Anger, confusion, shattered lives… and love

Footage of a disgraced teacher’s banishment to a bleak, cramped, lonely existence in an isolated caravan in the middle of nowhere after an offence of downloading “child sexual abuse images” provided a 90-minute Channel 4 TV documentary this week with the perfect visual symbol.
Alex, a teacher for 15 years and father of two young adult daughters, found himself exiled from a six-bedroom, well-appointed family home in the face of his wife Kate’s anger, bloodcurdling online abuse and frosty hostility from the neighbours in their respectable suburban location.
It is with these neighbours that Married to a Paedophile begins. Or rather their houses. We see Kate braving an outing to her front garden to give the film makers a quick briefing on what had become mainly enemy territory. Pointing to the house opposite, she said the lady there had been “lovely” to her since the news of Alex’s downfall. The other houses were a different story: This one: nasty. That one: horrible. Over on the right: enemy. Across to the left: enemy.
Then there were the social media messages: “Gotta wonder about the wife. She’s gotta be a whore.” That was just one of the milder ones.
None of this will be at all surprising to my fellow heretics here at Heretic TOC. It is an agonisingly familiar scenario, even if most of us haven’t had a female spouse’s point of view as our starting point. Reading this, the first thought coming to many here may be that Channel 4 did a comparable doc not so long ago called The Paedophile Next Door, from Testimony Films. With the honourable exception of a fine contribution from our own Ed Chambers, it turned out to be a dreadful compendium of shock-horror clichés.
But really there is no comparison. The latest offering is from a different outfit, Brinkworth Films, and is of vastly higher quality in every way: the time and care taken over its production, the presentational style, the absence of clichés, the refusal to be judgemental. It is a work of integrity that enables its participants to express themselves at length and in depth, giving breathing space to the issues, doing justice to their complexity.
Director Colette Camden’s achievement owes much to the fact that she focused on just two families in which the husbands were convicted of downloading and followed what happened to them for 18 months, from the wives’ immediate reactions to the arrests to longer-term repercussions over this lengthy period, as the shock-wave spread to children and grandchildren.
As for the husbands, their views and feelings were also explored. My reaction was in large part to see them as co-victims of brutally oppressive and unnecessary police and legal processes, but realistically we must suppose that most of the audience will take a different view. That’s fine. I am just happy the programme doesn’t thrust any particular interpretation down our throats.
It shunned that easy resort, the holy wrath of an outraged presenter; it even spared us the tears that our emotionally incontinent times seem to demand at every turn, not just from the recently bereaved but from those who have simply won a tennis championship, or a singing contest, or even merely earned some praise for baking a cake. The participants in this particular programme really do have plenty to cry about, God knows, and we may be sure there has been no shortage of weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth.
But what we see is calm reflection. We know, as any sensitive audience would, that these have been traumatic times for all concerned. It needs no emphasis. What we see instead is the longer term reality: the unavoidable stoicism of just having to get on with things; the mental struggle of coming to terms with the bald fact that nothing will ever be the same again; and the gradual rebuilding of shattered lives.
A key innovation that enabled people to speak and be shown freely was that the participants did not appear in person. Instead, their names have been changed and their actual spoken words were lip-synched by actors, who did a superb job: I would not have known they were not the actual families if I hadn’t been told. It also meant that everyone could be represented visually, including the little grandchildren of the second family, without them being hideously defiled by censorious pixilation.
As for that “perfect visual symbol” I mentioned at the start, I suspect a lot of artifice went into its depiction. Just as actors have been used as stand-ins for the people, stand-in locations have also been deployed, so that the families cannot be identified by their houses or neighbourhoods. So what we get is supposed to be similar to the original but not identical.
