. Sexual sadists are the people most likely to do actual harm because they don’t care if its consensual or not.
According to Australian research statistics that reveal 1 in 6 girls by the age of 18 report they have been involved in sexual activity with an adult, why is it that a vast majority never come forward when the law makes it so easy for them to come forward. Why aren’t we seeing thousands of men before the courts every week? Why? Because the truth is that most of the harm is done by the sexual sadists and the vast majority of so called pedophiles are not sexual sadists and have not created any harm to their so called victims. Do we ever hear about women who describe their sexual encounters with an adult in childhood as being a good or pleasant experience? No. because society doesn’t want to hear the truth and we have been brainwashed to believe that any such activity is harmful and wrong so even those that didn’t really have a bad experience will still have to believe that they did.
Relationships be it sexual or otherwise between adults and children have been going on since the beginning of time and for a certain percentage of people, its a normal part of life. Its nothing more than a different sexual preference. Who has the right to say what is right or wrong anyway unless it harms someone? There is research that shows that it does not cause harm if it is consensual but such research is quickly attacked.
In America and Europe people could marry at the age of 10 -12, some 130 years ago. It wasn’t a big deal then. Allah, for example, had a wife who was 9 yrs old. So are Islamists all pedophiles? Many cultures don’t have a problem with it so why has it become such a big deal in Western culture in this day and age? We live in a society where bank robbers and murders get celebrity status whilst pedophiles are seen as devils. Lets distinguish between pedophiles because there are two classes. The word pedophile should only be used when it involves people who are sexual sadists. Most pedophiles are not sexual sadists.
Thank you, Rey Gonzales. Basically, I agree with all this, although there is a slight slip that I guess was unintentional. You wrote:
>Allah, for example, had a wife who was 9 yrs old
I think you meant to say the prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam.
Your ideology is your own insanity.
It’s your own insanity that makes you think prepubescent children enjoy sexual behavior from a grown man or woman.
You yourself has said, if a child is exposed to socially acceptable sexual behavior, ex. Seeing their parents having sex, they’re more acceptable to accepting sexual advances.
In all the research you have given..we have not heard the side of your victims..or as you say…your lovers…and their stories.
Just because someone doesn’t show pain, does not mean they aren’t in pain. To me, you lack empathy. In empathy is love.
Your claim that your sexual preference is the same as being gay is absurd. Which brings me back to the same thought.
Your ideology is only one sided. You’re victims do not even have the vocabulary to speak about the violating acts that you call love. Let alone be a willing and knowing participant of YOUR act.
I doubt this will make your blog, as I am sure you do not have any intellectual answers that you can’t back up with a B.S. reference.
Insane people don’t know they’re insane.
>I am sure you do not have any intellectual answers that you can’t back up with a B.S. reference.
Doesn’t pre-dismissing any references as B.S. before you even know what they are, and what evidence they might contain, sound a bit like prejudice? It is literally prejudging. Aren’t thoughtful, educated, rational people supposed to be against that? Or are you just a straightforward bigot?
I am an alledged victim and let me tell you straight. I enjoyed every minute of it. I often knew it was coming and my tummy was excited. I would rather have a grown man kissing and stroking my body than having one kicking me upside down. I were born a boy but I were happy to be an innocent 10 year old stood on a stage winning competitions dressed as a girl. I personally don’t go for kids. I like the older men so that I can carry on my past. Men cut off and leave you in the dark though. That is what I hate about them. When you start responding like a girl and start flirting then they give you the brush off, You aren’t that little kid anymore.
>Men cut off and leave you in the dark though.
To the extent that this happens, it is a fair point of criticism. But there are good grounds for saying it isn’t typical.
I find this quite an awful self-explanatory thought, but hypothetically, if any young child was ever able to give constent and was interested in any sexual activity, it wouldn’t for sure be with a repulsive old man. That would be too scary and just gross. Stop lying to yourself, no child wants you near them. I am 25 and would not let you touch me, it’s simply too gross. Ew.
The law against sexual contacts between children and adults also applies to handsome, attractive adults the same age as you, and much younger! It serves to criminalise even teenagers who have such contacts.
Incidentally, children do not necessarily find older people repulsive, especially if they have been brought up by older people – in some cases this might be by their grand-parents.
