A crisis that could be an opportunity

A daring young new breed of heretical activists has been making its mark lately, reaching a wide audience through YouTube, and catching the attention of vloggers through high-profile interviews. Amos Yee has been a trailblazer. Inspired by Yee’s work in Singapore and the U.S., and now making his own distinctive contribution under the “Youth Liberation” banner is a British born and educated BL. His style – direct, frank, unapologetic – owes something to Yee while his content focuses on good, solid well researched information, drawing on earlier generations of pioneers, notably the Dutch trio Edward Brongersma, Frits Bernard and Theo Sandfort. In a guest blog today “Leon” introduces himself at a time of personal crisis. Motivational speakers are fond of saying that in Chinese the word for “crisis” also means “opportunity”. I don’t know about that but I sure hope this blog will provide an opportunity both for our guest writer and at least one other heretic here to take their lives forward in a positive way. You will see what I mean.


Dear readers, allow me to introduce myself and to tell you why I am working for youth liberation. I want to thank Tom for giving me this platform. We’ve all come here on different paths, in many cases with personal struggles along the way, for sure. And yet, whatever route we have taken, we have all been driven by an idea we have in common – a prevailing sense that something is wrong with the societies in which we live.
It’s difficult to explain to you who I am, when I’m not quite sure of that myself. In some respects I am an empowered individual; I show qualities of a radical who stands up for the oppressed and advocates freedom for people. And yet, truth be told, I am frightened and still look out to the world from behind the eyes of a lost little boy. Confused, at why things are the way they are; hoping to do good but so often failing.
Have you ever had the feeling that your life’s path is far more out of your own control than would be expected? At this point, at age 25, I can’t shake the feeling that everything has come together perfectly to bring me to this position here and now. No matter how imperfect things might seem. Two major things which keep me going: I believe we all have a purpose, and that deep down, regardless of the pain we cause others or the suffering we endure… everyone just wants to be loved. Sometimes I want to give up; at other times I know I must take responsibility for creating a loving world; to be the change I wish to see.
At this point I think it’s wise to introduce you to what I’m doing now, in regards to activism. I run a YouTube channel entitled “Youth Liberation” – please do take a break from reading this and see the video links below; also take a look at the channel later. As you will see, I began hosting video clips in support of intergenerational relationships between adults and youth. At first with the comfort of anonymity. I contacted the Dutch Society for Sexual Reform (NVSH) to translate from Dutch to English clips of the late Dr. Edward Brongersma speaking on paedophilia. I created videos that explain about cultures around the world with more permissive sexual attitudes than ours, or feature famous men who were boy-lovers.
This was a way to express myself, and to help others learn what I knew. I have now put my face to them, speaking straight to camera. A coming out video, as someone attracted to the young. And other videos which criticise the age-of-consent for sex and what I see as the general oppression of youth as well as discrimination against adults who are youth lovers. In my most recent video I explain this: studies which conclude that sex between youth and adults is always harmful use samples of the population that are unrepresentative of the whole; this includes rape victims, criminal cases and psychiatric patients. Other studies which find correlation with harm use both consensual and non-consensual relationships. Wording such as “victim” and “perpetrator” is used to influence the outcome of these studies. In unbiased studies (see the work of Theo Sandfort and Dr. Frits Bernard) which examine gentle and consensual sexual relationships between children and adults, no significant harm is found but positive results are (as a result of both the sex and the wider aspects of the relationship such as learning and emotional support).
To the logical person, this should make some sense. But the general public react in an emotional, unthinking fashion. Yet I must accept that it’s not their fault. My own life is very strange. If I didn’t have a personal stake in the issue, would I ever have sought truth? It’s not going to be possible in this blog to give you a full overview of my life. I was born in the UK, I went to school where I felt different from my peers; I still managed to maintain some friends. For a while I found fighting and aggressiveness to be an outlet for my underlying frustrations. One day, as a teenager, in short, I witnessed a younger boy imitate my actions. And it broke my heart when I realised I was one of the people who had influenced this boy’s behaviour, particularly when he was later sent to jail for stealing and other crimes. And I felt a deep love for him.
Like many people reading this blog, I’m sure, coming to accept my true nature was a long process indeed. In my later teenage years I isolated myself somewhat (thank God for the internet) – it was on Twitter I first confessed my love for a boy and received an “I love you too” in return. His name was Garrett; we had a shared interest in cannabis, animals and the American counter-culture. And Harry Potter now I think about it. I was around 18 and him 14; he used to send me his poems. I think he longed for someone to confide in. We spoke regularly over a few months; we were even going to visit Scotland together at one point, once he was able to travel there on his own. After those few months we parted ways. He had decided to leave the Twitter community we were a part of. But not before introducing me to Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman. I hadn’t realised that Allen featured in the NAMBLA documentary I showed him soon after. Garrett agreed with what I was beginning to figure out: “It’s just another form of love”
Anyway, I must move on. I have known and cared for many boys since then, although now I’m not fortunate enough to be able to associate with any. I have a firm conviction that the men who love boys can have a significant and important role in their lives, and without such boys, these men aren’t able to be half as valuable to the world as they can be. So this is partly what influences my activism. To see such a thing compared to the greatest evil? No. I won’t stand for it. Wiser people than myself have told me what I’m doing is reckless. Perhaps even detrimental to the cause. It will take decades to change they say; let the sexologists, psychologists and policy makers take the lead. Wait until the former loved young people speak out. No one cares to hear the plight of the paedophile.
Others have claimed I am a hero. This I am most certainly not. What I am, is fed up. You see, were the people in the Western world kind to paedophiles and supportive of them but with genuine reason to stop them engaging in sexual activities with the young (let’s say these caused genuine harm). Then I’d be the first to say we must conform to their wishes, meaning never attempt to change age-of-consent laws. In truth, though, the masses are ignorant, and choose to remain this way. And seem to take pleasure in being in the dominant power group. I have confirmed this with the discrimination expert Mrs. Jane Elliott, creator of the blue-eyes brown-eyes exercise. She isn’t for breaking the law, but she is aware that the pendulum of societal change is ever swinging.
Furthermore, were it just me who had to miss out on emotional bonds, or who had to hide his true nature, that would be bearable. But my past is filled with other stories and pain; I have an exceptional ability to see the cause of problems. The anger I felt, when I saw a large 18-year-old boy, who our society labels as a drug-dealing thug… when I saw him break down in tears after all of those years suppressing his homosexual attractions; unable to communicate this to any of the so-called upstanding citizens. Fearful of being treated differently. Using combinations of alcohol and illegal drugs in high amounts with the hope of it killing him because he didn’t have the (in his own words) courage to do it himself. What am I to do when I know that it’s the fear of sex itself, and of all sexual minorities, that causes this type of thing to continue? No matter how many rainbow posters we put up in schools.
What do I do, after I (understandably) denied my own sexual orientation after being asked about it in front of a group of young people, but then later one of the brightest boys, the best artist I’ve ever seen, at age 16 took his own life? In part because of being ashamed of his homosexuality. I don’t presume to know this was the main reason. I believe it was in part because his father died some years before. But his friends reported that he was struggling to accept his sexuality. Critics would claim I attempt to take advantage of these tragedies to advance my own cause. But I’ve read enough to know that all forms of discrimination are connected; as society loses some scapegoats, we just mistreat other people more. And regardless, no-one can deny that there are teenagers who have an attraction to children who feel like they’re living in hell right now. No-one can convince me that homosexuals will be welcomed entirely while paedophiles aren’t.
I can’t live a normal life. I can’t do it. I can’t go to work and pretend to agree with what other people say. I can’t sit back while communities attack innocent people. I have this overwhelming passion to heal the world, and make it a place where everyone can be accepted for who they are. In my attempts, I admit I make mistakes. Sometimes I forget that in the past I was as ignorant as other people. At times I want everything to happen too fast. But one thing that can’t be said is that I do nothing. So I speak to you not knowing what outcome I want or expect. Just hoping that these words can do something to make even the smallest change in this horrible situation.
Because of my choice to be open on this issue, I’ve put people who have raised me at great risk. I’ve ruined any chance of blending in and doing behind-the-scenes work. And I’m unable to support young people, which I could have if hiding my true being. So maybe I am a fool. But then again, is it really so bad to stand up and demand change when I know I’m right? When you strip everything back to basics and acknowledge that consensual sexual relationships between any two people are a human right? I don’t know. I really don’t. But I can’t change what’s happened. I’m sure a lot of you are familiar with Amos Yee. Once I saw this brave and logical young man speaking out, he somewhat inspired me. We are now good friends and in regular communication. I know he is proud of me and that makes me feel good.
Now you know a little bit about me; you’ve seen my work and this text, I conclude with the reason Tom has allowed me to use this platform. I presently have no permanent place to live in the UK. As an emergency measure I will be going abroad for a while to live in cheap hostel accommodation.   My outspoken political opinions are the direct cause of this. I send this out in the hope that someone might consider a house or flat share with me in maybe two or three months from now. All I need is somewhere basic to sleep, shower and prepare food (which I’m able to provide for myself). This would be a huge weight off my shoulders and I hope there is someone reading this who would actually prefer to share with someone like-minded rather than living a solitary life. I would also be continuing to record, edit and upload videos online.
It’s clear that this is a major stage in my life. On the one hand, I might be on the path to great things. Maybe I will be the spark that brings light to this situation which, in truth, is no good for anyone. Too much fear and suppression. Far too much. I think the lack of communication is the main problem. No human capable of empathy is a monster. If we could discuss the situation as a community we could make some progress. Giving the young a voice especially. Unfortunately because of being so vocal I’ve been left in a position where the masses will see me as a threat instead of someone to sit down and talk with. Anyway, I’m pleased to communicate with readers of this blog regardless of what happens.
Please contact me through YouTube if you can help, and support the channel if you want to. If you have a place I can stay, or can put me in contact with relevant people, and if you’d prefer to use e-mail…Tom will be able to provide you with my e-mail address.
Youth Liberator.
Children’s Positive Sexual Contacts with Adults
5 Stages of Power Loss (End of Persecution)
On Adults Who Love Youth
Well, not a dictionary, exactly, but Ed Chambers has given us a splendid new glossary of terms encountered at Heretic TOC, most of them acronyms, many of which may be unfamiliar to newbies and some of them a mystery to all but the more technically minded among us.
For the newest of newbies, I should introduce Ed by reference to his guest blog at the start of this year: A wild ride towards self-acceptance.
The real Chambers Dictionary may not be all that familiar to heretics of the millennial generation, who probably use (as I do these days) whatever comes up online when you Google a word plus “meaning” or “definition”.  Chambers, widely used for crossword puzzles and Scrabble is also noted for its humorous definitions, and our Ed’s contribution continues the tradition, as you will see. Or he might have been inspired by the first great dictionary of the English language, that of Dr Samuel Johnson, which has a number of definitions with a distinctly piss-taking nature, mainly with the Scots as the butt of his humour, such as his definition of “oats”:  “a grain, which in England is generally given to horses, but in Scotland supports the people.”
Further definitions are invited, for other terms used on these pages that might have been overlooked.