In the case of the caravan, my hunch is that artistic licence was taken. But any “cheating” was in a good cause: rather than taking us away from the truth it compels our interest in it. The beat up little old van is just a tad too humble; and its picturesque isolation, not on a caravan site but set in a scene of otherwise unblemished rural loveliness, at once blesses the eye and burdens the heart. How, we cannot help but ask, can it have come to this?
What, then, do we learn? What do these dramas tell us?
It would be unwise to generalise too much based on a sample of only two families but some clear points of interest emerge that our own prior knowledge will surely tell us are widely applicable.
Broadly, the story on the wives’ side is of mixed emotions: lingering loyalty to the partner they loved, but also anger and a deep sense of betrayal. As for why this had happened to them, there was very little to be seen but puzzlement, confusion and incomprehension. Lucy and Jes, Alex and Kate’s daughters, were far more sympathetic towards Alex than Kate was. Lucy, especially, made a valiant attempt to explain away her father’s transgressions in terms of mental illness and depression.
Kate took umbrage in a far more personal way: her partner had committed a criminal offence, she insisted. Worse, he had insulted her.
“I’m really angry that he would want to look at that stuff when he had me,” she protested. “What was wrong with me? Why not stick to what was right, what he should have been looking at, which was me?”
It would have taken a paedophile to explain that she need not have felt bad on that account. A paedophile could have pointed out that sexual attraction to children is an ever-present and powerful orientation, not a trivial seeking after novelty; nor does it imply lack of loyalty towards a sincerely loved adult partner.
Sadly, no such paedophile was available to say this. There was Alex, of course, but he turned out to be in deep denial. Kate tells us the first thing he said when he was arrested, and kept repeating, was “I’m not a paedophile. I’m not a paedophile.” Same with the husband in the other featured family, Robert. According to his wife, Helen, he too insisted he had no sexual interest in children. He told her he didn’t watch the videos, he just liked collecting them!
The fact is that both of these guys had been caught bang to rights with multiple images showing children, some of them very young, sexually engaged in “pretty much everything”, as Kate put it, while some of Robert’s images were clearly very extreme. Mere curiosity? A magpie-like collecting compulsion? I don’t think so. Alex got off relatively lightly with a 12-month community service order, whereas Robert served a prison sentence and was behind bars for 16 months. Both men, I think it is sensible to conclude, were definitely paedophiles.
It is more than understandable, of course, that they felt unable to admit it to their wives and families. As Alex dryly admitted, “You can see why people can go off you.” Clearly a man of easy charm, he reminded me of former politician Neil Hamilton, disgraced in the parliamentary cash-for-questions scandal back in the 1990s. One senses that, like Hamilton, Alex will bounce back. Even by the end of the programme he was able to talk of finding a certain happiness, despite all the heartache his family had been through: life is simpler now, he said philosophically.
Robert, by contrast, is in prison when the programme starts and we hear about him through his immensely loyal wife, who visits him inside frequently and is ready to meet him at the gates on his release date. “I’ve loved him for 44 years,” she says, “you can’t just switch that off.”
Ultimately, though, as time moves on, so do Helen’s sentiments. She has her little pre-school grandchildren to think about, and her daughter-in-law has strong feelings on the matter. Also, a nice new man, Richard, comes into her life. She’s still friendly towards Robert but is haunted by the knowledge that one of the images in his collection was particularly extreme, showing a man masturbating over a baby’s face…
It is a triumph of the programme, I suggest, that it is content to present Robert as a much loved and plausibly lovable man despite this damning revelation. His little granddaughter, we hear, was angry because no one would explain to her why her beloved granddad had gone to prison and why she couldn’t see him again. The kids, of course, are usually the last people to have their views taken into account…
Has anyone seen this documentary, just out, called American Circumcision? It is available through a range of outlets on a paying basis but there is a free trailer. It is getting good customer reviews at Amazon, such as this one, from Dave JP, on 31 August:

