Comedian Alan Davies is a lovable presence on British TV, especially in his long-running contribution as a panellist on the nerdy quiz show QI, where he comes across as an overgrown schoolboy, ever eager to impress teacher with a correct answer but constantly chastised for getting it wrong.
This is monstrously unfair. He is clearly bright. He nearly gets it right, only to be mocked time after time by the know-all quizmaster, who invariably reveals the impossibly esoteric correct answer in a smugly superior tone. It is this cruel injustice that brings out our sympathy and affection.
It’s a great act, propelling him steadily towards national treasure status. But be in no doubt that this is indeed an act. What we see on TV is a persona, a mask. It is not an accurate reflection of his personality, the real nature of which is ethically and politically important to us, as will soon become apparent.
In truth, Davies is not the nice guy he seems. He has been an habitual liar, a serial thief, and a thoroughly nasty piece of work. As a teenager he punched his little sister in the face. As a middle aged man he would become a relentlessly grudge-bearing vindictive shit, dobbing in his own Alzheimer’s-suffering elderly father to the police on the flimsiest of grounds, unsupported by his sister (no surprise there!) or older brother, both of whom were fully aware of the facts of the case.
We know all this because he confesses it in his misery memoir Just Ignore Him – the title being an expression his dad used when young Alan was acting up, as usual. After reading the book many might be inclined to say the kindly, patient Mr Davies senior had the right idea: best not to indulge his most difficult child’s constant demands for more than his share of attention. To have done so would not have been in the boy’s own long-term interests – or so he might reasonably have thought, based on the parenting standards of the time.
Needless to say, this is not Alan’s view of his dad, nor of being ignored. The chasm of understanding between them is at the heart of Davies’ book, which I was prompted to read recently after seeing the author talk about it in the company of fellow comedian Bill Bailey in the TV series Perfect Pub Walks. Ostensibly the book belongs to the ever-growing sexual abuse genre of memoirs, especially celebrity ones. But really it is about so much more – and less, because sex is not really the issue. The problem is not sex but love, or rather its traumatic loss.
The all-too-defining key fact of Davies’ childhood, and perhaps much of his adult life, was his mother’s death from leukaemia when he was six. Left with three young children, the suddenly single father, Roy Davies, couldn’t cope. The problem was not financial. He had a well paid job as an accountant and enough money to have his kids privately educated. He also coughed up for a succession of live-in housekeepers and “tea ladies” to take care of all the cooking and cleaning.

Even community support should have been available, given that Roy and Mrs Davies (who is always just “Mum” in the book) had long been active in the local Cubs and Scouts, which is where they met in the late 1950s. But this was in Chingford, Essex; and, as was typical in respectable middle class nuclear families of the Home Counties in those days, domestic life was largely a private matter. Relatives, friends, and neighbours might be sympathetic to a situation like Roy’s but they did not “interfere”.
Men like Roy were expected to soldier on and do their best – which they did, like the wartime generation before them, who had no choice but just to battle on through adversity in the most literal sense, as actual soldiers. In Roy’s case, he had been independent school educated and steeped in the emotionally repressed “stiff upper lip” culture deemed appropriate for the officer classes, society’s leaders.
Unfortunately, emotional repression was the last thing distraught little Alan needed when he lost his mum in the early 1970s. He needed affection and his dad was not good at showing it. In all probability, reading between the lines, Roy Davies loved his children dearly but was desperate not to show too much physical affection for fear of being more intimate than was socially acceptable. In other words he was minor-attracted but knew he must at all costs avoid the dreaded taint of incest – an avoidance he appears to have struggled with in the case of Alan.
The first sign that Roy found himself sorely tempted came soon after his own mother’s death. Alan speculates in his book that while she remained alive he may have been inhibited by her influence. Whatever the truth of that, Alan would have been around eight or nine years old when Roy came into his bedroom just in his underpants. That was nothing unusual, but Alan “may have been getting changed at the time”. At all events, they came to be lying on the bed together, Alan naked, Dad in his pants. Roy’s “hands became very busy as his cuddling developed into caressing, all without speaking. It was a quiet, librarial molestation.” His dad’s face came close to his own: “I didn’t like the feeling of the stubble. He didn’t speak. He didn’t kiss me. It was a bit unpleasant, but tolerable, given how nice it was to be cuddled.”
Then Dad speaks: “ ‘This is our special cuddle. You must never tell anyone about this cuddle,’ he said. That self-serving parody of tenderness was an improvement on the norm so I went along with that plan…. I was a just a bit confused, part grateful, part burdened by a new secret.”
And that was it. No unbridled, passionate ravishing, no covering in kisses, not even any genital touching, and certainly no exposure of Roy’s own genitals, or penetration of any kind. Just a secret Special Cuddle, and even that didn’t happen again until Alan was twelve or so, perhaps because the intervening presence of housekeepers reduced the opportunity for private moments. His older brother, too, was at times an “unwitting sentry”, as his bed was close to Alan’s. It is not clear, after that, how often these incidents recurred. In Alan’s account they ended when he was thirteen and began to object.
There is no reason to doubt he had very mixed feelings about it all. He speaks of embarrassment, which is understandable: as an adolescent he would have been acutely aware that a taboo was being broken, even if the intimacy did not amount to incest as narrowly defined. “I was eager to please him, of course,” he admits, “but how could I do that when it all felt so awkward and embarrassing?” His body was at odds with his head, though, as he tells us:
The last time he did it I was thirteen and I became erect, which is still unbearably embarrassing…. I remember clearly deciding to allow my nubile cock to sink into the flesh of his tummy. He did not flinch or acknowledge what was happening…” Soon he bolted from the room.
End of story. Sort of. No more Special Cuddles. But it was to be only the beginning – or not even the beginning – of a never ending story of towering rage and resentment on Alan’s part towards his father, from which an opportunity for revenge would eventually spring. It is a rage that never stops to question the most insistently asserted yet least well evidenced dogma of our times, that sexually motivated touching in childhood is in itself traumatic. Why would he question it, after all, given that it provides such a convenient, socially rewarded excuse for a great deal of behaviour he would otherwise need to be ashamed of?
The under-examined and, I would argue, primary cause of trauma in his case was the loss of his mother. I am reminded of the Duke of Sussex, or Prince Harry as we used to know him, who lost his mother Diana when he was only 12. His headline-grabbing, apparently permanent, state of smouldering resentment towards his father owes nothing to sexual abuse. Had there been anything of that sort Harry would have trumpeted it around the world long ago given his reckless enthusiasm for destroying the family to which he owes his own privilege and wealth. And Harry, like Alan, also has an older brother who suffered a similar loss but took it more stoically. Sibling differences of this sort could have complex origins, such as proximity to Freud’s Oedipal period at the time of the critical incident; but, equally, they might well be largely a matter of individual temperament. Who knows?
What is more important for our assessment is to understand that Alan’s post-traumatic feelings of resentment predate that first Special Cuddle, so cannot have been caused by it. Even at age three his lowly place in the household pecking order was a matter of sufficient consternation to him to elicit an anxious memory, assuaged only by his mother’s love. This seems to have been a glancing reference primarily to his brother’s resented higher status and perceived nastiness, which appears to have been quite traumatic in its own right. His brother would steal his toys (allegedly!). So much did he hate sharing a bedroom with his sibling that, “I would often go to sleep in my dad’s bed after Mum died, preferring to be put into my own bed only when my brother was asleep.” Sibling squabbling of this sort is of course commonplace but that does not mean it is always trivial. In this case it would later assume epic proportions, again echoing the poisonous rancour between Harry and William, Prince of Wales.

In the Davies household, as with the royals, a key aspect of the dynamic would be the older brother’s tendency to side with their father in any dispute. His sister would turn out the same way, which proved more than poor put-upon Alan could stand. It all kicked off at an airport, coming home from a family holiday. Some sort of mischief had been going on while they were waiting for the flight. Dad doesn’t see it, but inquires accusatorially what Alan has been up to. Sister says he was being stupid. Alan totally loses it and smashes her in the face. Desperate to avoid blame, he points the finger at his father, suddenly blurting out: “You’re a poof! You come into my room at night and touch me up…”
Did anyone believe him? Of course not. Bro and sis had long been wearily used to now 15-year-old Alan’s perpetual lying. The pair of them and their father just stood there glaring at him, “like an unusually hostile… interviewing panel”. Rather than wait to see himself sacked from membership of the family, Alan promptly took to his heels and got lost in the airport!