.onion designating an anonymous hidden service reachable via the Tor network
AOC Age Of Consent
ATSA Association for Treatment of Sexual Abusers
BL Boy lover
CP Child pornography / cheese pizza
CSA Child Sexual Abuse
CSE(OP) Childhood Sexual Experience (with an Older Person)
DDOS Distributed Denial Of Service
DOS Denial of service
DSM Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
FUD Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt
GL Girl Lover
HTOC Heretic Tom O’Carroll
Kind Collective noun for child lovers; also works as adjective, like “gay”
LEA Law Enforcement Agency / Agent
MAP Minor Attracted Person
MOWE My Own Worst Enemy – https://www.myownworstenemy.org/
NAMBLA North American Man Boy Love Association
NOMAP Non Offending Minor Attracted Person
NONCE Not On Normal Courtyard / Communal Exercise
PC Politically Correct
PIE Paedophile Information Exchange
PPD Prevention Projekt Dunkelfeld
PSC Pedo Support Community (TOR website)
SJW Social Justice Warrior
SOR Sex Offender Register
StopItNow Similar to STOPSO
StopSO Specialist Treatment Organisation for Prevention of Sexual Offending
TAILS The Amnesic Incognito Live System https://tails.boum.org/
Topic Links The MAP community hub on TOR
TOR The Onion Router https://www.torproject.org/
Virped Relating to the unenlightened
VOA Visions Of Alice (website)
VPN Virtual Private Networks

Gratifyingly, the appeal launched last time, aimed primarily at recouping the cost of Springer Nature’s fee for publishing my recent paper in Sexuality & Culture on an Open Access basis, has made good progress, with over half of the outlay already recovered. Accordingly, my heartfelt thanks go to those who have donated and to several who have pledged to do so in the near future.
It may be remembered that the fee including VAT came to £2,311. As of this morning, heretics here had contributed £1,357. So at the moment I am out of pocket by “only” £953. As the quote marks are meant to emphasise, this is still a large sum, which strikes me as a good reason to urge those who have not yet responded to please now do their bit.
As before, all you need to do is use the Donate button on the right-hand side-bar (nearly the last item down, between the Follow button and the Search). This will enable you to contribute via PayPal using any major currency.
Some donors, however, have told me they prefer to pay directly, by making a transfer straight from their bank to mine. If you prefer this method please email me ( tomocarr66@yahoo.co.uk ) to ask for my international bank account number (IBAN).
A number of you generously responded to my request for a three-figure sum if you could afford it. For the most part, however, this message unfortunately seems to have been interpreted as meaning smaller sums are not needed.
Nothing could be further from the truth. It is far healthier, in my view, to have many small or medium contributions, rather than just a few chunky ones. I would like to see every regular here pitching in with some sum, however modest: it is in the best interests of our heretical community that everyone should feel they have a stake it, including the very nearly 300 who are signed up as Followers. If everyone could find just £10 each it would see off the remainder of the Springer fee with enough left over for me to carry on working for Heretic TOC for at least another year or so. Without any such surplus I will ultimately need to switch to fee-paying commercial work instead.
Mercifully, though, that decision is not an urgent matter, so let me turn to more positive news about the paper itself, titled “Childhood ‘Innocence’ is Not Ideal: Virtue Ethics and Child–Adult Sex”, or CHIN as another veteran campaigner, Dave Riegel, has dubbed it for short. Dave, who has a number of peer-reviewed papers to his credit, has magnanimously agreed to host CHIN here on his SafeHaven Foundation site. Also, as some will have noticed in a recent comment at HTOC, Thomas Leske has undertaken to produce and publish a translation of CHIN into German for his Thomas Leske Editions publishing venture.
The decision to go Open Access, making CHIN freely available online and with free PDF download is also definitely paying off. There have now been over 1,200 downloads of CHIN from Springer’s site, plus over 100 others at ResearchGate. Furthermore, many influential figures have been made aware of CHIN through a posting I did on Sexnet. The philosophers Peter Singer and David Benatar answered the emails I sent them about CHIN, the latter kindly saying he looked forward to reading the article. Obviously, I hope Prof. Singer, one of the most famous living philosophers in the world, will also read CHIN and at some point find himself able to cite it with approval.

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Tom, you don’t have to post this particular comment. I see you do acknowledge my comments, but you never responded to my two uses of your site’s contact form. In itself that is not a problem of course. You are free to respond or not. I just want to know if you did see those attempts for communication


o ok, thanks for the address
one of these days (maybe when I am through reading all your blog…) I will do so
I am glad you don’t seem bothered by my postings of non-functional links, it is a drag of course to keep everything up to date.


Having read the story of Leon, I tried to open one of his Youtube vids. Not really surprisingly (as Amos Yee’s channel also has been deleted) not one of the advertized vids was still viewable. But now the funny part. Even on the internet archive (archive.org) it seems that Leon’s vids have been made unavailable. (The vids by Amos Yee I only know by name, but to access the archive you need a specific internet address, but my guess is that they will be unavailable there too).
Just wonder if we as a community of a persecuted minority should not take backup matters in our own hands.

warbling j turpitude

How downright freakish is this? The Gestapo are out there and on the move in America! Insanely sorry to depress everybody, but this is obviously all being carried out largely ‘behind the scenes’, so it’s truly awful…https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/more-2300-suspected-online-child-sex-offenders-arrested-during-operation-broken-heart

The term ‘freakish’ is probably misapplied. I should have simply written ‘frightening’, I guess.. One can only helplessly wonder about the real details behind every one of these 2, 300 proudly arrested “suspects”. In its blind fervour to establish the ’cause’ of all this CP, à la the likes of “in recent years, certain forms of modern technology have facilitated the spread of child pornography and created greater incentives for its production” the prohibitionist mentality would never in a thousand years pause to consider that it might be the ever increasing ugliness of grown women, and the remaining, priceless beauty of (unadulterized) children…

warbling j turpitude

The wording of your response worries me, TOC, I can’t really say otherwise! Can I phrase my objection to it this way – just how would things look I wonder if this were not so “political”? I mean, would there be no Operation at all if the motivation of its supposed prime mover were for something other than what you are here calling “money and power”? How much does any of this really devolve upon the President? Have not all the ‘mechanisms’ for such programs/pogroms been long locked right in place and actionable at any time for the last thirty, forty years? Is this really about craftily ‘deflecting attention’ first-and-foremost and not about a certain wholly-established mindset trying to preserve in erotic aspic at any cost what it believes to be the repository of the remaining vestige of the sacred?

Can we take it as a given that the President is hardly in need of more money? Can we ask what “power” we think would accrue to him exactly if, having being denied his access to grabbable pussy, he can now only flail at imagined sexual rivals?

warbling j turpitude

dear Tom…why am I I failing to see how whatever ‘private gain’ may be simply continued in motion by already-existing Trumpian structures necessarily “corrupts” him? Indeed, how they corrupt the very real “waves” that this President has made and is almost always making, ultimately benefiting more persons at more levels of opportunity and potential social mobility than anyone can rightly recall? Thankyou for acknowledging my “corrective”, but I feel this whole sweeping notion of ‘corruption’ – just exactly like those other sweeping (‘wave-like’?) notions us ‘KInds’ have fought all our lives to resist – needs to be re-assessed at every conceivable step, lest we fall willy-nilly into that which is motivated by plain envy, spite and snobbery. And i say this as a thorough-going “outlier” in one of the far-flung, “deranged dominions”, quite unaffiliated in the extreme, and merely trying to get a decent handle on things, if at all possible! I dearly love Heretic TOC, and it is possibly the first commentariat where I have never been reduced to a “troll”, and I can only hope that what efforts I manage to make in ‘reconciling’ madly disparate thoughts in a single post serve as some sort of gratitude for that… but i do have disparate, desperate thoughts, and ‘deal’ with them I somehow must…….