A highly informative documentary exposing the myths (or lies) about the alleged “benefits” of the elective surgical mutilation of male babies that goes back only to the late 19th century in the USA, done for a variety of changing rationales but until recently (whatever the irrational pretexts) solidly embedded in the cultural milieu to the point that it had become sheer routine custom. The film explores the revulsion and anger of men who were damaged physically and emotionally, as well as the regrets of parents and health care professionals for their complicity in perpetuating this tragedy, which is still dismissed by some with offensive comments such as “Get a life”. Fortunately, as the film shows, people are waking up, questioning, protesting, and even suing the practitioners who engaged in this barbaric non-therapeutic ritual.

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Sara Ahmed

I have seen a commentator by the name of Dissident who says that it is natural for grow men to date girls of 19, as I cannot answer there, I will do it here:
Just because something is technically legal, doesn’t mean you should do it. I’m just gonna be blunt here, most 30 year old men who are going for such young girls do NOT have good intentions. I don’t know why you want to date a 19 years old, but whichever it is, this is wrong. And it shouldn’t be subjective. It’s just objectively wrong. A 30 year old man is done growing. He is at a COMPLETELY different stage in his life. A 19 year old girl is not done growing, physically, mentally or emotionally. There is so much potential for manipulation and abuse in a relationship like this. A 30 year old man going for a 19 year old girl is creepy as hell and wrong and I would never trust a man like that. Really, why does a grown ass man need to pursue someone who is, relative to him, basically a child? He’s old enough to be her father. I really don’t enjoy being a cruel or judgmental person, but I am not going to pretend these relationships are ever okay. Even if you think they’re working. You don’t need to be 11 years older than your partner, you really don’t. A 19 year old girl to a 30 year old man is a CHILD. This is an adult dating a child. It is messed up. It’s predatory and it’s a horrible idea.

Ed Chambers

Hi Sara. I find it interesting that you should regard a 30 year old man as old enough to be the father of a 19 year old girl. Indeed, said 10 – 11 year old boy would certainly be well within his rights to sow his seed at such a young age. As many will know, young sperm is the best sperm, so in biological terms it really is the best time for a young male to be fathering children. For him to be closer in age to his offspring is a good thing, as it would be arguably easier for him to relate to them.
As you will be aware Sara, a woman’s beauty can never compare to that of a young loli, hence the futile attempts of ‘mature’ females to keep looking young has spawned a multi billion pound world wide industry. Women are naturally insanely jealous of the beauty of little girls, but keep it well hidden, and let this manifest in their persecution and prohibition of intergenerational relationships.
Truth be told, if an ‘adult’ male were allowed to be completely honest, they would certainly admit to choosing the younger female everytime, certainly for reproductive purposes. Other, social constructs such as politically or socially motivated purposes for marriage would certainly see men seek older women. But let this not be mistaken for the natural order of such events on the issue.
Young females are by far the best choice for so many reasons, unless we are talking about marriage for power or money.
As for these kind of relationships being creepy, you are entitled to your opinion, but what I find far more creepy is that you should find your way here to Tom’s blog to espouse such troll like behaviour in regards to what you will no doubt know and understand to be the general consensus here on topic, but such is Tom’s commitment to freedom of speech, unlike so many other blogs and platforms in this bat shit crazy world.


In fact, older women have a lot of advantages to the younger ones – more refined intelligence, better emotional control, higher communicative and thiniking skills. All that more experience of living in this world brings. So, there is no real reason for them to be jealous of the younger girls – they have what to propose men, so to attract them to themselves.
Of course, many of them will still be jealous… But such uncontrolled emotions are common, even pervasive, in the men as well: how many of them are aggressive without an objective reason? Especially if they think – very often mistakenly – that “their” women in a danger? Just think about the prominence of the imagery of Our Women Endangered by the Enemies of Our Country in the “patriotic” (read: militarist / imperialist) propaganda…
Unfortunately, our minds are still too strongly controlled by the affective impulses of our biology. Our critical intelligence and creative imagination, provided us by our culture, are not too strong in themselves to counteract them. Yet there are a higher parts of our minds as well – our spirit, our free wills and true selves that are entirely out of control by the biological impulses. We can and should use our will and awareness directed by it to empower our thought enough to be able to understand our impulses and to direct them as we will.
The most important thing to understand is that direction is not suppression. Our affectivity, sensuality and sexuality are crucial part of ourselves, not to be denied; the denial of our sensuality and the suppression of it will only bring damage. Yet, being combined with our intellectual and volitional capabilities, they can be refined and deepened – and harmonised with our parts of our personality, allowing us to reach our fullness and wholeness. We can be attracted to kids (as most people here) or to adults (like me), yet all of us are able to actively fulfill our attractions, together with others, in understanding and responsible ways.


In fact, older women have a lot of advantages to the younger ones – more refined intelligence, better emotional control, higher communicative and thiniking skills. All that more experience of living in this world brings. So, there is no real reason for them to be jealous of the younger girls – they have what to propose men, so to attract them to themselves.
Frankly, Explorer, in all of my experience I think the above is very subjective and relative to the individual younger or older person. Keep in mind that I work with older women, and have many as both friends and relatives, and I can attest that a good percentage of their number do not have good emotional control, more refined intelligence, wisdom, sophistication, etc., et al., than younger women. As for the latter group, I have known many who do.
I think younger and older women have different qualities to bring to the table, and what any individual man is more attracted to (on all levels) is, again, depending on the individual man in question. And regardless of his age group, as well. I concur that older women have no need to be jealous, because there will always be males (and other females) of all ages who have a preference for them. Trying to shame all men of a certain age group into being available for them is not the route to go, however.