Possibly to their later regret, the family did not abandon him there, saying good riddance to bad rubbish. They searched. They found him. On the flight back, he was surprised to find Dad being kind, and making sure there was no further trouble with his siblings.
Dad, of course, knew the truth. And so would Alan’s brother and sister, but only decades later, in middle age. Dad was suffering from Alzheimer’s by the time their step-mother discovered and revealed his porn collection, including a folder marked “Teen Boys”. Suddenly it became undeniable that Dad might have been sexually attracted to young Alan (although none of the porn “boys” were clearly minors, being more “twink” age).
Did it really matter? Should it have been such a big deal? Bro and sis evidently didn’t think so. They showed no sign of wanting to make a fuss. But Alan’s ever acute sense of grievance never waned. It seems never to have occurred to him to take some personal responsibility for what went spectacularly wrong in his teens, when he was lazy at school, an unpopular braggart, a vandal, and an habitual shoplifter. Though he lacked for nothing materially (Dad bought him a motorbike and a car), he nicked a lot of money over time from one of the tea ladies – someone who could ill afford to lose it – and pilfered from other staff too.
Where was his moral compass through all this? He apparently felt didn’t need one. His Dad had gently caressed him, and that trumped all other considerations: he was a victim of abuse, which excused everything. His ferocious anger never abated even after becoming a father himself, with a highly successful career. Indeed, now he had plenty of money he could afford a psychotherapist, who would only have endorsed and reinforced his monumental sense of grievance.
So it need not surprise us that after his dad’s porn cache had been discovered Alan went to the police, with every prospect a conviction would put his senile, octogenarian father behind bars. What sweet revenge, eh, what righteous justice would then be meted out!
But the Crown Prosecution Service were not as gung ho as he might have hoped. Alan may have been “touched up”, but not on his genitals, so the evidence for any sexual motivation on Roy’s part was thin to vanishing. Habitual liar that he was, or had been as a boy, Alan could have literally sexed up his story into a dodgy dossier of false allegations; but in his grown-up awareness that his childhood lying had often backfired he stuck with just the naked caressing.
It was not enough. The CPS declined to prosecute. Frustrated, Alan splashed out £6,000 for a barrister’s review of the evidence. The ensuing report concluded that a viable case for prosecution could actually be mounted, and the CPS eventually accepted this. But where the lawyers eventually supported Alan, the doctors would not: Roy was deemed unfit on medical grounds to stand trial.
End of book, if not of story. Actor Alan has strutted and fretted his hour upon the stage. Has his tale been one “told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”? Should Heretic TOC have ignored Just Ignore Him? We could read scores of these memoirs, these never ending stories, but what would be achieved, apart from drowning ourselves in depressing bullshit? Judge for yourselves, dear heretics, but my view is that these whingers need to take a good look in the mirror and should occasionally be invited to do so.

Anger is among the attributes needed by a comedian, according to Alan Davies. But he is clearly too angry for his own good, as well as that of anyone who incurs his displeasure.
As Aristotle said, anger is easy. But for anger to be virtuous rather than vicious is much harder. It needs to be anger with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and expressed in the right way. Getting all those ducks in a row is not something we would expect to happen very often.
To be permanently mad as hell is not a sign of good character. Nor is it good for us. Angry people have an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. It can takes years off their lives, as a major study reported this month.
Maybe I should tell that to another “look back in anger” specialist who emailed me recently. Just like Davies, he is a figure in the public eye, and his own misery memoir was published to much acclaim a few years ago, including acres of spin-off coverage in the print and broadcast media.
Now he says he wants to involve me in a new broadcast project. As you may imagine, I am more than a bit wary. The details are only very vague as yet. So, wish me luck. I’ll need a long spoon if I’m going to sup with any of these devils.
School kids are being used as a political football for the sake of headlines in the run-up to the general election. So says Pepe Di’Iasio, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, and I could not agree more.
His remarks, reported in today’s Guardian, follow the government’s announcement of plans to ban sex and relationship lessons for children under nine in England – a reactionary, ill-considered move that prime minister Rishi Sunak and his desperate crew must be hoping will allay parental anxieties and give a boost to their currently rock-bottom popularity.
It is a tactic which seizes reflexively on real worries that have been in the air in recent months, notably children’s exposure to potential harm through mobile phone use, as discussed in last time’s blog.
Likewise the Cass Review raised important questions on the genuinely sensitive and difficult topic of teaching in schools about gender transition. The Tories’ crass knee-jerk response is to avoid it like the plague, taking sex education for older children back to the dark ages in which “education” basically meant just trying to scare youngsters off sex entirely by focusing heavily on grim stuff like sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy.
This would be terrible news but for one thing: this government appears to be on the way out, and when it goes their sex education policy will go with it.
If you’re asking me, Tom, I think there is good advice to be taken from Sun Tzu in The Art of War: “One who knows the enemy and knows himself will not be in danger in a hundred battles.” Depressing and tedious though the effort can be, studying a few of the more elaborate and eloquent of these sexual abuse memoirs may serve to gather intelligence on the political enemy.
To that end, I would love for you to give an analysis of this Substack essay by “Holly MathNerd”. This particular abuse memoir and diatribe against “the normalization of pedophilia” merits careful study, I think, and Holly strikes me as a more sympathetic victim than Mr. Davies—although I notice that, unlike her, some other survivors of sexual abuse grow up to be MAP-friendly, not MAP-hostile.
Interestingly, Molly herself anticipates my metaphor of gathering intelligence on the enemy. “In publishing this, there is every possibility that a pedophile could read this and learn something about the process [of ‘normalizing’ or ‘grooming’] that they don’t already know,” she writes. So what do you say, Tom? Would you like to realize one of her worst fears?
Good thinking, Brian. How about giving us your own analysis of this essay? I haven’t read it yet. Bit busy right now.
I’m not sure I can find the time and energy for the thorough analysis it deserves any time soon. If you can’t either, maybe you can crowdsource it as a potential subject of a guest essay.
Any takers?
WAY mo’ PERVERSE Anglo ANGST, “You haven’t heard the WORST of it – I LOVED it!!”
No wonder cuddle-cat wankas like Davies are, er wankas. While DEMANDING not consenting wonders like Winton are WUNNERFUL !
whats liz taylor got to do with mr winton??
>whats liz taylor got to do with mr winton??
Check earlier HHP response, “Don’t ignore Dale Winton ‘My Story’…it wasn’t abuse I enjoyed both experiences.”
what pages was this story. i need to know to add to newgons
consenting juveniles
section.HOT Junior Salsa in Miami.
Thank you for another great post, Tom! And as is often the case, you hit the nail on the head: people who take on Victimhood as a social identity and status do so in the belief that it will give them license to commit as many nasty acts against others as they wish, and always blame it on the people who had wronged them (whether real or imagined), and on the people who later dare try to hold them accountable for their own terrible behavior.
Traumatized people can’t be responsible for their actions, right? Trying to hold them accountable just makes us uncompassionate assholes who “do not know what it’s like,” correct? Because no one knows trauma and hardship better than they do, aye?
You see the same thing in Western identity politics, from SJW liberals to right-wing Zionists, and I think it can be cogently argued that Victim (with a capital “V” as opposed to the lower case version) is a form of identity politics in its own way, possibly close to a type of “disability” in their eyes.
Is it really any wonder we see so many of these memoirs and instances of these accusations? Is there really such a plethora of vile sexual predators permeating every single institution we can think of (including, evidently, pizza parlors!)? Or are there just a growing myriad of people wanting to be able to claim the Victim mantle for all the benefits trauma-sufferers can claim for themselves? Not to mention a shit ton of Moral Crusaders always eager to aid and abet them by practicing an “always believe” policy for every single claim, so they have as many stories and allegations as possible to rationalize playing white knight and having an unending number of dragons to slay to mark their own virtue notches.
It also ties into the habitual anger and bitterness trope that you mentioned, making Victims feel justified in merrily walking down the dark paths where this leads. Victims feel they are entitled by their trauma to lash out as much as they want and to reap the rewards of the misplaced sympathy thrown upon them. And Moral Crusaders need them and their accusations like maggots need ready supplies of garbage and dung.
Btw, I never heard the term “whinger” before! That must be a Briticism, so I look forward to looking up the meaning and adding it to my lexicon 🙂
Great to see you back, Dissy, and thanks for a splendid post!