David Kennerly

I am graced with email press releases from “ICE” aka “U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement” which is now the lead agency for many of these investigations and from which I first learned of this dragnet. The subject of at least half of these emails concerns “pedophiles” and their “predations.” It provides a really stark insight into the apportionment of law enforcement resources and the extent to which they identify us as “game one.” I don’t recommend subscribing to their newsletter if you are easily depressed. I can’t say that I have discerned any greater emphasis on “sex criminals” since Trump came to power, as that would require some statistic-compiling which I would find depressing, myself. I do think that this hydra is far bigger and longer-lived than can be accounted for by Trump’s remarkable mendacity and cruelty or that of his slithering and serpentine AG, Jeff Beauregard Sessions.
It did not take long for the newly-created Department of Homeland Security to switch its focus from Islamic terrorists to pedophiles under the ancien Bush Junior regime, a focus that appeared to remain throughout the Obama years. It would seem that we are the ultimate bipartisan issue and it is for that reason that this waking nightmare has been with us for so long and with such devastating consequence. It was a broadly-supported nightmare, after all, that began with the improbable alliance formed between Christian fundamentalists and gender feminists some forty years ago. I doubt that it could ever have been so severe or protracted without that critical breadth of support which came to infiltrate and infect the vast middle that lay between them. Our culture was, as a consequence, fundamentally altered and reordered. Today’s continued outrages, no matter how seemingly trendy, such as the current “doll” freakout, share a direct lineage to and have their foundation in those peculiar illiberal developments of the late 1970s.

warbling j turpitude

I was very moved to behold the ..well, solemnity and eloquence of this, DK, and even though I’m dismayed that you seem to believe that what you call DT’s “mendacity” outweighs what I understand to be his crucial mission to wrest politics at any cost back to its first, foremost and most noble function, the negotiation (however wild that may turn out to be) of competing interests, what I would most like you to do now if you could is suggest a *locus classicus* of sorts for my education on that ..how may we call it – unspoken alliance? unconscious complicity? (neither will do) – between ‘fundamentalist Christians’ and ‘gender feminists’. I know that the indefatigable Maggie McNeill is utterly convinced of the very same conspiracy (for isn’t it in effect a conspiring of forces at some level?), but for me the paradoxical aspect of it all somehow remains uppermost. I’m thinking of course of the fact that the first group (fundagelicals) would deny all links with the second (genderists) and vice versa. Perhaps there is a definitive essaying at the IPCE Library you might recommend?
Here is my acronym for the lexicon: UBI – Ultimate Bipartisan Issue

I mean, this is a ch-ch-callenging sentence to say the least:
“I doubt that it could ever have been so severe or protracted without that critical breadth of support which came to infiltrate and infect the vast middle that lay between them”

David Kennerly

“you seem to believe that what you call DT’s “mendacity” outweighs what I understand to be his crucial mission to wrest politics at any cost back to its first, foremost and most noble function.” Well, obviously I don’t believe that to be true. Trump is at the furthest possible remove from any reasonable conception of what is “noble.” Not on any level. If Trump does something now and then with which I might agree, then it is entirely accidental and the product of the stochastic processes of his shrunken and stunted prefrontal cortex. I’m sure that it would be made tangible by an MRI. I have nothing good to say about him, the black, narcissistic void which passes for an ideology, or his choice of an unreconstructed, Christian fascist, confederate thug as Attorney General.
The collusion which existed between those same fascists and the gender feminist fascists in the 70s may well have been virtual and accidental rather than declared and organized. There was a confluence of interests which coalesced into a juggernaut to destroy us, that much is clear. It needn’t have been an articulated pact in order to burn us to the ground and salt our fields and leave us with no avenue for escape. It was enough that the great middle received the same message from both sides of the political spectrum to doom our humanistic project. All they had to do, from their separate respective camps, was to simultaneously lie, denigrate and anathematize us and exhort the masses and its masters to legislate us out of existence.
Still, I wouldn’t marvel at this great confluence as somehow paradoxical. No, they have much in common. Both are contemptuous of the human spirit and of liberty. “Left” and “right” are culture-bound expressions of the pointless spectrum to which most are intellectually and ideologically enchained. The most important spectrum is the continuum of liberty vs. authoritarianism where our enemies live solidly in the authoritarian camp.


Yes David, The left lives in authoritarianism as much as the right. The leading leftist-feminist in my town called the cops on me and was greatly disillusioned to find there was nothing they could do because I was within my rights. The feminist-leftists do not hesitate to call violence down on us.


Another phenomenal video to back up [I did]…
Not sure how much of this sort of material the Randolfe Wicker channel has…Seems more mainstream gay movement stuff…historical stuff.

Eric Tazelaar

Does anyone have the entire film from Rosa Von Praunheim’s “Army of Lovers?” Also, I have had a request for a video from the young man, “Frank” who was a guest/punching bag, on the Donahue show from the late 80’s which included Frits Bernard. At one time some years ago, this was on YouTube but is no longer there. Frank has asked for a copy of this video and it is of some historical value, despite being, overall, an arena for rabid housewives to shriek and scream like hysterical banshees at Frank and Frits.


Rosa von Praunheim has an online shop where you can apparently buy his movies in DVD format: http://www.rosavonpraunheim.de/shop/index.php/produkt/armee-der-liebenden/
I’ve heard a lot about the Donahue episode with Frits Bernard. People say Bernard was actually quite eloquent and that the episode was often shown at NAMbLA meetings. But I haven’t found it so far. I think a company owns the rights to all the episodes and until it decides to make the them avaiable again it doesn’t seem likely that we’ll be able to watch it.

David Kennerly

Thank you for the link to Praunheim’s site, I’ll check it out. As far as the Donahue Show goes, I know that people in our community did have a copy made off-air, at the time, and I am hoping to flush one of them out 🙂 Also, I know that it was on YouTube, at one time.


It sounds vaguely familiar, yes…Pretty sure I’ve seen it on YouTube, many years ago.
I’m positive I don’t have a copy…but would love to have one.


Haha seems pedophilia activism goes church of $cientology.

Ed Chambers

In response to nada below :
> I’d let the new breed of “activists”, seemingly more concerned with branding and begging for money, prove they, sincere or not, are a positive contribution to the cause.
This is another particular nuance of recent events that you articulate very well nada. Whilst it’s perhaps fair to say that we may all be grateful for the work that has been done, trying to gauge the positive and negative effects of this work is difficult, and the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Using this analogy, Leon is still very much half baked.
I would recommend all members of the community to at least exercise a little more caution, combined with considerable more self respect, in dealing with both Leon and Amos, particularly the latter. Whilst, for now, they both have my support, my experiences with them have shown considerably inflated egos and questionable respect for the other members of the community and their accomplishments.
The things we fight for as a community must have some degree of consistency over time, and solidarity is something that needs to be nurtured. Correct me as you may see fit, I think it’s fair to say for the moment that there are no conspicuous signs of awareness from either Leon or Amos concerning these concepts.

David Kennerly

Indeed! I fear that we’re still in the market for our community’s next Martin Luther King or Ghandi. Time is a wonderful thing when in its fullness it is able to test our hypothesis relying on nothing so much as our observations and its passage. There’s also nothing like ‘life experience’ to hone ones keen sense of observation of persons and personalities. Five years in prison also helps in developing this particular form of pattern recognition. Possibly the only good thing that could come from such a destructive event. But I had better stop lest I begin sounding grandiose, myself.

Ed Chambers

> I had better stop lest I begin sounding grandiose, myself
Anyone and everyone can fall into this trap


I have no problem with “begging for money”. I am in the circle of two professionals and published authors who are doing this via Patreon. One is leaving a full head of department professorship at a London University and the other is leaving an Assistant Teaching Posts at a State University. The ways we have now of raising money are enabling independent life like never before.
Of course I want a Guaranteed Annual Income that will give independence on a much broader scale to everyone. The knowledge and know-how to do this without taxing anyone exists. In fact the legislation is already written and ready for prime-time once we get the courage to change the world we live in.
We are going to have to leave home, leave our Founding Fathers. Actually they have already kicked out most of us here.
Love to all and especially to you Youth Liberation who came into this forum like a thunderstorm.
PS To Youth Liberation: When Dennis and I were young teens we could have benefited from your video on how to love. A great complement to all the porn the kids are watching. Don’t think it made it into the saved videos: Sad!. Maybe someone here knows where it is? L

Ed Chambers

In response to Youth Liberation below :
> (re Amos Yee) : His sacrifice is a fanbase of tens of thousands and potential earnings of thousands a month. Offer any evidence of him not being sincere or* pay him his dues
If you have a quick look over my comments for sure you will see that I have already offered my thanks and ‘paid my dues’. I have simply pointed out the very real possibilities concerning the reasons for this activism, and left it to time to see when and where the curtains close on this show. As for his ‘sacrifice’, I also think it’s fair to say that he’s done pretty well out of it so far. One only has to take a quick look inside his discord server to see how badly he treats his patreons, people imo who unfortunately have such low opinions of themselves they put up with the abuse that Amos lays upon them AND pay him for it.
As for your dope use, it is none of my business, for sure you lead your life how you see fit. My only concern was for your mental health bearing in mind the stress you seem to be suffering from in your present circumstances. I have offered you my support, I only pointed out that perhaps Yvonne was right about you acting in a way that may indicate psychosis of some sort.
> Speaking of FUD…didn’t you accuse a member of being LE?
FUD…this also might be interpreted as Fucked Up Detritus…I digress…As for accusing Ethan and Nick of being LEA, well….it’s fair to say they are members of the community, however they have set themselves apart from the rest of us in an attempt to gain support from the normies and CSA Industry / Mental Health Professionals. Bearing this in mind, membership of this community can at times have very loose criteria for qualification. After having a number of years experience of dealing with them, and also the people with whom they align, I have a number of reasons to cite them with such allegations. I have gone into details before in the comments section to Tom’s blog, and stand by what I say.
> And I’d die before taking a penny off you again
Bearing in mind your regrettable and unfortunate current circumstances, I would say that you are tempting fate. Like everyone else here, I would not like to see you come to any harm, and bearing this in mind I can’t understand why you’d be so aggressive in your comments towards me. I know we have had our differences, but I thought that we’d put them behind us for the sake of the bigger picture. I know I had at least. If you need to vent at any time, that’s ok. I could see why you might be angry.
Look after yourself.