It’s normal for a 40 sonething man to marry a girl at age 6 and wait till she’s 9 to connsumate the marriage because of concerns for her safety as a six year old girl’s vagina may be hurt. Its just as normal for a young 20s man to marry and have sex with an 40s woman. Both are permissible by God’s rules. However the young girl and the older man is preferable. These cases I mentioned are those of the prophet Mohammed (may Allah’s peace be on him) and his wives. That is the example for all persons to aspire to. Today’s society is the abberation and tenporary.


Sara Ahmed
>You don’t need to be 11 years older than your partner, you really don’t. A 19 year old girl to a 30 year old man is a CHILD. This is an adult dating a child. It is messed up. It’s predatory and it’s a horrible idea.
Would you say it is wrong if both parties are consenting? Is it predatory for a 30yr old or 60yr old woman to date a 19yr old man? If so why is it predatory beauty is in the eye of the beholder also do you think it is right for a 50yr old man to date a 30yr woman again if both parties love each other whats the problem?


Let me answer you succinctly, Sara.
Why would I want to date a 19-year-old? First of all, because I think they are awesome. Secondly, I am not naturally attracted to women in my age group (just as some people are not naturally attracted to others of the opposite gender). Thirdly, because I am a law-abiding hebephile and that is the closest I can get to a romantic relationship with those I am naturally attracted to without breaking the law and still being with someone whom I can love romantically on all levels.
If a 30-year-old man truly cares about and respects a 19-year-old girl, then his intentions are not bad. Assuming that is the case without knowing the man or the situation personally is playing the favorite game of the anti: making assumptions based on personal, emotionally based prejudices. Saying that it’s “creepy as hell” makes it clear that your emotions are overriding any sense of rationality or logic in these statements. Remember when you said that just because something is legal, that doesn’t mean you should do it? Conversely, just because something offends the personal sensibilities of others doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. If you would never trust me simply for dating a 19-year-old woman, than that makes it clear you are harboring a form of bigotry.
Also, like it or not, people do not choose their preferences. This counts for age as much as it does gender. Taking on a partner simply to please societal attitudes and conventions is doing an injustice to that person, because you cannot have the type of feelings for them that a legit romantic relationship requires.
Finally, calling a 19-year-old a “child” in that context, and making all sorts of judgments about them based on their age alone, is another type of unwarranted assumption based on a form of prejudice. It’s called ageism, and simply being politically fashionable at the current time doesn’t make it any more justified than racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.
This sounds more like the rantings of a troll considering it was a set of cookie cutter talking points, but I wanted to address them regardless.

warbling j turpitude

‘speaking personally’ (heh heh), I despise the entire business of ever ‘referring to’ (more like conjuring) a quality as absurdly abstract as “A (whatever) year-old”. I think anyone who considers that millions of different souls at any moment of worldly time can be instantly conceived of and mentally dispatched under one instant-grouping like that has nothing of importance to tell us, or for that matter, themselves.
For what it’s worth, I’d also like to restate my basic objection to the blasé use of the term “troll” (and the supposed rantings thereof). After all, dissent is at the heart of what a so-called “troll” does, however badly executed, and as I’ve opined before, Heretics are the last folks who should be tossing the term around…n’est-ce pas?