>I think it can be cogently argued that Victim (with a capital “V” as opposed to the lower case version) is a form of identity politics
Yes, totally agree!
>never heard the term “whinger” before! That must be a Briticism
It’s well established here, for sure, but Australians are famous for calling us Brits “whinging Poms”, based on their experience of British immigrants in the postwar decades complaining about their living conditions. These were the “£10 Poms” who were given very cheap passage to Australia from the UK by the Australian government in order to increase the country’s population and workforce. The new arrivals were housed and fed in often very basic temporary accommodation that led to complaints they were being treated like soldiers in Spartan barracks or prison convicts:
Also, see especially the contribution by Peter Allen:
> people who take on Victimhood as a social identity and status do so in the belief that it will give them license to commit as many nasty acts against others as they wish, and always blame it on the people who had wronged them (whether real or imagined), and on the people who later dare try to hold them accountable for their own terrible behavior
Kieran Parsons anyone?
Double plus good Dissident
This is a form of hypertrophied political correctness that has been strengthened in Western society for decades. As result modern Western liberalism has leaned to the left and is acquiring signs of socialism, only instead of the “oppressed” working class in modern society there has appeared a class of offended “victims” and a new “Komsomol” uniting social justice warriors, radfems and left media who indulge them. As soon as it turns out that someone has turned out to be “morally corupted,” he is subject to unanimously and collectively condemnation by the Komsomol and is recorded as an “ideological enemy.” And the only way to “clean up” is to “repent” and present yourself as a victim of childhood abuse or apologize to the entire class of victims, explain that he was mistaken and go into the shadows (where are you Milo?)
This was a good response, Harlan!
I will mention, however, that I am a socialist (which is well known around here) and totally against identity politics in its myriad forms. As you noted with your comparison, socialists of the classical variety (i.e., loyal to what Marx and Engels actually described in their collective works) focus entirely on class, in an effort to unite all workers regardless of their race, sex, ethnicity etc. Identity politics promoted by the post-modernist influenced left of the current era is divisive among that class, and distracts from economic issues to focus on competing cultural and social values to get us at each others’ throats rather than united in terms of shared material interests. In fact, such identity politics have been nurtured and promoted in so many Western institutions by giant capitalists (like the aptly-named Larry Fink) in charge of mega-corporations such as BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street, as well as mega-banks like JP Morgan and uber-powerful media magnates like Rupert Murdoch. They are responsible for promoting those DEI initiatives that have made the culturally-conscious left so powerful and ubiquitous, and that lot are hardly examples of people opposed to capitalism and promoters of Marxian economics 🙂
However, because identity politics is largely associated with the modern left (they do not have a monopoly on identity politics, just specific manifestations of it; the right has their own versions, and often promote Zionism, for instance) and the thus the term “socialism” has been applied to them as sort of a buzzword for anything they dislike connected to the left (much as Archie Bunker would famously exclaim “That’s communism!” about any value or ideology he disliked promoted by people he disliked).. These far left attitudes are thus often mistaken for attacks on capitalism and promotions of Marxist ideology. In reality, they have hi-jacked Marxism and misapplied its classic, class-based tenets for this purpose, which is why their ideology has sometimes been called “Cultural Marxism” or “Neo-Marxism.” In actuality, far left promoters of identity politics have no issue with capitalism per se, they simply want much more people representing their ideology and superficial physical “diversity” traits to be sitting in positions of corporate and bureaucratic power, right alongside those wealthy old white men (like Larry Fink) they routinely demonize but vote for and support when they promote their brand of identity politics.
It’s understandable for people on the right who dislike the idea of class war and Marxism in general to make the conflation, but it’s actually not correct. Hence, it often surprises some of my friends and allies against identity politics from the right to learn that I am a socialist 🙂
I’m sorry but I’m one of those people 🙂 who dislike the idea of class war and think that Marxism is largely not a viable ideology, but most of all I hate soviet communist revolution because it was a historical disaster that negatively affected many lives and events, the consequences of which are still reflected (from World War II, Palestine and to Ukraine) But no matter how different our views may be, I would like you to write here more often, like all other long-time regulars of this blog.
I’m sorry but I’m one of those people who dislike the idea of class war and think that Marxism is largely not a viable ideology,
That’s fine. We shall agree to disagree on that and work together on what we can agree on 🙂
but most of all I hate soviet communist revolution because it was a historical disaster that negatively affected many lives and events,
Something I agree with you about, because the Soviet Union was not a classless, stateless, and moneyless society, and Russia in 1917 did not have the technological capacity to achieve that, especially with no help from the more industrially advanced nations of the era. Again, I understand why whose who support capitalism and therefore dislike Marxism would want to conflate the two, but that is akin to conflating the Left in general, and Marxism, with wokeness and the extreme left brand of identity politics. However, now that capitalism has outlived its usefulness since we moved into a post-industrial era it has likewise negatively affected many lives and events, save for those few at the top of the economic totem pole.
But no matter how different our views may be, I would like you to write here more often, like all other long-time regulars of this blog.
I thank you, my friend, and likewise 🙂
Most media and commentators conflate the Soviet 1917 revolution with the Stalinist counter-revolution that grew in the 1920s and triumphed in the 1930s; in many respects, Stalinist policies were opposed to those of the revolution (for instance covert antisemitism, the ban on abortion and the criminalisation of homosexuality).
If the 1917 revolution had not succeeded, World War I would have dragged longer, and the defeated and exhausted Russia would have probably fallen into fascism like Italy and Germany, so the Axis in World War II would have been a long strip from Germany through Russia to Japan.
I don’t see how “from World War II, Palestine and to Ukraine” could be “consequences” of the 1917 Soviet revolution. World War II was caused by unresolved conflicts between the belligerents of the previous war and was provoked by Nazi (capitalist) Germany. The war in Ukraine is due to the will of the rulers of capitalist Russia to restore the old Russian empire, and Putin explicitly blamed Lenin and the Bolsheviks for having recognised the existence of Ukraine as a nation. The conflict in Palestine is due to the Zionist policy of ever expanding the territory of Israel, expelling Palestinian Arabs from their land; communism never had any significant influence in that region.
I did not explain so as not to provoke disputes beyond the scope of the blog. But I’ll try to answer briefly. Please excuse me for being off-topic
The real revolution took place in February 1917, in March the monarch abdicated the throne. A new democratic republic has only just been born, but it was not allowed to take even the first steps. The October revolution of 1917 was the very counter-revolution that led to great bloodshed, civil war, confiscation of private property and famine. The illiterate population of Tsarist Russia was fooled by the sadists and maniacs Trotsky and Lenin.
The First World War would have ended the way it did anyway. But without Trotsky and Lenin, there would have been no Stalin, who thirsted for war in Europe so much. Germany decided to attack Poland, confident that the Soviets not only would not interfere, but would help dismember it according to the secret protocol of the non-aggression pact. Both of them needed the war, Hitler to hide the emerging problems in the economy, Stalin to expand his territories. At a subsequent meeting in Berlin in November 1940, the Soviets were asked to join an alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan, but the territorial demands of the Soviets were so prohibitive that Hitler ordered the preparation of an attack plan. Without Stalin, the war may well not have spread so far and lasted so long.
Since the 60s, the KGB came to power in the Soviets. They began to recruit and spread propaganda among representatives of Arab countries. The so-called Palestinian leaders Arafat and Abbas were recruited by the KGB, what the Romanian defector said Mihai Pacepa.
After the collapse of the Soviets, the KGB rebuilt the economy into a market system, but the aggressive essence remained the same. Putin is a continuation of the old system.
[MOD: ” Please excuse me for being off-topic”. I feel this post is justified by the foregoing thread. That said, I urge everyone to bring any further posts back on topic more directly.]
As mentioned in the Death of the Left, the division created by identity politics dates back to the early history of the left when, in the 19th century, parts were only too willing to sell out the working class for feminism.
Winlow, one of the authors of the Death of the Left, in discussion with Galloway on MOAT:
BTW, Galloway also recently spoke out against wokery (e.g. teaching young children there are 72 genders), showing his radicalism in defending the family – mom, dad and kids – as normal.
I wonder if alanis morrisette will turn into a
mentality. because she has been recently brainwashed to believe she did not consent at 15.(she formerly did). Age of consent in canada at that time was, shock, horror- 14.Alanis became old, frumpy, and uninteresting, then she spoke with her “therapist”, and all of a sudden, she realized she was the victim of child rape sex abuse since the age of 3!