David Kennerly

Good responses, Ed! I would have already reached a point where I would have begun to review the “sunk-cost” fallacy.

Ed Chambers

Thanks David. I had to ddg that one :
The Sunk Cost Fallacy. The Misconception: You make rational decisions based on the future value of objects, investments and experiences. The Truth: Your decisions are tainted by the emotional investments you accumulate, and the more you invest in something the harder it becomes to abandon it.
Obviously, it’s best to try to see things for what they are at the earliest opportunity…..correct me if I’m wrong, it appears both you and I have….

David Kennerly

I was skeptical of both all along. I’ve become a bit of a grump in my ever-advancing years and I know that there is very little that is truly new under the sun, apart from relentless technological change. People, however, remain stubbornly human. For this reason, I watch the youth who enter our movement, no matter how enthusiastic they may be, without envy for the difficult lessons which I know lay ahead of them. Give them a chance, by all means. We should cheer their efforts and whatever innovations they may bring to bear on this struggle but I won’t reward their narcissism or their generational arrogance with my silence. In this effort – kid’s sexual liberty (especially), there is still much which they can learn from the geezers.


A lot of Youth Liberation videos are now on the Mega Archive:
I cannot say that these are all his videos, but most of them are probably there. So the fruits of his labour are still with us! Good.


Yes, I am the one who uploaded them there. All of his videos are there, except for the documentaries that he removed when he was known as Rare Documentaries. He removed the older ones to avoid his channel being suspended for copyright violations.


This is GREAT.
When those videos disappeared I felt like I did as I read Pier Paolo Pasolini’s drowining scene at the end of his novel “Street Kids”: Helpless. The videos floated away flailing-vanishing. Nothing could be done. But, I was wrong – something could be done and you guys began it by preserving Youth Liberation’s work so far.
My fingers are crossed for you Youth Liberation & my little-tiny Patreon Donation will remain coming month to month.


Thank you!
I know I’ve got quite a lot of the material that is there, possibly most of it…But this will help me add to my personal archive.
I’m not familiar with the online “cloud drive” type services [which I’m presuming this is], so pardon my naivety…
…but as a method of sharing legal MAP Positive material…Do you know if it’s stable, or if people have been getting their accounts deleted over this?
…Are many MAPs doing this?

Eric Tazelaar

You need to realize that anything uploaded to the cloud can be screened using image-generated hashcodes for “inappropriate” material. I don’t know about the many downloading services that are available but certainly Google’s Drive, Picassa, etc. ARE checked against these registers. In one case, a 19th Century painting of older teenage boys lying on their stomachs, naked on the beach, was flagged by Google as “child abuse material.” To my mind, that immediately disqualifies them for use in any capacity. Proceed with extreme caution.


Thank you.
I was just throwing the question out there, as I’ve not done any real looking into this.
At most…I would be inclined to use such a thing for my own writings and media, foremost…maybe some research literature…or the legal, privately produced media of MAPs, to keep it out there.
Thank you for the feedback, Eric. 🙂

Ed Chambers

> …but as a method of sharing legal MAP Positive material…Do you know if it’s stable, or if people have been getting their accounts deleted over this?
The cloud may be infinitely convenient, on condition you have a good internet connection, but as Eric correctly states, screening using hashcodes is a pretty easy thing to do. There is a huge database of material that has been logged as child abuse material, much of which isn’t, but some obviously is. Bearing in mind the current climate regarding societal outlooks on anything to do with children / sexuality etc, there is a great chance that MAP positive material may be flagged and then…..shit happens….


Thank you for the feedback, Ed.
I wont pursue this option.

Eric Tazelaar

I think that audio material (such as podcasts) and text data and probably videos removed from YouTube of the political, non-youthful image sort (Leon’s, for example) are safe enough to use one of the free download services, e.g. MegaUpload, etc. I know that a lot of activists of our type use these services to provide documents, e.g. pdf’s of articles, legal decisions, etc. and I think that those are pretty safe. Also, I think that these upstarts are a safer bet than the big, American-based tech giants such as Google and Facebook. I would be very paranoid about any images of youngsters, no matter how legal, however. If they can flag images of paintings that hang in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and freeze those accounts and threaten the account holder and, bizarrely, “freeze” the image in place making it impossible to remove it (and telling you that you are not allowed to remove it as if they are waiting for the police to arrive to collect evidence) then I would avoid Google, et al at all costs.


Trivial checks are circumvented by using encryption and obfuscation.

David Kennerly

Good point but then, of course, there is the distribution of the keys and the difficult decision of who to trust. So then it is not really making much sense if you are trying to make a saved YT video widely available, for example.


Tom, Did you see the documentary about Germaine Greer, called ‘Germaine Bloody Greer’…..some of the pics a bit explicit (she is not a boy) but in the end she referred to ‘metoo’ as ‘a load of bollox’….Good on her. Some people in ,say, men’s rights can’t stand her, But my views have changed the more I learn about her.


Wonder if someone here got “Germaine Bloody Greer” saved so I can see it? When she was at the University of Tulsa I had a friend who had an office next to her’s and I saw her around. Been curious about her ever since and have a copy of “The Beautiful Boy” right within reach next to Tom’s “Michael Jackson’ Dangerous Liaisons”.


You get about a bit “Linka”…..The Germaine Greer doc is on I-player, So you need a UK licence. Though, It’s not working for me at the moment. I’m sure it will be on YT soon for all to watch. she keeps geese, We had them at boarding school; Nasty birds!

Ed Chambers

Hey Tom, very happy to be able to donate once more. Keep up the good work, and keep HTOC alive…..


Eric Tazelaar from NAMbLA made a lengthy interview with Amos Yee:
It is worth reading!


Peadophile hunter is found out to be on the SOR

Susan Sto Helit

I already said this one, yet I’ll repeat: somebody who can and know how, please save Antipedophobe Aktion’s videos somewhere else, while they are open! Soon he will hide them again.
I suspect he’s doing this to prevent his videos from being mass-flagged and thus not to be banned like Youth Liberation, Omnipolitics, Nuclear ProtoStunt and others…

Ed Chambers

This is a wise suggestion, I have quite a collection now, although unfortunately I don’t have any material produced by Nuclear Protostunt….

Ed Chambers

Perhaps I should’ve mentioned this before, it must’ve slipped my mind. This site, https://y2mate.com/, is great for downloading vids from Youtube, and although there can be small issues with some lower def vids from time to time, it’s safe.

David Kennerly

I have been using YTD, “YouTube Downloader” for many years and it works great. The free version is fully functioning and not crippled. OBS or “Open Broadcasting Somethingorother” is absolutely fantastic at capturing video off of your monitor. This is perfect for capturing video that does not otherwise want to be captured, such as proprietary video servers from television stations. And, it is free and open-source and without infiltration by pirates or spies unknown.


Vile “pro-sexual freedom” homos in an evil and cowardly pedo-bashing:


An ugly example of a REAL cruel child abuse which is not only completely legal, but, in fact, encouraged and even enforced by a society:
Why do you think about this?


Yes, as far as I know, the tendency toward extreme overdrugging and misdrugging (let me call it so) is especially predominant in the USA. In the Europe, it seems, parents are much less inclined to drug their kids to oblivion (and severe side-effects).
Yet the fundamental problem of the coercive (read: violent) “therapy” and “treatment” still stands. As well as the problem of the social services forcibly taking away the children from families where children themselves would like to stay.
Here I stand with John Holt (recall this radical pedagogue and child liberator?) who, along with other child liberationists, proposed the children’s right to choose their guardians – probably THE most crucial right that a child may possess. In this case, the external forcible intervention in the family will be justified only in two cases:
1) when the kids clearly decided to leave the family, yet are forced to stay against their will.
As for the second case… For the “softer” cases of intra-familial conflicts (including, but not limited to, child-parent conflicts) a kind of mediative service should be installed. And in the cases, when one side of the intra-familial conflict totally refuse to take another side’s position into consideration, the suppressed side may call an external community for a help, and thus enact a second case for the external intervention:
2) complete refusal of the some members of the family to paticipate in a mediative-type conflict resolution, if the opposite side of it is clearly asking for such a resolution.
In both cases, the initiative for the intervention comes from the some members of the family themselves. In the cases when none of the family members overtly asks for the external community to intervene, no intervention should take place.


>re the 37 year old victim of Americas health service.
The below link is similar in a way.
Ive had problems with the NHS growing up not for the same reason as the woman above but i was pinned down by social workers and couldn’t understand why and that was bad-ish i remember shouting and kicking and trying to break free.