Regarding the concept of Internet trolls: I think it’s a legit form of criticism for a specific type of commentator. Dissent for the purpose of speaking your mind on a topic that you believe needs to be said despite it’s lack of popularity is one thing. Faux dissenting for the purpose of “stirring the pot” just to get a specific type of reaction from people, for a series of points you may not even fully believe in or care much about, is another matter entirely.
I think the reason you may object to the term “troll” is because, like many other pejorative terms–Nazi, misogynist, etc.–it can and has been misapplied to people who are making dissenting statements for a cause they truly believe in, simply because hearing these points upset a large number of people and disrupt an echo chamber. However, just as there are real Nazis (well, Neo-Nazis in today’s world, but you get the gist) and real misogynists, there are also actual “trolls” in terms of people who are just out to create mischief and disrupt discourse simply to get a “rise” out of people for their own puerile benefit and amusement. As a heretic, I foment discourse because I sincerely believe it needs to be said, not just to stir the pot for the sake of getting people worked up. That is precisely the purpose of Tom’s blog: he is here to provoke critical thought about a difficult topic, not simply to piss people off because he enjoys negative attention.
Further, such people are a detriment to discourse and dissent, because their “over-the-top” rhetoric often gives a black eye to the causes they pretend to be espousing.
So, do I think Ms. Ahmed may have been a troll and deserved to be called that? Possibly yes, considering the generic nature of her arguments and her deliberate choice of words designed to elicit a very specific emotional response. However, I legitimately responded to her statements nevertheless, and without spewing a stream of emotional or bigoted statements.


Does anybody know of any reliable and easy to use VPNs for discussing MAP relates issues. something quick to download etc for the novice?

Michael Teare-Williams

Damned good question, Debauch. I too, would like to know of a reliable VPN that works on an elderly Mac that doesn’t take a degree in IT to set up.
Any of you experts out there can help? I would be eternally grateful.
M T-W.

Ed Chambers

Nor VPN is pretty good. Best to use DuckDuckGo search engine and key in the term ‘non logging VPNs’.
Or, free VPNs for obvious reasons…..


Thanks for the info!

Ed Chambers

Sorry, that’s Nord VPN.


Ed Chambers
Would u dare try a web page like go duckduck?
Would you say that it is legal?

Ed Chambers

Not sure if you’re trolling, but I’ll take the bait if you are.
DDG is a great search engine that doesn’t track your searches unlike other notable search engines. Simple as.
That doesn’t mean to say it isn’t censored to some degree, certainly on topic. But it’s far better than others, and will work well whilst using TOR.


Not quite related to the story here but I thought I’d chime in an idea. There are many “child safety apps” for phones that allow parents to keep track of where their kids are and who they’re with at what time. The app usually lists a bunch of places and people on a schedule. Imagine not too far in the future, one of those choices for where your kid is supposed to be “trusted pedophile” or “trusted adult intimate partner” etc.


I would rather prefer kids not to be tracked, surveiled and “supervised” day and night: they deserve some private time as much as adults do! As for their adult sexual friends (and adult friends in general)… I think, in the saner and freer future children will be not afraid to tell their parents about them, and the parents would be able to perform some check of their background, so to assure that their kids are not befriending dangerous people.


Many rational ways of making certain kids were not engaging with dangerous adults could be conducted if such relationships were allowed to go on in the open. Of course, as long as parents retained the power to stop their kids from having such relationships, it’s likely kids would continue to refuse to tell them. Especially when you consider that kids are as capable as any adult to use the Internet to do a background check on someone 🙂


As you already know I have Autism and I am quite interested in facts and figures and I remember you saying to Danny Whittaker that approximately 1/5 or one 1/3 of registered sex offenders are minors, my question is how did you find this information and would you have any advice on how to find this kind of info for myself.
Thank you.


Tom thanx 4 the link I tried doing this myself b4 i went to u but i couldn’t find anything i wanted.
>Around a third of sexual abuse is committed by other children and young people

Ed Chambers

I wanted to watch this a couple of times to understand, as I see it, what direction the directors wanted to take the issue. Although I can agree with Tom that it lacked the hyperbole and hysteria provoking aspects of The Paedophile Next Door, it was indeed quite benign in it’s presentation, the overall feel for the program for me was taking the issue in the direction of paedophilia as a mental illness, only ‘treatable’ after conviction & time in prison, and then with life long evaluation with the likes of twelve step recovery systems etc.
This was mentioned by one of the daughters of the younger of the two Kind in the program, referring to her father as being mentally ill. The program appeared to reinforce the notions that said MAPs should be effectively left behind to a greater degree to deal with their misdemeanors, with both spouses moving on in their own respect, one choosing another partner for a new life, which I guess is fair enough / her prerogative, the other more mature lady being made to choose between being able to see her grand children and having her husband in her life.
The part I found quite laughable was when the younger of the two women, the one who found a new partner etc, questioned why her husband had been looking at indecent images of children instead of looking at what was right, looking at her etc.
I laughed.
Simply because flat is justice.
If the people who made the film believe that we as Kind should be treated as mentally ill etc, as I believed about myself for many years, then this should be done with a government endorsed scheme, similar to the PPD in Germany, with the removal of all mandatory reporting laws, and with therapist who don’t become deaf, hysterical or positively rabied at the mention of no tits and bald slits.
On the whole, this was a production that lacked any ‘viral’ engaging properties, and was quite weak in as far as value for encouraging change within society. The mention of StopItNow was laughable, as we here at HTOC all know that any self respecting paedo would be very cautious engaging with a puritanically minded nursey type on the end of the blower.
To finish, there was no mention of our attractions being simply considered as part of the broad spectrum of human sexuality.
Largely disappointing, unimaginative and leashed to puritanically enforced dogma.
In a word : tepid.