Isn’t it ironic? Don’t ya think?
Or rather ‘moronic’…..
3? then she went all the way up to 15? big difference . You Oughta Know.
Did you look up the meaning? Does Trump come to mind?
Such a Victim (who uses their Victimhood, whether real or perceived, as an excuse to be cruel and evil towards others) is what I believe Nietzsche would call a “creature of ressentiment”.
BBC/Biased By Commission (& Omission) weak-end ‘Wimmins Hour’ masturdebates FGM. Ritual serial, sexual, physical, emotional, mental BLOODY TORTURE of lil Lolis from Age 5 – sex pleasure gone forever!
Medievil FGM rightly made pan EU illegal in 1985 and soon all but eliminated by education and convictions in caring mainland modern EU.
But just TWO convictions in 4-decades ongoing in callous uneducated medievil UK, still fixated on mere consensual/unlawful sex Not consenting..DEMANDING from millions of non-victim young fans (many underage) chasing, grabbing, groping, grooming, fucking HOT adult stars. Quote Rock God Sweet Peado Presley, “Thang U verrrr murrrch.” .
Y2K Bold MAP’S anti-FGM TRUNCHEON, trashed UK so called ‘Child Protection’ bent-cops/media. A BLOODY DISGRACE to true Child-Protection. Quote, BBC TV prod-dir BIG Liar Bob Long(nose) to Bold MAP, “You’ve caused a stir at The Yard!”
Quote, Bold MAP, “So, they’re gonna drop these fake charges from their pro-active 24/7 phone-taps and day-long homes dismantling dawn raids with only pics found all legal when made 3-decades back and not one complaint, And finally start pro-actively prosecuting VILE FGM UK Child Sex BLOODY TORTURE from 15yrs back ongoing with tens of thousands of UK young girls lifelong victims, and just a 1-minute medical to prove or disprove a case – yet NOT ONE UK FGM case thus far? Answer the question, answer the GODDAM BLOODY QUESTION!! Hey! Cum back BiasedBritCrap Bob & UK bent-Cops, don’t run off like tabloid-trashed cowards – GOTCHA!!”
MGM legal in america. but take photo of 17 year old life sentence? some heavy drugs these politicians on.
New Wiki page made for Japanese anime producer
This one’s personal because I too was one of the fans going crazy for Your Name when it first came out. I literally had posters on my wall and more. I got at least 3 if not 4 other people to watch it. I was absolutely flawed and awestruck on first watch…
The problem is that all of Shinkai’s films following similar themes. They’re all coming of age romances featuring nervous, cute and sexually inexperienced teens (channeling Kincaid’s “Erotic Innocence” maybe?), so once you’ve seen one it feels (to me) like you’ve seen ’em all. I watched the next film Weathering With You in cinema, and I kid you not it was packed, everyone stood up at the end to clap, and a woman next to me was balling her eyes out crying. I wasn’t so moved nor impressed: Your Name is still the best.
Though, in light of Ito’s interest in post-pubescent female teens, it does make Weathering With You seem a bit different, knowing that a plot point involves one of the young characters lying about their age…
Clearly, life is very strange and full of surprises… And MAPs make good movies! :p
From F.B. HOT Loli MAP Francois Lemonnier
Captain James Cook, Tahiti Chapter III, Sunday 14th This day ended with a strange scene at the gate of the fort, where a six-foot-and-a-half boy made love to a ten to twelve-year-old girl in public, in front of several sailors and many natives. What makes me mention this is that it seems to be a custom in this country, because there were several women present, among them Oburea and several other great ladies, who did not appear at all shocked but instructed the girl in everything she had to do.
[MOD: This info is undoubtedly interesting, HHP, but would have been seen anyway by anyone going to the link in your earlier post. The more sparing and selective your posts are, the more they will be read.]
Thank you for the link to Monsieur Lemonnier’s page. He seems like a great guy!
I’ve just found out and would like to make everyone aware that the book which led to Gabrielle Matzneff being canceled and becoming a figure not far off the Roman Homo Sacer, “Le Consentement” (2019), by one Vanessa Springora, has been translated to English.
Titled “Consent: A Memoir” (2021), you can find it for free on Library Genesis here:
This version is an EPUB file type. Sometime soon I’ll convert it to a PDF and upload that version to Libgen, with a different description which acknowledges Matzneff’s published response to her work. Matzneff’s response, titled “Vanessavirus”, is (to my knowledge) only available in Italian translation, perhaps being unable to find a French publisher. You can see the book at:
I will see if I can engender an amateur translation of this. It’s not that difficult, but I’d be relying on someone else so I can’t make any promises. To my knowledge, however, no one’s done it yet, so it’d be an important contribution…
FYI, I made available an amateur translation of Lisi Cori’s 77 page privately printed 2021 work entitled La Petite Fille et le Vilain Monsieur (The Little Girl and the Naughty Man), which compares the two published accounts of Matzneff and Springora. The text challenges Springora’s framing of their relationship, and some factual matters such as chronological accuracy. I will see if I can improve the translation and, after some checks, add this to Library Genesis.
Sextensive stuff once more Top Scholar Prue.
One small typo, ‘Gabriel’ M not F ‘Gabrielle’?
Haha, I did notice this recently, in fact. Yes, I’d been spelling his name wrong. I think I thought it looked cooler that way :p
I’ve now added some beautiful photos of Matzneff and Francesca Gee, taken in the 1970’s and re-appropriated with thanks from the Greek Love website.
Check it out on his dedicated page, or just the photos themselves with the couple in Paris, 1973, and again in Paris in 1975.
They really do look like a celerity couple and – I’m very tempted to say – that if we had tons of couples sporting photos like these, willing to do interviews and media appearances, what we might call the ‘MAP Movement’ could be much further along in its struggle for legitimacy. That can’t happen in the present, of course, because of the criminality involved. And whilst we can’t change the past so there’s no use lamenting it, these examples from modern history could be used, dramatized, animated, etc.
Whatever the case, these are not the ‘monster’ images people seem to have in their minds.
English PDF versions of both books, with less hostile descriptions, have now been made available on Libgen :p
Check out:
The Little Girl and the Naughty Man (La Petite Fille et le Vilain Monsieur. Sur Gabriel Matzneff et Le Consentement)
Consent: A Memoir
Thanks, Prue. Matzneff is a truly great man.
(Off-topic) Accidentally found recent paper “Addressing Computer-Generated Child Sex Abuse Imagery: Legal Framework and Policy Implications”. Interesting (and obviously mostly upsetting) read: Also related (and upsetting):
The crazies were foaming at the mouth over CARTOON nudity in scooby doo spinoff Velma. underage !!!!! no, its the natural human form, and its a cartoon. im sending the white jacket men.
Black Velma is hot ngl :p
Don’t ignore late great TV celeb straight-bi-gay Dale Winton’s bio, “My Story” from 2011.
In which Winton recalls POSITIVE sex separately with two attractive school teachers M & F when he was 13 and FLIRTED to find out if he was straight or gay, “It wasn’t abuse I enjoyed both experiences.” So, scientifically, another AAM clearly aMused not aBused – WAY to go late great Dale.
Wow, what a weird world Alan Davies lives in. Some thoughts (finally! apologies for lateness!) on your blog:
“Whatever we might feel about the man, the book is a compelling read. Davies is as talented on the page as on the stage.”
> I don’t want to burst anyone’s bubble, but I’d submit that many biographies and autobios written for mass appeal are, in fact, ghost written. Obviously I (probably) can’t prove that in this case, but there are plenty of celebs and media personalities who in no way have the time to sit down and type out an eloquent memoir / book. It takes academics years to write their books, most of the time, and that is not just about doing the research, but the practical matter of fitting in writing alongside daily living. So, just something to bear in mind when reading these kinds of general audience memoirs…
“The chasm of understanding between them [Davies and his father] is at the heart of Davies’ book”
> Does Alan Davies show much empathy for his father? I.e. does he consider what it might be like to be a single father of 3 in the 1970s, trying to hold down a professional job after his wife has died of cancer?
> But, as you mentioned, isn’t Roy’s behavior also indicative of his cultural conditioning / era? Might it also be that Roy Davies was concerned to not appear “queer”, or “homosexual”, not just MAP? Would part of Alan’s embarrassment also, surely, have been not just the incest taboo, but especially at the time, the homosexuality taboo? Feeling attraction towards someone who’s both your father, and a man? As Alan states when lashing out at his father at the airport: “you’re a poof!”