Amos Yee has a WordPress blog now:
He should have done it long ago, rather than losing time with HostGator that was almost certain to censor him…


YouthLiberation was just removed from YouTube and someone published his full name and address.


He was also thrown out of his home by his parents for his publicly expressed views.
Much like Amos Yee was thrown from the first home he found in America, for the same reason.
As one GirlChatter once said (cannot recall who and when exactly, sorry!), these events are the repetition of the situation of the young gays decades ago: coming out, these times, usually meant a breakdown of relationship with their families (and, oftentimes, with old friends) and banishment from their homes.
Maybe this period of intense darkness is the last one, and the light of dawn is next? I would like to hope so.


Explorer, Thank you for that information about Youth Liberator being kicked out of his parents home. Sad!
This is why I am active in a movement to take the money power away from the banks and put it in the hands of us ordinary people who could then create Universal Basic Income, Medicare for All, Free Public Transportation, Free Housing, etc., etc., etc. that cannot be denied to anyone for any reason. If we had that Youth Liberator would be safe today.If we had that we could create a truly innovative society.
We live in a prison that is by and for the bankers and it was all put in play by the collusion of Hamilton and Washington who was a land speculator at the inception of the United States when Washington agreed to Hamilton’s Proposal to take the money creation power of Congress and delegate it to private bankers. We live in a prison by and for the bankers. And now Youth Liberator is in a real bad world of hurt that he might not escape from.
Thank you Hyper, Explorer and Tom for making us aware of Youth Liberation. Hugs to you Youth Liberator.


To do activism, it seems, a child must first leave their parents’ home.


Unfortunately, you are correct. Once I wrote about it here:
Dissident’s reply to me is also worth reading.


Thanks for sharing, Explorer.


>To do activism, it seems, a child must first leave their parents’ home
Nathan Larson didn’t. He still lives there! Guess he has tolerant parents.


That’s impressive. I couldn’t pull that off.


Has anyone tried to create an account on other video platforms, such as DailyMotion or Vimeo? Are they less censorious than Google-owned YouTube?


I will make that suggestion to Youth Liberation. OMG he must be feeling awful. I was thinking of how we first saw porn when I was a kid. It was a little toy kaleidoscope. When you looked in there it was: Boobs for us to see. Us kids lined up to get a chance to look into that little spy glass. Maybe Youth Liberation is going to have to find other means for people to look into his knowledge and know-how. Maybe self published novels. We all have novels: Our Lives … each of us here are dramas of the first order.


Amazon will probably remove unPC novels, that’s a problem…
For video I’d suggest trying D.Tube as its underlying technology is one of the least censorable. Any video uploaded gets a link stored on the SteemIt blockchain which is uncensorable. The link points to a video file on IPFS which as I understand it is like bittorrent but it doesn’t have central trackers so it is harder to remove an unPC file. It’s possible all the nodes could implement a blacklist, and it’s possible that on the D.Tube site they explicitly have a blacklist of videos but it goes a bit against what they are about. And either way, the link indicating that it was there will always be recorded on the SteemIt blockchain, no way to remove that. So we can prove censorship, unlike with youtube.


Thank you holocaust21 I just passed this information on to Youth Liberation via his Patreon Account. Hope he can read it. God knows where he is at and how he is doing. I just checked “D.Tube” he is not there.
It must be almost impossible to hang onto a laptop if you are homeless. I would imagine Public Library Computers would probably be no help to him.


Thanks for your concern. The comments in relation to drugging children and us being imprisoned to bankers are highly relevant. I hope a few of you see this comment. I am fine for now. I won’t give my exact location but I am safe and warm. Soon, however, I have no choice but to return to my hostile hometown as a homeless person. God knows who would want to give me money. I have lost access to every account from e-mail to Patreon because I don’t have the same device or a phone. I can still receive funds there as it is set to auto-release so if any of you know any of my Patrons or are one please inform them of this. If any of you want to make a one time paypal donation comment here with your e-mail and I’ll contact you w/ my personal e-mail. It’s not like I need to fear exposure anymore. I am not in a position to make videos but I aim to start a blog like this one. However, first I must stay alive. I stayed outside on a bench one night and it was horrible. Although I did notice how disconnected we are from the stars and nigh sky. Now I know for a fact there are snakes and liars in this community but also some of you really care and you…I love. Somehow I still haven’t lost hope. The amount of hate I was sent wasn’t what made me feel low but the power it has. I’d crush anyone and win over 70 percent of youth given a voice. That’s why the oppressor fears me. I must stress that losing my YT account is nothing. One day I will speak to millions. I really believe this and that things will work out but it’s going to get so cold, lonely and painful. Amos Yee jumped to my defence. I am in love with him. We will show the world the power of man boy love. I end this with this…if you can spare money please leave an e-mail so we can talk. Patrons will leave soon as they’ll have no idea what I’m doing. But I think I’ve proven I am the Martin Luther King or Gandhi of its cause. The final battle rests with me. Will the dominator win or divine feminine rise?


Oh man-o-man so glad to hear from you. I was going to say “Glad to hear you are safe.” but I know your situation is changing second by second. Hope you find someone who knows how to live homeless, someone who will be good for you and advise you correctly. I know such people in NYC but I know none in the UK. If somehow you could get to NYC not only could you live homeless you would be at the center of the media world and have advisers on how to get their attention. I know such people from following Occupy Wall Street founders from the encampment in Zuccotti Square to the destruction of OWS to now. There are a few good people in that group who could and would help you and through you all of mankind. I am smiling to myself now imaging them saying, “Linca why did you send us this guy?” My answer would be “Because we need him fools.”
Huggs ….. Huggs …. Huggs,


NYC seems like one of the worst places on earth to me lol but I get your point. Thanks for your support x

Ed Chambers

I’m very glad to hear that you are ok in these most difficult of circumstances. I’m hoping that the financial contribution I made to your activism will come in very useful now.
> I stayed outside on a bench one night and it was horrible.
I know how difficult this can be as I slept in a tent for four months whilst I lived in Berlin. It is difficult when one becomes homeless as a result of being a paedophile / paedophile activism, and something I’m very familiar with. On the plus side, it toughens you up tremendously. You are right though, it is a great comfort in many respects to sleep in the Million Star Hotel.
> Now I know for a fact there are snakes and liars in this community
If facts are involved, perhaps you could provide some. Otherwise I would recommend that this comment be regarded as FUD, which is something we don’t need in the community, regardless of the realities of life for paedophiles in this world.
> I must stress that losing my YT account is nothing.
That’s odd, I would’ve thought that putting so much work into this as you have done, there would be some degree of disappointment. In our emails you alluded to having invested so much time and effort into your channel, and when the channel was being flagged you took all of the paedophile videos down as a final move to try to keep things afloat. A great shame that your actions were too late to save it.
> Amos Yee jumped to my defence.
Ahh…yes…Amos….I noted on his facebook page he wrote :
‘Wow my reputation and following has really fallen since I started speaking up for pedophiles. Perhaps I should stop defending pedophilia and start defending anime instead’
Whilst I think that everyone in the community is very grateful for the work both you and Amos have done in the defense of happy, peaceful, loving people who are paedophillic, and positive IGR’s I think it’s important for people to take into consideration the fickle nature of people in all walks of life, particularly those that advocate for minorities such as ours, whilst claiming to be the movement’s next political and spiritual leader…..THEN asking for money in return. This wreaks of the same type of behaviour found in American Evangelism (other religions are available). I remember you mentioning in an email that Yvonne of NVSH had been worried that you were acting psychotic, which is entirely plausible considering your claims :
‘I’d crush anyone and win over 70 percent of youth given a voice.’
Ok…..I admire the fighting spirit.
There have been a number of our kind who have had the feeling that they were some kind of heavenly appointed messiah for paedophiles. Todd Nickerson, Lyndsey Ashford, and to be honest I also went through this phase. It’s a tough thing to swallow when one realises you’ve fallen into the trap of believing the hype, whether it be your own or from others. I think it’s fair to say that there are far more deserving people of this title than me, you or the aforementioned, the owner of this blog arguably the most notable person. So it’s a little rich, erring on the Donald Trump that you make this claim :
‘I think I’ve proven I am the Martin Luther King or Gandhi of its cause. The final battle rests with me.’
In the circumstances, and considering your financial vulnerability, it’s probably best to lay off the dope.
‘I end this with this…if you can spare money please leave an e-mail so we can talk.’
Yes, perhaps we can discuss this once more, I would be interested in seeing what you can offer me now. In the circumstances, I would also encourage you to bite the bullet and rely upon yourself. When I returned to the UK in October 2016, I had a back pack, some old clothes, a tent and a sleeping bag. That was it. 18 months later, things are considerably brighter, but it’s taken much hard work and sacrifice.
Don’t give up hope. I hope that things get better for you very soon.


Thanks Tom. Let us see what happens. It’s been nice interacting with you. Remain cautious and I hope to make you proud (although you should know I think you are way off about David Ikce…he isn’t crazy).


Youth Liberation,
Sounds like you have got a friend in Ed Chambers who knows how to make it on the streets in the UK. That is until you can get on your feet enough to make it to New York City where all the mass media headquarters are.
The hyperbole in your talking is great. But, heck don’t compare yourself to Martin Luther King he was against Rock-n-Roll and wanted us all to be good obedient middle class workers. RE: “A Renegade History of The United States” by Thaddeus Russell.
Now for Gandhi that is another matter. He slept with underage girls. RE: “I Found No Peace: The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent” Hardcover – 1936 by Webb Miller the reporter (Vince Walker) that Martin Sheen played in the film “Gandhi”. This is a little bit of history we all need to know. Two underage girls were walking with Gandhi when he was shot and murdered.
Love ya … best always with huggs,

Ed Chambers

> Now for Gandhi that is another matter. He slept with underage girls.
A man of taste.