I wish I had met you Tom in my younger days. You are hot and I would have wanked you off and let you pass me around your friends. I am a boy but I love attention by men and especially when they turn me into a girl. If you ever get locked up again, I will be your younger wife.
[Tom writes: Love your enthusiasm, Paula, but let’s be clear: passing kids around was never on my agenda. If a kid can enjoy sex with more than one adult, that’s fine – Hollywood’s Scotty Bowers is a good published example, in his memoir Full Service – but is should be their choice, not the adult’s.]
I just ran across this bit of research that fits in with our battle. I suspect that we still have some room to get to the 25% mark, but perhaps not as far as I sometimes fear.
Yes, I have already read this interesting article. I doubt we’d get 2.5% at the moment, though, never mind 25%.
Can The New GDPR Be Used Against This Lot?
Whilst I’m not on their database, I wonder if we can use the new EU legislation to shut this website down?
Shower of bastards!
>Can The New GDPR Be Used Against This Lot?
Interesting thought. Might be worth a bit of research.
Reading the bumf, it looks like only those directly affected by it can complain.
What is your opinion on the book ‘Lolita’?
Hi, Andrew. This is not really the best place for such a question. By all means post it as a comment on the main blog page where it is possible a number of readers may want to give their opinions of Lolita.
I sent you an email with an enquiry concerning Paidika magazine but maybe it never arrived.
Where I live (sunny Mediterranean) there is a great poverty of discussion concerning childhood sexuality so your books and blog are a real treasure.
Cheers! 🙂
Sorry, Liz, I remember seeing your email and meant to respond. Something must have distracted me and it slipped behind the filing cabinet. I will now go away and try to make amends before too long.
Thanks so much!
Tom, did you receive my latest e-mails (from 5th and 13th of May)? Due to some technical problems I occasionally have with my e-mail service, they might have simply failed to reach you… So I want to ascertain that they you have them!
Yes, I received both email and replied to them. However, when checking to see the dates of my replies I could find neither of them in the record. I assure you I sent them, but the record appears to have auto-deleted, something I have never experienced before.
What remains on the record, though, is an email I sent to Bartender on 2 May, saying Hi Bartender, “I have emailed the Russian author of the article you mentioned, as you requested, copying to him your message.”
Incidentally, I am having technical problems of my own at the moment. I may have to have Windows reinstalled. My computer is very slow, grinding to a halt.
Unfortunately, I haven’t received your replies… Maybe you would make one last try to send them?
If this attempt fails, then I will wait for the resuscitation and/or renovation of your PC system, so we will be able to restore our private communication!
There is no point. You now know I emailed Bartender. If he doesn’t reply to either you or me, what am I supposed to do, especially when my own PC is dysfunctional? No more messages from you on this, please.
Hello, Carroll! I’m a young Brazilian and although I’ve known him for a while, I’ll start following his site now! There seems to be a good collection of texts here (I’ve read some)
It’s a shame that I have not yet read your book ‘Paedophilia: The Radical Case’ because I do not speak English yet, and as far as I know, there is no translation into Portuguese …
Hi Rique! Thanks for your kind words and for taking the trouble to write in English. Who knows, maybe someone else reading this whose first language is Portuguese, and who also has quite good English, might like to do a translation? As you appear to be learning English, it is even possible you might do such a translation yourself when you reach a more advanced stage. There is already a Russian translation, for sure, and I have heard in the past about work on French, German, Spanish and Japanese versions, although I cannot say whether any of these were ever completed.
People tend to call me Tom, by the way, rather than Carroll. So, best wishes from Tom!
It would be a pleasure to translate your book one day!
Oooh yes! Here in my country we usually call people by their first name, but I was in doubt about other countries, I heard that it was some kind of “lack of respect” but it seems not!
So, hugs, Tom! 🙂
>Here in my country we usually call people by their first name
Including your president, I think: Lula, Dilma… Not sure about the guy you’ve got now!
The current one is called ‘Michel Temer’, a conservative coup … One of the worst things that has happened in Brazil in the last years …
So I gather. Last year I read a very revealing article about these developments by Perry Anderson in the London Review of Books:
I guess people do not call “Michel” by his first name, except those close to him.
Looks like a good article, I’ll read it soon.