You write:
“In other words [Roy Davies] was minor-attracted but knew he must at all costs avoid the dreaded taint of incest”.
>If he was in any sense minor-attracted, it sounds pretty significantly non-exclusive? Not only did he have a wife and kids, then another woman who becomes step-mother, but he finds Twink (marked as “Teen”) guys attractive: well, imagine my shock! IMO, this guy doesn’t sound all that non-normative – the popularity of porn featuring Twinks and Femboys who look like teenagers even if they are not, suggests to me that plenty of people find young males hot. Hardly exceptional nowadays.
>Okay, so reading closely, there’s a gap of 6 years or so before Dad gets into bed with son again for a ‘Special Cuddle’. That’s a fairly long gap, and does not sound like a protracted incestuous and sexual relationship in any meaningful sense. I interpreted the line “developed into caressing […] a quiet, librarial molestation” as implying genital fondling. Does Alan make it clear that this was not the case? Is Alan seriously complaining about his father “caressing” him by rubbing his face against him in an act of affectionate embrace??
In any case, it also sounds like Alan found this pretty hot? If he finds that embarrassing, can’t he rationalize that feeling, or is he just looking for anything to criticize his father after the death of his mother? I struggle to see how he couldn’t rationalize the fact of his getting a boner as a ‘no reason boner’ / basic physiological response which he may’ve had no control over, and his embarrassment, as just part of being living amongst myriad people who are wildly different to you? Has he not had enough embarrassing experiences in life, to place this one in context of where he and his Dad were at as people? After 13, we’re told, there were no more ‘Special Cuddles’ because Alan objected. Dad moves on, but Son, at least in his mind, doesn’t. It sounds like Dad, the daughter and other son, did not see these ‘cuddles’ as especially significant or unusual?
Is Alan’s hatred an expression of sibling rivalry; a power-play and way to assert dominance and control over his past? “I am right” contra his siblings; appealing to a sex abuse discourse they’d find hard and look bad trying to challenge? It’s seeming like it: why would he want to ruin his father’s life over what at least sounds like “innocuous, bucolic pleasures,” to steal a phrase from Foucault?
I strongly suspect that if Alan went through therapy, it fucked up his mind concerning his father. He would then further fixate on a childhood which becomes rendered negatively. And lastly, why even bother bringing your dad to court in his 80s?! Did he want the dude to die in prison?! WTF is wrong with you Alan!??
“Vindictive”, as you characterized Alan, unfortunately sounds right. What a weirdo!
You write:
> Good luck! :p
I suppose you’d want to find out more details so you know who’s gonna be there, whether it’s likely to be a hostile debate versus a laidback interview, and then have various agreements in place? E.g. agree to having the full media product aired / available in public (whether it’s on Youtube, another platform, or shown on TV), your own copy of audio and video [you should, I agree, bring a device to record your own audio separately anyways, just in case they try to fuck you over, only release small segments, or lie and twist your words], etc. From my perspective I think you have a grandfatherly appeal, speak well, interview well (though I can accept that hostility on the level of Ross Coulthart must be frustrating and perhaps trigger some level of ‘fight or flight’ response), and have the benefit of being able to speak about PIE and previous decades from an insider’s perspective.
So yeah, be wary, skeptical, etc., sounds very sensible. But, if it does turn out to be a good opportunity, then I’d encourage you to do it. You can always walk out like you did w/ Coulthart…
It’s already a shame that the interview you did for C4’s The Paedophile Next Door never got released as video. Having listened to the full audio, I personally would’ve imagined it to be one of the most moving and impactful video interviews a MAP has done or will ever do… To sum-up: the world needs more Tom media! :p
Thanks, Prue, for a characteristically thorough and thoughtful comment. Your interpretation is largely what I would have expected, so I’ll pick up on just a few points where perhaps clarification is needed.
Firstly, I am confident that the book really is all Alan Davies’ own work, not that of a ghost writer. For one thing, he clearly has an interest in creative writing, having done a Master’s in it at Goldsmith’s. This was in his thirties, by which time he was already a very successful comedian and actor (after an MA in drama at the University of Kent).
>Does Alan Davies show much empathy for his father?
No, he just angrily mocks those who pointed out the difficulties his father faced.
>Might it also be that Roy Davies was concerned to not appear “queer”, or “homosexual”, not just MAP?
Oh, yes, absolutely.
>Okay, so reading closely, there’s a gap of 6 years or so before Dad gets into bed with son again for a ‘Special Cuddle’.
No, could have been as little as three years, certainly no more than four. Still a long time though.
>I interpreted the line “developed into caressing […] a quiet, librarial molestation” as implying genital fondling.
No, definitely not. If that had been part of the allegation the CPS would have prosecuted when Davies made his complaint. He does make this clear.
As for the new broadcast project I mentioned, it’s still under negotiation but I don’t think the terms will end up being acceptable to me. Thanks for your vote of confidence though! 🙂
A very concise reply!
Your journalist / editor skills are showing! 🙂
Respectfully for Top MAP Tom & Co Scholars after all these years of Worldwide scientific study.
How can scholar David’s recent substantive input, which is revealing and important? > Real food for thought here. I recommend everyone read this very carefully, and make sure the concluding thought is etched into our brains.
Be more recommended, revealing, substantive and very important than aeons olde instinctive, conclusive internal hard-wired (not later externally etched) into infants’ brains Worldwide in plain-sight since year dot, quote, “Pleasure not pain pleeze. I wanna be aMused not aBused.”
I thought perhaps Mr Pup and Mr O’Carroll shouldn’t miss this little reminiscence? Can only hope the forner keeps it tight and doesn’t resort to another bark-off? Just joshin’, Mr Hump!
When in New Zealand not so long ago i did some landscaping grunt work for one of that country’s most loved (humorous) columnists, who told me all about the famous movie mentioned in the above article. On that particular flick was he very, VERY keen. But what made much more impression on me than that, was his oriental resident toyboy/house boy! There in staid Christchurch city ! Perfectly indeterminate age, but unmistakably there for the purpose of pleasuring the celebrated humourist – in fact, the little fellow’s appearance was somehow nearly obscene to behold..
Your linked piece in The Spectator about life as a boy at Bembridge School on the Isle of Wight, and later another school in Wales, makes for a very refreshingly cheerful contrast to the usual misery memoir.
He writes:
This struck a chord with me because I was actually teaching in a boys’ boarding school soon after that film came out, and I suddenly found myself held up at gunpoint by boys in the school grounds. Honestly, I am neither joking nor exaggerating. The guns were real.
I have just dug out an email I wrote about this incident in later years. Here is the relevant extract:
“Character building” for sure. Real life really is stranger than fiction sometimes :p
Very true, Prue ^
>I thought perhaps Mr Pup and Mr O’Carroll shouldn’t miss this little reminiscence? Can only hope the forner keeps it tight and doesn’t resort to another bark-off? Just joshin’, Mr Hump!
Perhaps Turp might have missed ex-Tonbridge schoolboy, writer David Sherwin’s work with director Lindsay Anderson producing an entire scathing trilogy with ensemble cast. Blasting ancient and modern psychopathic brutal Anglo bullshit bully-coward conflict culture, ongoing unchecked.
David Sherwin-White (24 February 1942 – 8 January 2018) was a British screenwriter best known for his collaborations with director Lindsay Anderson and actor Malcolm McDowell on the films if…. (1968) (for which Sherwin was nominated for a BAFTA Award for Best Screenplay), O Lucky Man! (1973) and Britannia Hospital (1982). Sherwin attended Tonbridge School, which provided much of the inspiration for the content of if…..
Quote Prue, “Character building for sure.” For sure building self-serving myths, such as, ‘The Battle of Waterloo was won the playing fields of Eton’. In fact mere muddy weather made Napoleon’s cannon-BALLS slide not bounce – BAH!
Lindsay Gordon Anderson (17 April 1923 – 30 August 1994) was a British feature-film, theatre and documentary director, film critic, and leading-light of the Free Cinema movement and of the British New Wave . Engaging and compelling for every moment of its three-hour running time, “O Lucky Man!” is a bellowing cry of bitterness and a call for cultural revolution lurking just beneath the surface of a low-key black comedy.
Nicely written, Tom. Thank you.