It’s not only NYC that has all the mass media headquarters, though I admit it might have the furthest reach, but London has a lot too and that might be easier for him to get to… To stay in NYC on a long term basis you would need a visa, and it is very hard to get a visa, Youth Liberation won’t get one in his situation. You can only go short term under the visa waiver program (less than 90 days I think). The only way he could make it work is if he did what Amos did and commits a speech crime in the UK that would give him asylum in the US. Though, this is a bit risky and I am not sure if anyone has done that before from UK.
So I think if he is going to be homeless maybe he should sleep outside of The Guardian headquarters in London or he could sleep outside of The NSPCC headquarters or he could sleep in Hyde Park Speaker’s Corner and give talks every day about how great the paedos are. In fact, he won’t even need his own youtube channel that way as someone is sure to film him!


Great ideas holocaust21 Speakers Corner: Yes.


Not bad ideas.


MLK woke up to the truth that is why they shot him


What Amos Yee said about defending Anime was a joke and he has done more for the cause in the public arena in the last two years than any one of us. His sacrifice is a fanbase of tens of thousands and potential earnings of thousands a month. Offer any evidence of him not being sincere of pay him his dues.


What Amos Yee said about defending Anime was a joke and he has done more for the cause in the public arena in the last two years than any one of us. His sacrifice is a fanbase of tens of thousands and potential earnings of thousands a month. Offer any evidence of him not being sincere or* pay him his dues. And this is the second time you’ve suggested I use ‘dope’ which I haven’t done the whole time I’ve been this active.


Offer any evidence of him not being sincere
The burden of proof is not on the non-believer.
I’d let the new breed of “activists”, seemingly more concerned with branding and begging for money, prove they, sincere or not, are a positive contribution to the cause.
What odds would you offer on your own positive contributions and long-term involvement?


Speaking of FUD…didn’t you accuse a member of being LE? And I’d die before taking a penny off you again.


Just to add to the information a tad…
Vimeo recently changed it’s business structure, and no longer functions as a monetarily “free” service.
You get a free 500 GB of storage, but beyond that…you have to pay for an upgrade to continue uploading media.
I hate this, because I was thinking Vimeo would be a place for a project [which probably wont come to fruition, but still…].
I’ve more recently discovered that FaceBook videos can be embedded into a WordPress blog…as can Twitter videos [along with YouTube, Dailymotion and Vimeo].
Facebook is notorious for censorship of MAPs, however…as is Twitter, if you get to “matter of fact”, about the facts.
I would agree that D Tube sounds like something to look into…maybe BitChute as well?


“Nathan Larson is pro-rape, pro-incest, pro-incel, pro-pedophilia, pro-misogyny, and pro-Hitler… AND HE’S RUNNING FOR CONGRESS! Jesse interviews him for the full hour, to reveal the man behind the monster, uncover the lies the the Huffington Post might have told in their article about him, and find out if he is truly autistic, or just trolling. This is REAL LIBERTARIANISM™.”

Ed Chambers

It’s a strange one for sure. The guy is…dare I say it….very nice to talk to.
Perhaps I should just keep my mouth shut, to be fair, for fear of inviting further discussion about him and his views, which are quite appalling in many respects. Still, no matter how I may disagree with him on so many things, I stand by his right to his views and his right to speak them in public.
In a nutshell, he has balls bigger than most.


[Tom, sorry for the off topic comment, but this is kind of important.]
Youth Liberation, You have a deceiver hanging around in your YouTube comments section.
The bottom part of this post explains.
“Anon” is not me, and the essay they posted in your comments section is verifiably mine.
I have a very liberal policy where it comes to others republishing my own content.
…but when some nameless, faceless clown lies so quickly and easily, about something like where they got their written content from, red flags go up.
There is no practical reason for him/her to lie like that, about this issue.
I consider what they have done, to be a soft form of false impersonation…And I have been the target of this in the past…both anonymous reposting of my writings, and people actually trying to pass themselves off as being me.
You don’t deserve being lied to like that…and I don’t deserve receiving the proverbial “middle finger” from that jerk.
I see a trouble causer…
…Be aware, that there are a lot of people out there who mean us ill.
…Oh!…and you are doing wonderful work!…Thank you!
It warms my gizzard, to see young, energetic youth taking up the mantle of BL/GL media.

Ed Chambers

> …Oh!…and you are doing wonderful work!…Thank you!
It warms my gizzard, to see young, energetic youth taking up the mantle of BL/GL media.
I have had a disagreement with Leon but I am still in full support of what he is doing. I hope he is able to continue what he is doing for a long time to come.


I blocked ‘anon’ – very deceitful indeed.
Great poem!
Thanks for your compliment.
And Ed, I respect you more after that comment. I’m afraid the disagreement has caused me too much mental strain to go there again. I understand, we still both disagree. But the future might hold bright things for us all.
Flawed human beings as we are, no one deserves persecution.

Ed Chambers

> I’m afraid the disagreement has caused me too much mental strain to go there again.
A tough cookie like you will be ok, but for sure we won’t be going there again. I’m happy to have donated to your activism. You are the next generation of activists, and you have my full support. Let’s look at the bigger picture and see where this goes.


>mental stress
i understand to a great extent i dont know your full situation but i hope u r managing to some how stay on your feet.


News about Frank Adamo’s “child porn” trial: it is postponed. Once again, New hearing will be later this June.
BTW, Frank wrote about his current situation in these two blog posts of his (and the third one is coming soon):


A new video by Leon (Youth Liberator), containing a written interview (read aloud by Leon himself) with my good old pen-friend Titus Rivas:
BTW, once I made two interviews with Titus myself. I recommend you to read the one where Titus and I discuss animal mind and animal rights (Titus is, among his many other occupations, animal liberationist and animal rights defender):
Please feel welcome to respond to BOTH interviews with Titus: Leon’s and mine. The former is more relevant to this blog’s main topic, of course, yet the latter can provide us with an additional theme for disussions on this comment section (for sure, someone can say something interesting concerning animals’ minds and social status).


What are the chances of some jurisdiction enacting half your age plus seven as the AOC? As in making you guilty of statutory rape if you have sex with someone less than half your age plus seven?

David Kennerly

The chances are not very high. They are exceedingly low, in fact. The reason being that it would strip far too many empowered adults of rights they already possess and exercise. It would adversely affect and enrage many who would not otherwise care about anyone else and in numbers that would be obviously suicidal for even the most hysterical anti-sex campaigners to sanely contemplate.


Youth Liberation Guy you are a breath of Fresh Air. Wow: Blew Right In — Positive Ions from a thunderstorm. I posted a link to you on “Nation Without Name Facebook Page”.
And, you are so right there is so much other going on in the world: I am deep into that. ***smile***


re Nathan Larson
>It sometimes works, as evidenced by the Huff Post coverage, which then gets linked (as by Erwin) and further discussed (as be me). It is a successful meme. We are its replicators.
i dont see myself as a replicator of this man i have to admit i am undecided about his feeling of allowing incels not to pay taxes for children.


Larson and his ilk unapologetically call for the violent control of women.
Feminists have, for over 150 years, called upon the full might of the state and private tyrannies to violently control men, children and the occasional woman. Is the issue violent control – or merely the selected group(s)?
Some might be paedophiles, for sure, but these are likely to be far out-numbered by those who are too socially awkward, or physically unattractive, or just too aggressive, unpleasant and narcissistically full of themselves to be attractive to any potential sexual partner
Really? Are we to believe the sexual market is free – failure to find a sexual partner is merely due to individual factors? Pedophiles can also be socially awkward or physically unattractive, not to mention poor. At least a subset of us have far more in common with incels than with their detractors in the Guardian or Huffpo.
Robin Hanson manage to consider the incel issue[1] fairly clearly, including the analogy between lacking money and sex.
The way things are going they will soon be as numerous and as lethal as Isis ever was, perhaps more so.
Are you joking?! Not only are alleged incel murderers very rare, they are also nowhere near as productive, nor apologized for, as those of Isis. To put the numbers in perspective – with one “incel” van attack aweek, it would take four years to even approach the recent ISIS numbers[1].
[1] http://www.overcomingbias.com/2018/04/two-types-of-envy.html
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_terrorist_incidents_linked_to_ISIL


== I replied as follows:==
and very well, if I may say.

Youth Liberation

Hi! Just a quick comment here. The supportive comments are uplifting and an inspiration. I’m pleased some people have responded well to my actions and that there is a need for what I’m doing. I want to address the issue of whether Amos Yee and I have sincere intentions. Just to clarify. Amos has reached his conclusions through logic. That is, he knows the facts that all such relationships aren’t abusive. He himself admits an element of him speaking out is for attention. I am certain he is sincere that he cares, and my intuition for such things is outstanding. But I also think that if he ever finds it’s in his own best interests to take a back seat he will. As for myself. I live and die for this. But what I want you all to consider is that I think a lot of you shut yourselves in being part of this ‘community’ – by all means find like-minded people but there is a lot more going on in the world. The reason I am empowered enough to speak out is because I understand so much more about the control system and that this issue is the final thing to overcome, to stop the divide and conquer strategy. Now, I fight for me and the ones I have loved. Simple. If this benefits you too, I’m glad. But I am not here to be your leader. Empower yourself. Learn to stand up and say bullshit and see the world for what it is. If I ever feel like a single person or organisation is unable to see the bigger picture; if one is to shut themselves in with self-doubt and limited belief systems then I will turn my back in an instant. This is war. A fight that goes into the realms of the seen and unseen. It’s no coincidence that cultures which welcome shamans have been more sexually permissive than ours. Some of you are just far too boxed in. This is why you leave yourselves open to being infiltrated and ruined. I don’t give a fuck who finds out what I say or do because I am entirely open. And I know what I stand for regardless of who turns out to be ‘fake’ or a trickster. I’m done. But to round this all up, thank you to those who welcome my actions, and this issue is connected to the whole human race having its perception hijacked. Take back your mind. That is the message.