Yes, it’s called ‘Temer’, but there’s no specific reason, it’s not respect or anything like that, it’s just an exception …
I don’t know how you manage to stay cheerful, Tom? I find it depressing when I see and hear reminders of what I was convicted for around the place.
You think everything has died down, then a comment out of the blue from someone purse you back to square one. I’ve found recently that there are teenage kids keep staring at my house for a long time and then at me when I’m out and about. You can see them mouthing comments to each other and at times pointing. It certainly doesn’t help my low moods or poor mental health…
Could you move? For those who can, it often brings a complete change of atmosphere: much more cheerful. Not saying it’s ideal but better than being stuck in a depressing environment.
Wish I could, Tom. But finances and my mother’s failing health doesn’t permit it at this time, unfortunately.
Too bad, sorry to hear it.
My mum started talking about the BBC complaining to Facebook regarding do called child abuse images on Facebook.
I think my mum does it to rub it in and see if I produce the ‘correct’ outraged response.
It’s a real pain in the arse at times!
Do you think militant paedophilia may come to the forefront because of the witch hunt that’s being perpetuated by the tabloid media, the BBC and tattooed knuckle dragging thugs aka paedo hunters?
Depends what you mean by militant. There is no mileage in violent extremism, though, if that’s what you mean. Whoever tries it is dead, with nothing whatever gained.
I wouldn’t advocate violence of any description. What I meant was non violent civil disobedience. Militant in the form of fighting back against the witch hunts, etc. More like Stonewall was for gay rights…
I wish there was a way. Tell me if you find one.
The Stonewall Inn was a gay venue, where the gay community already had strength in numbers, locally at least, so their revolt against a police raid had a chance of being effective.
However, I think organised protest by paedophiles based on events with similar numbers, or even an event with thousands attending, would be put down with ruthless force, with strong public support. Stonewall would not have worked for the gays if public hostility had been as great as it is against paedophiles.
There are other way, for sure, such as the spectaculars organised by the likes of Fathers 4 Justice some years ago in the UK. They threw purple flour at the Prime Minister, and had a Batman figure landing on Buckingham Palace.
I suspect such antics would merely get paedophiles jailed to no great effect.
I think there are only 4 choices for the future of our sexual orientation. One is the status quo were people are criminalised. Two is rounding us all up and putting us to death, as some would advocate. Thirdly, throw us all in jail for a long time, requiring possibly space for several hundreds of thousands of us. The last option and the leas likely in my lifetime is the decriminalisation of active paedophilia and watching child port. [TOC: Sport? Ah, porn, got it! For one dreadful moment I thought they’d made it illegal to watch kids playing soccer, etc., although that may come!]
I strongly believe that we are headed towards some resembling 1930’s Nazi Germany’s attitude towards some minorities and the persecution that followed, but with paedophiles being the target, legitimised by the State, media and the large thuggish element prevalent today!
Wonderful blog here/ thank you so much!
Article submission:
Origins Of B.D.S.M./Hypocrisy Of Female Sexuality | by Jessie Nagy
Dear Jessie Nagy,
Thank you for submitting your article, “Origins Of B.D.S.M./Hypocrisy Of Female Sexuality”.
Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons why I will not be able to use it, starting with length: at nearly 7,000 words it is far too long for use as a guest blog, as I aim to keep these at around 2,000 words or under. Sometimes a blog can be split into more than one part but only if the style is right, and I am afraid that is not the case with this one: it is written like notes for an essay rather than an essay itself, which needs a more flowing and connected narrative.
Judging by the subject matter as it presents itself in the first few paragraphs, your theme and ideas might be of some be interest but the material needs to be marshalled very carefully into a coherently presented argument and I do not see any sign of that.
So I cannot use your article. You are welcome to make short comments on my blog in the usual way though.
Best wishes,
Tom O’Carroll
Heretic TOC
Rejoice! has rated the “Child Safety” of your blog as “Excellent”:
So all mothers can confidently let their kids visit H-TOC.
> has rated the “Child Safety” of your blog as “Excellent”
Quite right, too, albeit a surprising accolade!
Thanks for info, Christian.
The Sun readers of the Country who are controlled by a easy no weight view. Will always gather strength in numbers it easy to blame. When you look at other Countries through out the world we are the most backwould in my mind on this subject. History proves your points it easy to say no.
Hi Tom, freedom of speech in this country is slowly slipping away.