I have to admit that stories of traumatized children challenge my views a lot. My own wife was abused as a child, and even though according to her, “nothing really bad happened” and “it was just confusing, I didn’t understand what was going on”, we had a lot of difficulties in our intimate life when she was young, and we still have some today, decades later – which I think is entirely attributable to what she went through. For the record, she never accused her abusers, although one of them was a well-known photographer.
She knows about my paedophilia, so we can talk about things quite openly and from different angles today, yet she doesn’t buy my narrative of “if the adult is good and loving, all trauma is probably caused by the need for secrecy and more generally by culture and society”. She insists that it is human nature to be ashamed of things from a certain age. Children like to run and play naked before the onset of puberty, until suddenly they naturally want to hide their private parts. She insists that the moment they begin to understand sexuality, they recall what happened earlier and feel exploited.
It’s hard for me to argue with her because she’s been through it and I haven’t. But I know from the therapist/psychiatrist/gynaecologist I speak with regularly that in her experience with children and adults there is a huge diversity in how children react to these events. She has clients who are traumatized by childhood sexual experiences, but she also has many who have had them with adults and yet remember them as either neutral or very positive.
So how do we make sense of it all? I usually retreat to the position “if there are 0.5-2% paedophiles among us, we can be pretty sure that there is at least a corresponding number of children who would not feel traumatised by a loving intimate relationship with an adult”. Unfortunately, we do not know how to distinguish between them, yet(?)
Thanks for your appreciation, David. And thanks even more for your substantive input, which is revealing and important. Real food for thought here.
I recommend everyone read this very carefully, and make sure the concluding thought is etched into our brains.
>Unfortunately, we do not know how to distinguish between them, yet(?)
>I recommend everyone read this very carefully, and make sure the concluding thought is etched into our brains.
Er, re-invent the wheel? It’s not Rocket Science when since year-dot etched into natural knowing infants’ brains is, “Pleasure not pain please I wanna be aMused not aBused”
Not even any science, for aeons pre-industrial natural knowing Indian moms masturbated squealing babies (including oral) to pacify them with natural pleasure.
Your conclusion is an interesting thought, I take it to mean ‘we can’t distinguish between’ what is a negative and what is a positive experience from the child’s persepctive(?). Perhaps it is more a case of not being allowed to make this distinction as a result of societal norms and dogma.
I wouldn’t say that we can’t distinguish between what is a negative and positive experience from the child’s perspective, and I think (or at least hope) that most pedophiles wouldn’t do anything unpleasant to a child. Of course, it probably depends on the level of selfishness of the adult and their ability to put the child’s needs before their own.
Still, there are unfortunately many stories of children who have been willing participants in a relationship but at some point later in their life begin to experience trauma. The common narrative among us is that this is either the fault of the adult who was not a truly loving and caring partner, or the fault of society, which tells children that they should feel victimised.
I think it’s more complicated than that. Some children might be just fine irrespective of the factors mentioned above, and some children might possibly be harmed even under ideal (currently only theoretical) conditions. I wish there was a way to tell them apart.
Being confused and not fully understanding what is happening is a natural part of getting involved in unfamiliar activities. The key is the presence or absence of rudeness and violence. Given the fact that she does not consider this a catastrophic and destructive event, it suggests that these people were not violent rapists.
Shame is a social construct that people learn to experience, just like any other prejudice such as racism. As children get older, they learn to respond to visible differences ranging from glasses, protruding ears, to skin color and penis size and shape. They learn to feel insecure about these things, or use them to bully others.
That’s why no one talks about exploitation after circumcision? Or for being forced to wear a burqa? Because the socity culture approves of these things and tought to consider this a great virtue.
In the European movie “Novecento” there is a scene in a barn where a boy strips completely naked and plays with his erection in front of another boy. Until 2019, this episode could be found on YouTube. How is this different from any other actions of child actors in films, in which they are also told what to do ? Did he feel that he was being exploited ? No. in an interview in 2018 he was grateful that he played this role and not complained that he was “exploited”, as is now common in the USA and England, where social hysteria indulges such complaints.
In my wife’s case, the adults weren’t violent rapists, but they weren’t exactly loving and caring either. Since it is still difficult for my wife to talk openly about this even with me (a loving, caring, non-judgmental husband and a pedophile myself), I don’t know exactly what was going on and how willing a participant my wife actually was.
However, that doesn’t mean we are unable to talk about the related issues, and my wife is pretty sure that the reason she felt “dirty” and abused in puberty was not due to the influence of society. Of course, this is just one person’s perspective and how she feels, and her own experiences were far from ideal, but the explanation of her feelings is as honest as I can get.
Would you admit that it’s possible that there is something “special” about sexuality and bodily autonomy that can’t be exactly analogized to other experiences?
As for the movie and the boy who doesn’t feel harmed: of course, that’s exactly my point. For some kids, sexual activity may be perfectly fine, while for others it might be harmful.
>Unfortunately, we do not know how to distinguish between them, yet(?)
Fortunately ‘we’ questioning the repetitive Anglo grim neo-Victorian negatively misinformed masses before and since SeXy 70s HTOC
[MOD: Approx five paragraphs deleted here. Repetitive? Pots and kettles come to mind.]
[MOD: PS: For David’s benefit, as this was written as a reply to him, I will consider re-written brief version if you make one, HHP. To David: sorry! — but you aren’t missing much!]
Although I still don’t quite qet HPP’s artistic form of writing, I understand his position deeply. In this case, however, we are only somewhat influenced by “Anglo grim neo-Victorian” culture in our country and we keep at least somewhat reasonable positions on the related issues :).
>MOD: PS: For David’s benefit, as this was written as a reply to him, I will consider re-written brief version if you make one, HHP. To David: sorry! — but you aren’t missing much!]
>Although I still don’t quite qet HPP’s artistic form of writing, I understand his position deeply. In this case, however, we are only somewhat influenced by “Anglo grim neo-Victorian” culture in our country and we keep at least somewhat reasonable positions on the related issues :).
Briefly pre-DELETE, HHP (not HPP) not missing much but in plain-sight the same old repetitive points over 4-centuries ongoing on five continents still missed by too many? History’s worst, perversely posed as ‘World Best’ – WTF? The inhuman psychopathic EVIL Anglo post-Reformation culture of political convenience for power and control, deviously masked by their fake Bible and malign media as religious or ideological conviction. Falsely creating useful demons, divisions and distractions, scapegoats sexual or not, for their kept dumb shallow ignorant masses to sadistically destroy including millions of children destroyed. Instead of wising up and dismissing their own fake rulers (includes closet MAPS) Royal or not.
Rightly hinted by Christian on natural young sex Worldwide, the Anglo ‘fake demon’ list might also disrespectfully include Tom’s natural forebears Irish, Catholics, plus Witches, Scots, Africans, Blacks, Jews, Gays, Indians, Muslims, Chinks, Injuns, Krauts, Frogs, Spicks, Reds, MAPS, Wokes…
Wake UP and see the same old repetitive Anglo false divisions Worldwide in plain-sight, it’s not Rocket Science?
Check, returning wised up Scot M.P. George Galloway in the English Parliament, home for their fake deMockracy of disproportional representation and low turnouts, “This building is the embodiment of division ” i.e. EVIL!
For David’s benefit, over to MOD-DELETE?
Politely from HHP (not HPP) please do tell which, on Century 21 planet Earth to etch deeply into our brains, is David’s >country keeping at least somewhat reasonable positions on the related issues?
Respectfully, once more, which is David’s >country keeping at least somewhat reasonable positions on the related issues?
Eastern Europe, post-communist country. When I say “somewhat reasonable”, I mean relatively compared to the UK, US etc.
Currently the law here says that for having sex with a person under 15 you can be sent to prison for 1 to 10 years. Judges take into account the degree of voluntariness, emotional attachment and many other factors, and suspended (conditional) sentences instead of imprisonment are not at all uncommon. Child pornography offences carry a sentence of 6 months to 2 years (for mere possession) up to 6 years (for import/export/distribution/production), but it is extremely rare here to get a prison time for consumption only. In the case of imprisonment for whatever reason, usually only half the sentence is spent in prison.
We don’t have a sex offender registry and we don’t have a statutory rape age defined yet. Unfortunately, both a non-public sex offender registry (only to prohibit convicted sex offenders to work with children) and a statutory rape age related laws are currently in the legislative process. It was originally proposed that the statutory rape age should be set at 5 years, but due to public outrage the proposal was changed to 12 years. Your beloved Anglo-shit surely had a significant impact in this case :(.