Two events, one good and one bad…
1) A good one: Ed Chambers is back on Twitter and Facebook!
Thanks for your courage and resilience, Ed! Remember my advice – don’t allow haters on your pages, block them immediately!
2) A bad one: Antipedophobe Aktion disappeared completely. He deleted both his YouTube channel and his Twitter page:
Well, at least he is, apparently, not banned by the admins, but decided to go away by himself… So there is a chance that he will come back, one day.


like the girl in the tweet wouldnt mind taking her home (not gonna happen) she reminds me of a little blond bomb shell I know very well.


In my May 09, 2018 @ 20:06:09 comments on “Welcome to the joys of Springer!”, I mentioned Antipedophobe Aktion’s VK account with videos. I just checked, this account has also been deleted.


How much longer do u think society can put off our side of the argument? Can’t us and society some how nip the controversy in the bud once and for all by ie going on a show like question time or something like that (host david dimbldy).
>Sep 21, 2018 @ 15:56:27
In my May 09, 2018 @ 20:06:09 comments on “Welcome to the joys of Springer!”, I mentioned Antipedophobe Aktion’s VK account with videos. I just checked, this account has also been deleted.


Ed Chambers’ Twitter page is suspended!
His Facebook page, happily, is still active.
Ed, will you try to create a new Twitter page? Or appeal to the Twitter administration to un-block the old one?

Ed Chambers

I asked twitter to clarify which rule (s) I’d broken. They replied ‘An account can be permanently suspended. This account will not be reactivated’. Why use two words when one would suffice? Surely, ‘terminated’ is more apt than ‘permanently suspended’.
I’ll probably open another account Explorer, after a short while. I can’t use my own name or the same pictures again, so I’ll have a think about how to do it 🙂
If it’s only to be a thorn in the sides of the haters…..

Ed Chambers

You hit the nail on the head Tom. I can’t Tweet, message or receive messages etc but I can still see the account & time line.

Ed Chambers

My twitter account was suspended, no surprise to be honest. I’m waiting to find out the particulars. Probably sexualisation of minors no doubt…..


Total inconsistency and arbitrariness of the censorship on Twitter, YouTube and most other platforms is surprising: there is no way to tell if, and when, one may find oneself blocked. I cannot peceive anything akin to a coherent system in the platforms’ censorious attitudes, except for two simple rules.
1) Anyone who contradict mainstream narrative(s) in some way(s) is constantly at risk of being gagged.
2) Adherence to the law and the terms of service is no defence at all – one still can be banned by a whim; the only defence is total conformity.

Ed Chambers

1) Absolutely
2) Their latest, presumably last, email to me read ‘Thank you for your cooperation’.
Like some kind of damned automaton….
Thank you very little Twitter….and fuck you very much….but I never cared for the small things in life, unless it involved lolis 😀


Geoblocking can be prevented by using a server in the UK with the free version (10 GB per month after all) of Windscribe, a Canadian VPN provider that supports several browsers. Watching the Channel 4 film requires registration – the address is optional – and also disabling ad blockers like AdBlock Plus and uBlock Origin as well as tracking blockers like Disconnet, which took me a while.
Ideally Virtual Private Networks should be used with a Linux distribution optimized for security like Tails (The Amnesiac Incognito Live System) or Qubes OS.


Well…Tom Squire of the Lucy Faithfull Foundation [“Stop It Now!”] seems pleased, for the opportunity created to promote his profession/career…
…My educated assessment can be summed up with one word…
The professional opportunists [many of them monsters, in their own right] love to pile onto these rare occurrences, and use them to their own ends…
Personally…I’m forever torn on where to stand, when we barely get a humanizing representation from anywhere else…I’m far beyond tired of pathetic crumbs…yet, maybe it’s better than the common alternative…
I cant watch it…”regional restriction”…and I’m not sure I’m interested enough, in getting around it.