My thoughts support a lot in which you speak, I can’t say to much but
keep on being true to yourself. It’s gone totally mad the country in which we live in over protective to the extreme .
Thanks Tim!
Appreciating the time and effort you put into your
site and detailed information you provide. It’s nice to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same out of date rehashed information. Fantastic read!
I’ve saved your site and I’m adding your RSS feeds to my Google account.
Your an idiot and so are the people who espouse your claptrap. You can keep fighting but you will never win. Your wish to have sex with children just shows what a lunatic you are along with all your perverted friends and followers. What’s the matter, can’t find anyone your own age who would tolerate you or were you just rejected a lot as a teenager?
>What’s the matter, can’t find anyone your own age who would tolerate you or were you just rejected a lot as a teenager?
On the contrary, Cori, I was not bad looking (check out the old newspaper photos online if you don’t believe me), well educated, had a good job, and young ladies were falling over themselves to be my girlfriend. Unfortunately for them (and possibly for me!), I just didn’t find adult women sexually attractive, and still don’t. That’s what paedophilia is: it’s about being attracted to children. It is an orientation, just like being gay. It’s not something you choose. It’s who you are.
9 months since my last post and I am still alive and kicking. Well, well….it appears as “James Riske”, “Bob and Carole” and racist “Tom Shelly, White God” is still alive and well, or at least that sort of mentality. I remember back in the mid 1990’s (yeah, I’m THAT old!) when you, Tom, had some spirited debates/fights with that boorish cretin on the usenet forums. His vile attitude and closed mind used to anger me beyond words. I applaud your calm, well thought out response to “Cori Rodriguez”. I don’t think there’s enough narcotic sedatives in the world for me to be able to deal with those types of arrogant blowhards. I doff my cap to you, good sir!
Thanks very much, M. Very best wishes to you! It seems my memory must going, though, because I do not recollect the debates/fights you mention in the 1990s on the usenet forums. Sure it wasn’t another Tom? Tom Reeves, perhaps?
Hmm…whoever it was used the pseudonym Tom O’Carrol. It was for that very
reason I happened to remember your name! It must have been an admirer of
yours. You’ll be happy to know whoever it was did a fine job defending our
position and cause. Thanks for your reply, hope you are doing great! 🙂
>…hope you are doing great!
Sure am thanks! All best!
“No visual links though, please.”
Tom, can I post a link to the YouTube video featuring France 24 English report about homophobia (and paedophobia) in Russia? There is nothing even remotely resembling “kiddie porn” there, so it can be used against you, me and everyone else here, for sure…
OK, go ahead.
Videos are a problem, though, especially if they go above two or three minutes. I may not have time to personally check them. Despite that I remain legally responsible.
Thanks. And I wanted to say “it can NOT be used against you, me and everyone else here, for sure”. Unfortunately, there is no way to edit your comment after you have posted it… And making replies is hard, since you are automatically moved in the end of the web page, losing the ability to see text to which you are replying. And the comments are shrinking when you are replying…
WordPress as a blog platform has its technical problems, for sure. But it supports unrestricted free speech, and this is what is good about it. It refused to supress your blog after the public demands to do it, as I remember…
Hey, Tom. Mind ever joining us in LifeLine (run by BoyChat) to real-time chat with other paedophiles? There is quite a mixed audience, in fact — several non-paedophiles, several female paedophiles, both heterosexuailty and homosexuality represented.
>Mind ever joining us in LifeLine
Sure, sounds interesting. Not this week, though. Kinda busy. Thanks for asking.
So you’re coming sometime? Cool. May want to tell me the day(s) and time(s) and then it could be announced on both BC and LL that a ‘special guest’ is coming – many people would be interested in talking with you, I imagine, being such an important figure. Also, the chatroom is only open at scheduled times – typically Tuesdays 6PM-10PM, Thursdays 4AM-6AM, Fridays 6PM-8PM, Saturdays 8PM-10PM, and Sundays 6PM-10PM, all times British time. But there are exceptions, because rarely a scheduled time gets missed and the chat doesn’t go open, and sometimes the chatroom is open at random times. All of that can be accounted for, however, by planning it with one of the moderators – I could arrange that for you if you want.
>May want to tell me the day(s) and time(s)
OK, thanks for the schedule. I’ll give it some thought.