Sexual shame is cultural rather than “natural”, because it varies widely across cultures, in intensity, in extent, in the differences between men and women, and in the stigmatisation of some forms of sexuality. Polynesian cultures before the arrival of Europeans knew almost no sexual shame, pre-pubertal Marquesan girls had sex in public. Contemporary European and North American society has its view of sexuality shaped by 2000 years of Christianity, centuries of patriarchal repression of female sexuality, more than 300 years of “childhood innocence” with its denial and stigmatisation of childhood sexuality, etc. Thus there is more sexual shame among the more repressed parts of society: children, the female sex, homosexuals; on the other hand, heterosexual adult men have much less shame.
In a lifetime, we have seen a shift in attributing the cause of one form of “shame” from “nature” to “culture”: 50 years ago, depression and suicidal tendencies among homosexual and transgender youths were explained by their “disease”, now they are attributed to societal stigmatisation.
“…almost no sexual shame”
Sorry, Christian, but i had to chuckle at that one..
I would like to share my experience, although I don’t have much time right now. All my life I have been traumatized by NOT having had sex during my childhood. As a child I wished and hoped that my parents would sooner or later initiate me into sex, that’s how I thought things worked. But unfortunately that never happened. On the contrary, sex was always a taboo in my family, something that was never talked about. The feeling of trauma from not having sex in my childhood increased as I grew up. It is a feeling of emptiness, of something that should have happened but never did. When I read experiences of people who were initiated into sex during childhood or puberty, either by their parents or by other adults, I feel envious and frustrated, because that was what I needed and longed for and never had. Perhaps another time I will elaborate on my experience. If anyone has any questions, I will try to answer them. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels traumatised by not having had sex in childhood or puberty, but this kind of trauma is not talked about much.
im pretty similar.during my adolescence…. and early adult years (and much later ..) no sexual contact. and now i look at young people holding hands…. it makes me very upset…. the only way i can remedy it is by going with young people now…. but i have to get past the immense barrier of peoples bigotry… bullying… and of course threats of prison.. even if i stay legal i will get abuse….
Yeah, when I was about 7 or 8 years old, I was cuddling with my mom in bed on Sunday morning and at one point I said to her: “Mom, I love you so much, I want to fuck you.” While I obviously didn’t know much about “fucking” (it was a new word to me), the feeling and desire was real, I longed for physical love.
She was horrified. After five or ten seconds of interminable silence (during which, I suspect, she argued with herself for a while about whether to go along with it), she kicked me off the bed and told me to never say that again.
Sad story, but I don’t think it traumatized me in any way :). Everyone is different. We can’t project our feelings and experiences onto everyone.
Wow! We’ve all heard about Freud’s Oedipal phase of early childhood but I have never before heard of a child putting it into words in such an exact, stark, and clearly shocking way. The consequences were unfortunate but I can’t help feeling you deserve a medal! What for? I’m not sure. Bravery, maybe? Definitely honesty.
Fascinating, Ironman. Thanks for sharing.
Did this feeling change at all as you and your parents aged? I.e. you no longer want to have sexual contact w/ them but still felt like you’d missed out on something you wanted to happen in childhood?
Also, was your interest directed towards both parents or just one?
If you haven’t already, I strongly recommend looking and keeping a look out occasionally, for open-minded researcher’s you could tell your story to. I don’t think your feelings are completely uncommon, especially when directed towards adults / older people in general (i.e. not parents). But, even so, plenty of people talk about having a “mommy” or “daddy” kink and faux incest porn is common. “Soft” or sublimated incestuous desire abounds and is, I suspect from women I’ve met, far more common than is acknowledged in popular discourse.
I have never really been sexually attracted to my parents. That’s not the point. What I felt was that they should initiate me into sex, I believed that one day they would do it because I believed it happened in every family. I thought that sex was something that was off-limits to younger children, but when they got a bit older there came a day when they would explain it all to them… with practical lessons. I don’t know why, but that’s what I believed. In my youth, I knew some stories of people who had been initiated in childhood or puberty and it started to make me feel very bad that the same thing hadn’t happened to me. It was as if I had been robbed of a part of my life. As if my childhood, my childhood sexuality, had been stolen from me.
Not getting sex early is damaging and developmentally stunting. There are tons of studies that show this. Lo and behold our societies become more stupid and immature as the days go by, corresponding with the reports that people are having less sex than ever before. The path to idiocracy is paved not by sexual abundance, but cruel scarcity.
She is more confused by the fact that she liked it and society says it’s wrong. All women have rape fantasies (not that this was rape), and most orgasm during their “rapes” which causes the enormous cognitive dissonance they go to therapy to resolve, which never works because therapists are all feminists who can’t acknowledge the true nature of women because it’s politically incorrect.
As usual, what women complain about (chauvinism) is what they want.
If you coddle her, she will resent you for it. This also likely explains her intimacy problems with you. You’re taking her abuse virtue signaling seriously; women will never respect that, and if they don’t respect you they won’t get turned on by you.
Please excuse me for any venting on here and poor grammar, i have nowhere else to talk…. youtube i get the occasional comment posted, but many disappear…. twitter , facebook, all terrible… and musk is no free speech absolutist…. personally i dont find him intelligent at all. hes a big supporter of
child protection laws
online… which is basically virtue signalling repression.. he just cares about money, obviously.My Twitter account was permanently suspended not long after Musk took over. No reason given at all, not even when using, again and again, their so-called “appeal” function. Have not as yet found a way back in. But my account, which i would dearly love to be able to recover, featured scores of remarkable voices, all of them sources of most valuable Intel, and always wildly varying perspectives. And all of them now lost, which is certainly embittering.
But surely helpless focus on Musk is not the way to make the best of the platform? What is so terrible? That you cannot find anyone, anyone at all, to listen to what you have to say on there?
I lost my account last year. Not long after someone who was advocating map pride flag was banned.. musk
we wont tolerate this on here
. i managed to sneak back in somehow. But everything i post is ignored… which can only mean ive been shadow banned or something..Legally, Twitter is required to give you all the information it has about you if you request it. That should include anything you’ve tweeted or retweeted, even if the account is suspended. It worked for me, filling out this form:
Quote SeXy ’70s ‘Love Generation’ bon Francais, Rene Guyon Society, “SEX before eight or it’s too late” (YEARS not hours)
Quote 19Haties ongoing Anglo neo-Victorians generating hate, “NO sex-ed before nine.” (YEARS not hours)
Check the current Anglo neo-Victorian UK muddle-class phone-in, can’t even recall their own all age ‘Love Generation’, ‘Joy of Sex’, ‘Make Love Not War’, etc. (Hosted by Anglo-defiled Indian Anita Anand, can’t even recall her own cuntry’s all age seXy scripts ‘Kama Sutra’, ‘Perfumed Garden’, etc.)
Thank you for your latest blog Tom.
It’s interesting to see how people can only ever see any such experiences in the worst possible way. It may well be the case his father shouldn’t have gone done that road with him, however, why drag it all back up again? For what purpose does it serve other than to virtue signal and make money? I can’t see anything else, unless he had aimed to raise the topic for intelligent discourse, which he clearly did not.
Enjoy the mountains!
Thanks, Ed. I can happily report that the mountains were well and truly enjoyed, albeit somewhat exhaustingly: they get a little bit steeper every year! 🙂
i would highly recommend the Welsh mountains if you can get there, i really should go up take my mind off the madness going on.
The Lake District is much nearer for me but I do agree with you about Wales. We went on family holidays there when I was a kid, when my dad introduced me to long walks in Snowdonia — while mum sat knitting in the car!
Lol. im glad you enjoyed it, i would highly recommend antis go up Crib Goch. in winter
I’ve been up Crib Goch. Not in winter.
Actually, Matt, after all these years I was confusing Crib Goch with Cnicht, the latter being a pointy little mountain nicknamed “the “Matterhorn of Wales” on account of its shape rather than height. But I have also been up Crib Goch, with its very scary knife-edge ridge. I found it terrifying in summer. In winter it must be extremely dangerous.
ah yes cnicht… its only 3800 metres samller than the matterhorn! i dont think ill ever go up crib goch. its scary, but not as scary as american laws….