Youth Liberation
i admire all your hard work and i also believe that ONE DAY society WILL have to have this conversation weather they like it or not cos they can’t shut it down forever and this is another reason that i want to get involved i still agree that i need a lot more training in this area but at least im enthusiastic.


“It’s no coincidence that cultures which welcome shamans have been more sexually permissive than ours”
That is interesting…Papu New Guinea comes to mind.


That is interesting…Papu New Guinea comes to mind.
Have u been there?


That is interesting…Papu New Guinea comes to mind.
Ps i dont know if the above place has same same sex ed as our culture but to keep the young safe we should not loose sight of that.


They don’t have sex ed in Papua New Guinea, but they have initiation rituals involving young boys and men that are sexual in nature.


Hi, No I have not been to papa New Guinea, Though it does seem an interesting place to visit. I would be a bit worried about being accused of Witchcraft though.


Libertine re papua guina
nowhere in the world can ever get it right, western cultures like ours that embrace the tech and knowledge are too much one way and those that dont go the other lol why cant we have the right balance?


re papu guina
like tom sed new ideas always seem weird to these morons

Ed Chambers

> why cant we have the right balance?
Profit and control prohibit a great deal


Ed Chambers
>profit and power
i can’t see a world without currency unless we go back to the barter system.


Now….What is your last price?


The glossary misses CL – Child Love(r).
Loved the inclusion of “cheeze pizza”, however. Pizzagate is still with us? ;-)Happily not SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse)! Although some people still keep searching for its signs…

Ed Chambers

Lmao…I think IGR – Inter-Generational Relationship may need to be included too?


Long ago, someone told me that the Chinese ideogram for “crisis” was a combination of the two for “danger” and “opportunity”.
Please correct your email address in the funding call (uk suffix duplicated both in the anchor and in the link).
To the Glossary, one could add SJW= “social justice warrior”.
NB. There is in it a cruel joke about “Ethan” and “Devin”.


“NB. There is in it a cruel joke about “Ethan” and “Devin”.”
Yes, it’s a real side-splitter, that one, about me being from law enforcement. And surely only someone who’s very touchy would stoop to reply to a joke… But a joke is still there for people to read, and sow doubt.
Consider studies of the placebo effect. If you tell people to take a pill, and say, “This pill doesn’t do anything” then those people still show significant benefit compared to a control group. Kahneman’s “Thinking, Fast and Slow” is loaded with stories of deficits in human reasoning, how people are affected by something even when told it’s false and to ignore it.
An unconscious nagging doubt that I might be from law enforcement interferes with the support we are trying to give at Virtuous Pedophiles, where people often are very anxious just to write to us.
I am not law enforcement, and no one has ever produced any evidence that points in that direction. If anyone has any, bring it forth and let’s talk about it directly.
And what’s more, Ed, remember that story you told about what you did to that little girl back in 2015? Between the two cars? Oh… just kidding, everyone!
How about instead of that level of exchange, you change the insult in your dictionary to something else — say I can’t think my way out of a paper bag or that my mother wears army boots — but not an insinuation that sits there affecting our work through people’s unconscious minds.

Ed Chambers

As a philosophy, Virped has been thoroughly debunked, built upon lies and an alignment to ‘mental health professionals’ who have very little idea as to the realities of actual abuse as opposed to iatrogenic harm. The CSA industry has benefitted from your involvement. If these people do understand these important differences, they don’t have the balls to speak the truth simply out of fear. Cowardice, something you know about very well in line with your anonymity.
As a therapy group, there to catch child lovers who are in difficulty and in serious danger of harm to themselves or others, it’s a good thing. Get over yourself Ethan and do these people who come to you for help a genuine favour by admitting your agenda is aimed at pushing through anti sex nonsense in line with your sycophantic musings. Help them, but don’t lie to them about the truth concerning IGRs and child love.
As already mentioned in another comment of mine in response to Leon’s guest blog, I actually advised someone to visit Virped, to sign up but NOT to adhere to your rhetorical fear mongering. It is indeed wise to be familiar with the ways of one’s adversaries. And also to acknowledge that some places are fit for some purposes but not all purposes.
Oh…&…the beautiful loli from 2015….how could I forget her…..which reminds me Ethan, you still collecting YouTube vids featuring Russian school kids exercising semi naked in their classrooms?

David Kennerly

Ethan, I don’t think that you’re law enforcement. I do think that you would drop a dime on someone in a minute were they so stupid as to make an admission of current “offending” but I think you guys are otherwise unaffiliated with law enforcement efforts. You do, however, bear more than a passing resemblance to the old Exodus International gay reparative therapy people even if your ambitions are not to fundamentally change sexual orientation. You do know better than that. You simply regret your orientation and hope to propagate that regret outward while pledging fealty to a pedo-obsessed and child-abusing society. That’s enough without you being actual cops.


David, you and I have deep differences on whether adult-child sexual relationships should be legalized and/or accepted. I don’t want to get into the old argument, but you wrote:
“Ethan, I don’t think that you’re law enforcement. I do think that you would drop a dime on someone in a minute were they so stupid as to make an admission of current “offending””
This is not true. We get inquiries at our virped.org site from a lot of different kinds of people in a variety of situations. We have never made a report to police and never would, even those admitting illegal activity. The strongest reason is the same as why progressive people argue against mandated reporting for therapists. If people thought we might report them, they would be less inclined to freely describe their situations. So far, the people who write to us are trying to stop their behavior, and we do what we can to help them with that, and have some evidence we sometimes succeed. If someone was proud of what they were doing, we would point out the various potential harms but if they insisted we would soon stop corresponding with them — but we would not report them. Another reason for not reporting is that sometimes we can tell that people who write to us are trying to frame someone else, and undoubtedly in other cases we cannot detect that.
In my experience, pedophiles of greatly differing views share a solemn commitment to not “out” each other or link identities. We at Virtuous Pedophiles are part of that group, not in the vigilante camp. My co-founder Nick shares my views, and email sent to virped.org is seen by no one but the two of us. If contacted privately as an individual, I would follow the same rules. But in fairness I note that we have no control over what other Virtuous Pedophiles members might do as individuals.

Ed Chambers

I find it distinctly odd, but of course not unheard of, that two men should discover their sexual attractions to children whilst in their fifties. As you will be aware, the majority of pedophiles discover their attractions at a young age, around puberty.
Perhaps even more disconcerting is that these two men, after having married lives with children, upon discovering this long lost part of their sexuality go on to create a an online support forum, where certain things are simply blanked from what is allowed to be discussed.
On top of this, they openly allow members to access the clear net based forum with no official encouragement that they should do do using VPN or TOR. It should be common knowledge that it is very easy to monitor traffic to and from a website, particularly when IP addresses are not hidden, and circuits from and to access points are not run through TOR.
One could at least make it a little more difficult for people, should they wish, to carry out such monitoring activities, one of the many things that I had mentioned to yo in the past, and you ignored. In fact, bearing in mind the current climate on pedophiles, why should people just take your word for this? Who are you Ethan & Nick? And why should anyone trust you? All things considered, this should be enough to cast considerable doubt on who you are and your motives.
As for being LEA or not, I will simply say ‘The greatest accomplishment of the devil was to persuade people he didn’t exist’. Obviously, I paraphrase.
A recent quote of Devin from Virped : ‘I thought I was being clear. I guess not. I will try again. Virped is not working with pedophiles who think adult child sex should be legal’
Again, such is your wish to remain adjacent from the rest of the community that he feels the need to use such terse wording. You may find this bites you in the ass at some point Ethan.
Oh….and I should imagine you deliberately neglected to answer my question regarding your collection of child erotica….would you care to comment, Virtuous Pedophile?


I would never accuse without proof someone of being an undercover LEA for no other reason than a political disagreement, however important it can be. Because that reminds me of the gangster methods of Gerry Healy’s Workers’ Revolutionary Party in the 1970’s, which customarily accused some people in rival organisations of being agents of the CIA or the KGB, or even both. This was accompanied by a policy of intimidation against its own activists, who were dubbed as traitors if they voiced any disagreement.
Conservative policies like those of the VP can simply be explained by society’s pressure to conform, a very strong one; there is no need to raise suspicion of undercover LEA intervention.