I remember missing the first 8 minutes of this programme, re Kate I got the impression she was more angry with her husband’s attraction rather than the crime its self and when Tom mentioned that their could be a clue as to why their is so much hostility towards Paedophillia in his chat with Danny Whititaker (not sure about the spelling of his last name) being due to sexual suppression another reason for hatred could also be envy, also as well I think but not certain that Peadophiles understand children better than the general population.
>“I’m really angry that he would want to look at that stuff when he had me,” she protested. “What was wrong with me? Why not stick to what was right, what he should have been looking at, which was me?”


“Why not stick to what was right”…I have seen parts of that documentary. When she said that, I thought she said “what is ripe”, I thought, Well, Exactly!


No, Sounds interesting, Is there a link?


Yes, it really is unfortunate when we must settle for partly stale crumbs thrown to us rather than a full slice of Compassion & Understanding Pie that the LGTBQ people routinely have served to them by the mainstream liberal press. Our full invite to the dessert table rather than being forced to pick what scraps we can after the honored guests have left their seats can be very frustrating, but sometimes biding our time is all we can do for the nonce.
And yes, i have never doubted that jealousy over the beauty and unbridled energy of youth is one of the heavy elements at the core of pedo-hatred. This is why social attitudes that adults are supposed to find the idea of older people being attracted to the attributes of youth as “disgusting”, “immoral”, and “beneath them” are constructed. Older ladies doubtless have appealing attributes of their own to make them romantically appealing to those who are naturally attracted to such, but they do not want the competition. So, they resort to the hope that a combination of societal shaming and legislation can stomp out that competition for them.


I could never be able to watch that Married to a Paedophile thing. I’m too soft-hearted. That could disturb me. But the second one seems more chill. I’m thankful that the moral panic is being appraised impartially somewhere.


Glad that you picked up on this programme, Tom.

warbling j turpitude

oh god…is there anything more fantastically dismaying than the otherwise largely enlightened Spectator, publishing utter dreck like this beyond daft little blurtation by one Mary Wakefield? As utterly spurious, unexamined, and tendentiously vague a thing as it is possible to hack together on one page? Blindly confusing entities so wilfully as to beggar belief? What in hell do you suppose she is trying to achieve? I for one am agitated quite awfully by the knowledge that intelligent people are subjected in 2018 to this /09/its-time-to-take-on-the-paedophiles/?utm_source=Adestra&utm_medium=email&utm_content=080918_Weekly_Highlights_36_NONSUBS&utm_campaign=Weekly_Highlights

Michael Teare-Williams

My dear Tom,
Every time I suspect — or I even dare to hope — that things are improving for we heretics, a mechanical-parrot like Mary Wakefield opens up!
Same old, same old… Tired, standardized words and phrases of the paedophobic — and I suspect, stand-issue androphobic discourse — the damning of all MEN for everything that is wrong with the world?
That is, unless those men are parroting those same old tired old paedophobic words and phrases?
None of this changes the fact that paedosexuals have always existed in society and always will. Those who are born paedosexual can’t change themselves.
Paedosexuality will never be ‘stamped out’, Mary. It exists and you are not proposing any way of dealing with it.
None of this hate-filled parroting will change anything, except to condemn more young people who will grow up realizing that they are attracted to even younger people. What do THEY do? Who can they go to for help?
That steel parrot Mary Wakefield?
No, many of them will commit suicide rather than speak to their own parents!
Sadly, M T-W.


Darn, I could not watch the video because of my location. Maybe as we get more and more independence more and more of us who understand who we are and the value of who we are we will demand to be represented in videos like this one. My fingers are crossed and I am working to give each of us the independence that will cause changes to happen in our societies.


Linca, you could do a search for reviews of VPN services. They’re not just a security measure; they can offer other benefits as well. (And some say they are not a good idea for security purposes anyhow. I think this depends partly upon whether one trusts the companies not to log connections and traffic. In other words, if you set one up and find it works for you to watch the documentary, it wouldn’t be a good idea to go a step further and suddenly change your internet usage habits, to throw caution to the wind as it were.)

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