If it’s any consolation, I read this blog post. At first, I didn’t know where it was going, but later I realized your point. Perhaps when my mind is clear I’ll post a longer response.Manny from BC
> Perhaps when my mind is clear I’ll post a longer response.
This would be very welcome if you can manage it. Meanwhile, Manny, thanks for your initial contribution.
There is no scientific evidence showing that we should not talk about sex under specific ages. This is nothing more than a political staindpoint.
The news article says it all. « The revised guidance will restrict explicit discussions of important topics such as contraception and sexual violence until children are […] [approx.] 13 »
So, the more important the topic, the more we have to pospone it?
If a 12-year old kid asks something related to contraception, what will they answer? « This is not for you »?
That’s absurd.
It would be interesting to know the opinion about this policy, from the people who have been abused before they were 13. Do they consider that such restrictions are ok?
I remember reading a porno mag, it said
nothing happened before they were 18 for legal reasons
.Whatever your decision is, I wish you good luck with the broadcasting project. Indeed one must be very wary about the media. I have a total distrust in them. You may find individuals who really want to explain the reality or a point of view without sensationalism. But then you have the bosses, the editors, the producers, and whatnot. Again, best of luck, Tom!
>I wish you good luck with the broadcasting project. Indeed one must be very wary about the media. I have a total distrust in them. You may find individuals who really want to explain the reality or a point of view without sensationalism. But then you have the bosses, the editors, the producers, and whatnot.
Today’s repetitive 19Haties ongoing Anglo neo-Victorian fake media for supposed Child Protection from mere Sex? Totally irrelevant compared to Olde Victorian 1874 NSPCC against true child abuse cruelties of poverty, hunger, beatings, workhouses, etc.
No luck, nor defense needed for front-foot modern MAPS easily ATTACKING and multi-trashing today’s Anglo fake media weaknesses, myths, and convenient omissions. Totally Truth-Nuked they can’t answer the GODDAM questions!
1) In plain-sight centuries of elite Anglo High Fees brutal boarding schools mentally, emotionally, physically, sexually bullying, and humiliating small boys from age 8. Somehow creating not life-scarred victims needing lifelong help and BIG cash compo, but sneering trauma-free high achievers, National and World Leaders (like Churchill, BoJo, Rees-Smug, etc) then paying high-fees for their own own young boys from age 8 sent to elite Anglo brutal boarding schools to sustain their perverse cycle of the Anglo serially aMused not aBused.
2) In plain-sight decades of young (often underage) fans AAMS chasing grabbing groping GROOMING fucking adult MAP stars. Many ex-fans now mightily aMused grinning Grannies recall their underage fun Trophy Sex with adult MAP stars.
3) In plain-sight unstoppable modern kids Worldwide including guilt-free AAMS beyond all control from age 5 now MOCKING Olde Victorian so called Sex Laws with phone-porn-in-pockets and Selfie-Sexting, brightly echoing ye Olde Skoolyard, “Show me yours, I’ll show you mine.”
4) In plain-sight vile FGM pan-EU rightly criminalised in 1985 and soon all but eliminated in mainland modern EU by education and prosecutions. But only backward Anglo neo-Victorian vile UK with no education and NOT ONE prosecution until 2019; then failed on-appeal.
5) In plain-sight decades of mightily aMused modern kids including AAMS ogling near-nude adults as sex-objects and role models in ‘Family’ media.
So, backward Anglovile neo-Victorians and child aBusing fake media, answer the front-foot modern MAPS – GODDAM questions. Ya can’t can ya? CUNTS!!!!
Case proven. Take all child abusing Anglo-vile fake media and neo-Victorians DOWN, and on for VERY longterm treatment in VERY secure units for cun-its!!
Thanks, Marco!
Small typo-mission Tom >older bRother, both of whom were fully aware of the facts of the case.
So, boring Davies joins the profiteering Anglo whinger-atti Victims Biz. Close sibling of the Anglo MeToo more dough GOLD Diggers – GOLD Rush.
As for sensitive Anglo Prince Hal, his stance (unlike roll over Anglo Bro Will) at least nails the true source of their lifelong joint victim-hood since being lifetime abused by publicly losing their Globally much loved Ma. Not to Anglo Royal Dad Hapless Chas (at age 14 AAM assigned to his fave Corrie actress by MAP Dad Phil) but true Anglo Monarch MurDark. Quote Di’s bro Earl Spencer, “The media has blood on it’s hands.”
Quote, post-divorce Di, hounded all over London and beyond by MurDark’s CRIMINALLY high-speed motorbikes paperazzi parasites, “It’s getting abusive and it’s getting dangerous!”
E.G. At the Chelsea Harbour gym (where a MurDarkised trash tabloid tried to bribe the manager to sneak shots from the roof-void overlooking laid-back Di exercising legs widespread) and then outside leaving alone in her car while not looking at the barely distanced long-lens vultures calling, “Over here Di. Smile please, just one shot…No?? Cow Whore Bitch Tart Slag!!!!!” Same abusive vile treatment later to Monica Lewinsky crudely asked to sit legs high-crossed (as for Clinton?) on Borders book-signing desk, rightly refused by the store manager leading shocked Monica away in-tears as the sadistic paperazzi parasites screamed again for even more shocked response, “Cow Whore Bitch Tart Slag!!!!!”
Quote, Oct ’97 NewsCorp AGM Adelaide, OZ, Anglo Billionaire Media Mon$ta Monarch MurDark asked of his regrets at the deaths-by-tabloid of three innocents including a globally loved young woman mother of England’s future King, “My only regret is that I paid too much for some photos!”
Noted, HHP. Thanks. I’m up in the mountains now, hence brevity.
>Small typo-mission Tom >older bRother, both of whom were fully aware of the facts of the case.
Have now checked this and cannot see anything wrong with the original, except that it was a rather long sentence.
Sorry to bother you further brother. >As a middle aged man he would become a relentlessly grudge-bearing vindictive shit, dobbing in his own Alzheimer’s-suffering elderly father to the police on the flimsiest of grounds, unsupported by his sister (no surprise there!) or older bother, both of whom were fully aware of the facts of the case.
Well spotted, HHP! Now fixed. Thanks!
“Roy Davies loved his children dearly but was desperate not to show too much physical affection for fear of being more intimate than was socially acceptable”
Is that description of things not significantly contradicted by one that has just preceded it, to wit:
“.. as was typical in respectable middle class nuclear families of the Home Counties in those days, domestic life was largely a private matter. Relatives, friends, and neighbours might be sympathetic to a situation like Roy’s but they did not “interfere””
Trying to kick things off….
You mean he had no need to worry because he could have done anything in the privacy of his own home without having to worry what neighbours etc would think?
Yes, you do have a point, but there is one respect in which the rules of socially acceptable behaviour were probably important to him: in his own head; in his conscience.
Indeed. We ‘import’ the communal scene-of-representation to whichever private one we might find ourselves on, yea up to and including ‘the bed’ The two scenes do, in fact, rival one another
This is just to reassure Tom that nothing is wrong wit da software, and that, in my little vortice of the whirled at least, potentially fresh thought re sex ed etc is in the pipeline! Your main blog post is perhaps ever so somewhat too particular to the specifically British scene, as i for one am not even familar w/ the comedic fruit of its subject’s presence thereupon…
For now might i ask how wide a field of actors the designation “Tories’ is here intended to cover?
Is “matt” a spook?
>nothing is wrong wit da software
Well, that’s a relief. This blog has plenty of readers in the UK, though, who would not share your understandable reservations. Their silence is spookier than anything Matt has said.
Sometimes people can be a little slow it getting around to things.
Also, I can imagine having the offer of work / appearances in the media is tempting. I can also see why you’d be extremely hesitant to take someone up on any offer.
It would take a brave man, and perhaps a naive one, to go ahead with it, unless of course they offer comprehensive consent / veto for you on the finished piece.
The question re ‘matt’ is a good one, but of course highly likely we’ll never know. I wouldn’t like to cast any aspersions either.
However, if there is bait, leave it. It’s just an excuse for people to cast their own aspersions at you.
is he an anti though? im a bad person, i like teens.
I must be even an even worse person for liking people as young as 3, then… May I be forgiven.
Thanks for the post Yure, but can you see the new blog, titled “Ignore this tale of sound and fury”? I mean this literally, because no one has responded to it in two days. Is it visible? Or is everyone taking the title rather too literally i.e. just ignore it?
I can see it! I’ve been worried about you as you haven’t answered your emails recently! L&H <3