LEA’s would be more likely to infiltrate a group arguing for liberty rather than against.
On sexual conduct in general, the important thing is to have the self regulation and awareness to follow the path one intends to follow and to uphold one’s own values. The biggest failures are the ones that contradict one’s own intentions.
For example, I have libertarian views on sexual conduct with children, quite similar to Tom’s. Similarly, my actual conduct with kids is very conservative (even more conservative than Tom’s, based on what I know about him).
But I’ve spent a lot of time with kids at different times and I have friendships with particular kids from time to time. It’s stopped surprising me when they get romantic or express sexual curiosity (and to be honest, I’ve learned to discourage and avoid these occasions in advance) but it’s still a delicate exercise to navigate a course between what is ‘safe’ and ‘appropriate’ while not stomping all over the delicate tendrils of emerging sexual awareness.
So it’s really complicated, but Virped make out its simple. They distort the conversation in an unhelpful way when they could operate almost exactly as they do now, but without the paedophobic agenda. All they need to do is leave the whole question of the ethics of sexual conduct as open, but encourage members to act in line with social norms. B4u-act seem to do this quite well.
Virped seem to think that if they offer up promises of good conduct, all the bigots in the world are suddenly going to invite paedophiles into their hate fueled echo chamber.
Unlikely, but also, who would even want that?

Ed Chambers

Christian, you are naive to unequivocally believe there is no involvement the of LEA on Virped. Proof is not necessary in the circumstances. I am not sure who you are, sexual preference, alignment etc, but you should indeed be aware of the pedophiles standing in society. Accordingly, you are far too trusting of these two anonymous individuals.


I have nothing but praise for the intelligence and courage that Leon has shown in his You Tube posts. He is an inspiration.
In assessing Yee’s contribution, however, I think some of the material in the Wikipedia article should not be ignored:
“On 13 May 2015, a day after being released, Yee took to Facebook alleging that he had been molested by his ex-bailor Law. Law said the allegation was “false”.” Later, ” Yee … revealed that Law “didn’t really molest” him, but maintained that Law was “creepy”[113][114]”


Thank you for mentioning this.
The last thing I want, is to be a killjoy…or to pull anyone down, who may be doing some level of good…But what you mention, is amongst the reasons why I’ve been so slow to embrace Amos.
He definitely has his positives…but we’ve also had enough of getting burned as a community over the years, from being loose in who we’re rubbing elbows with.

Ed Chambers

I have similar doubts….time will tell regarding this new generation of activists. I like to think that our trust is well placed in the likes of Leon, Amos et al…..but for sure it won’t be the first time our community has been burned if it turns out to be some kind of false dawn. I recently donated to one of these people, and for now the work in lieu of this three figure donation was put on hold.
Having a nagging doubt owing to this experience will only be removed if said work is re-initiated in the near future…

David Kennerly

Yes, this concerns me as well. Amos seems to have an unstoppable mouth. Sometimes what he says is very good and sometimes it is very… regrettable.


Ah, so that guy was the one who ran Rare Documentaries. Good times. He is doing a much better job now. As for he doing it rather than letting academy and politics take the lead, that’s something wise to do. The people telling you to give up could very well be involved in some sort of psyops to stop activism. We have failed so far because we are isolated. You should really think about what you can do, you in particular. The worst thing to do now is to do nothing. Even though he refuses to be called a hero, I’m sure he is fine with being called brave.


u r right about the isolation and with careful planning and with the magic of the internet then maybe and hopefully we can change that.


Maybe, but we need to continue talking about it. It’s the taboo that allows people to say whatever they wish about us. We can only break the taboo by talking about this thing. So, we must not shut up.


>Maybe, but we need to continue talking about it. It’s the taboo that allows people to say whatever they wish about us. We can only break the taboo by talking about this thing. So, we must not shut up.
Agreed and i know this might sound corny but “we need to support the many and not just the few”


I admire “Leon’s” integrity. Though we don’t know each other, plainly I owe him for what he’s done.


BBC Hardtalk….This Egyptian feminist, When discussing FGM doesn’t fail to mention MGM, Good on her, Why can’t more be like her. Not to mention the fact that a lot of female ‘cutting’ is female on female. Did anyone hear mrs Greer’s comments on rape at the hay festival, I missed that event but there was many good speakers on many topics. Tom would be good there, but I think the questions at the end would go on longer then the speech itself!


i dont know if any 1 wants to hear this and i sometimes i dont know if any 1 gives a shit but i am feeling really down and as a heretic i have tried really hard to make the effort with like minded ppl and i have been working with one individual and i now feel like i have just been knocked back and binned off and this is really upsetting for me, i have very strong abandonment issues (i think) and as a person in general i am not a very confident person, i am trying to improve on that but every time i start to feel a little bit happy someone always knocks me back down to square 1, i wish it wasnt like this but it is. throughout my teenage years up into my 30s i was a very heavy drinker in fact i am a recovering alcoholic and i have been sober now for about two yrs, i dont have much of an education but i have done my best with wat ive got and like the guy from youth liberation has sed in the article above every 1 should feel wanted and accepted in society and i hope that other ppl on here can understand that.
i am a human being with thoughts and feelings and they have been hurt i dont want to regress i want to progress please dont look down on me just because i am the new guy trying to fit in i dont deserve it.
thank you.

Ed Chambers

I have tried to help you Daniel, but I don’t know what else I can do. You are a new person to the community and of course you should always be welcomed just as much as any other person. I referred you to Visions of Alice, B4uAct and, against my better judgement, even Virped, much to the disappointment of a number of people. Why? Precisely because you’re a newbie and it was the safest thing to do. I could have referred you to a dozen other places, but you might get out of your depth, or even worse, into a lot of trouble.
We were not working with one another. I was just trying to help you because you, like everybody else, deserve that. Like many of us here as child lovers, we all have a lot of everyday stuff to deal with, and sometimes we simply have to put number one first. Which is what I am having to do atm.
So, kick back, enjoy your freedom, and your anonymity, and wake up to the realities, and dangers, of revealing your identity and sexuality in the public domain.


Contact form of my blog. If everything else fails, contact me.


Hey daniel, that sounds tough, and a lot like me a lot of the time.
Its a funny thing about ego, it isn’t all about extraversion and bluster. Ego can be sensitive and fragile, and when it is, life gets really hard.
I don’t have a religious bone in my body, but I learned a lot from Buddhists about this. Buddhism is about making ego less important and taking the focus off all that ‘me’ stuff that seems so real.
Feeling excluded becos of ones sexuality really invites rumination over ones own shortcomings, but none of this stuff matters. If possible its best to take your focus off it and be present, in real time. Think about the taste of a good cup of tea or a crisp apple.
My prescription is to focus on little stuff like this until it makes you feel safe and comfortable. Then, when you feel strong enuf, look at the big picture stuff.
Hope this isnt sounding patronising. I really do get it.


thank you i understand wat ed is saying in a way im trying to walk b4 i can crawl i think its something i cant help.

Ed Chambers

Daniel, you are very welcome here, and I hope you feel this. For sure, you are a noobie, but your time will come, of this I’m certain. In the meantime, take care of yourself. It’s very important to me, and everyone else here, that you stay safe, and that we see no more suicides, similar to the tragedies of Omnipolitics earlier this year, and the likes of Paul Christiano a few years back. You’ve got it all ahead of you, a clean slate, so make the most of it.


Ed Chambers
>You’ve got it all ahead of you, a clean slate, so make the most of it.
Is that wat u r trying to do right now?

Ed Chambers

I don’t have a clean slate Daniel, or ‘it all ahead of me’. Making the most of things is all we can ever do. Honestly, I thought your enthusiasm for activism was brave, but to be fair I didn’t want to see you get involved in stuff that was way above what you could handle. If you take that decision to go ahead with activism at anytime in the future, it’s solely at your own discretion and risk. Don’t let yourself be led on by people. I was conscious that I may have been doing that with you, without really knowing it, so I just let it all go, which is what I think you should do.


Ed Chambers
>I just let it all go
the problem i have with that is that we will never make progress if we dont come forward.


Tom, I can say that your choice of David Betanar as correspondent is interesting: isn’t he a moral conservative who defended corporal punishment of children and circumsion – something that neither you nor your readers (including me) would support? Or the point is exactly to reach the people reperesenting the wide diversity of positions, including the opponents? Anyway, even staunch opponents who are polite and are willing to debate, not censor, can be helpful for our cause!


Well, now, after more study, I see that Betanar is no moral conservative at all: he supports abortion and rejection of reproduction, as well as, apparently, voluntary eutanasia and assisted suicide. Hardly a conservative position.
My characterisation of him was hastly and thus misleading: a reminder that a first impression is not necessarily correct (and my first impression was his essay on corporal punishment, where he defended it appealing to the presumed “authority” of parents, teachers etc.).


Hello, Youth Liberator (or should I call you Leon?).
I can say just one thing to you: I admire your courage. I can’t imagine what kind of inner toughness and resolve one should have to show one’s face to the world in connection with such a topic, knowing that there is no coming back. The 1950s gays from the Mattachine Society come to mind…
Your YouTube channel is for now the best one that is active. For others the situation is worse: Cart O’Graph is silent for years, Antipedophobe Aktion keeps his videos hidden most of the time. Others are mostly banned, including Amos Yee (will he be able to return to YouTube one day? I hope so…) And it can be worse: Omnipolitics has committed suicide.
I look at your channel page every day, just to ensure that you are not yet banned by the YouTube administrators. As long as you are not being gagged by them, please keep your good work!
P.S. Tom, can I feel some pride that it was me who pointed to the existence of the Youth Liberator’s channel? Or was it someone before me who introduced the blog’s readers to his wonderful work?


Doesn’t matter, really – what is important is that channel exists!
I just feel pleased when I’m able to provide some good information.


I thought I was the first one to share his videos with you.


Yes, Hyper, you was the first indeed – now I recall it.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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