Clearing up the conceptual confusion


Part 1 of this two-part blog looked at how woke identity politics, especially on trans issues, may have cost Kamala Harris the US presidential election. Protestations to the contrary have since appeared in the comments, notably along the lines “It was the economy, stupid” (albeit phrased far more politely!). However, even if these claims were true (which is debatable), my main point – that trans extremists have been their own worst enemies – appears to have won broad acceptance here, based on a range of evidence. From this starting point, Part 2 will examine the conceptual muddle that enabled so many activist “transgressions” to go unchecked before the bubble burst. To the limited but significant extent that our influence from a MAP perspective allows, the intention is to strengthen the trans cause, not to trash it. The aim today will be to bring some clarity to a tangle of convoluted issues, with a special focus on the language and concepts involved. The extent to which any newfound clarity will help us sharpen our focus on future possibilities, such as the potential for a youth-MAP-trans alliance, will hopefully emerge in subsequent debate.

Please be aware that in order to untangle these exceptionally confusing issues clearly, I have found it necessary to spell out my thinking rather fully, so this blog has ended up much longer than usual and it requires careful reading. Accordingly, it will be best if you make yourself comfortable and take your time. No need to rush through it all in one go.  


Part 1 included a provocative assertion that the queer strategy of challenging entrenched normative language might have a major downside. The disruption of dubious binary concepts including gender, which is about much more than just male and female, has its uses, I wrote, “but it is also capable of marooning us in a meaningless verbal morass, leaving us vulnerable to stupid policy making that harms kids.”

The steep rise in use of the word “gender” after being taken up by feminists, especially since the 1970s, is well captured in this graph generated by Google’s Ngram tool, which shows the increasing use of the word in books from 1900 to 2020.

Let’s explore how this happens, starting with the relatively coherent, intellectually sustainable idea that gender is a spectrum, with male and female at its extremities and many different possibilities of gender identity and expression in between. Even though 99% of the world’s population identify as male or female, rather than non-binary, the spectrum (or perhaps bi-modal distribution) concept is valid – and becoming increasingly important given that those identifying as non-binary (including transgender, gender-fluid, etc.) shoots up from 1% to 4% among Gen Z respondents to the LGBT+ Pride Global Survey of gender ID and sexual orientation.

So far, so good. Gender, as understood in this context, is a concept that refers to the immensely rich variety of ways in which we humans behave and think about ourselves. Following the usefully disruptive work of earlier generations of queer theorists, it has become possible to think outside the two big gender boxes. That is how, after a lifetime of self-declared confusion, the writer Quentin Crisp found himself finally liberated from being pigeon-holed in his own mind as a “homosexual” male when he discovered in his eighties that he was non-binary, and transgender. Gender, in other words, is a social concept of flexible application, not a fixed category or “natural kind”.


The trouble starts when queer theory is misapplied to undermine non-social concepts that do constitute natural kinds, of which the prime example we need to examine is the binary, fixed, naturally unalterable distinction between male and female. Messing about with these terms can get us into deep water, as happened a few years ago to influential feminist biologist Anne Fausto-Sterling. She got a bit carried away when she distinguished no fewer than five different sexes (male, female, merm, ferm, and herm). After being put on the spot by numerous scholars, she later recanted, saying her earlier work had been a provocation, offered “tongue in cheek”.

If we delve into the relevant biology, we can easily see why Fausto-Sterling had failed to curb her enthusiasm for nature’s queerness, because there is no shortage of it. As I noted in a blog on “the intersex brain” some years ago:

There are even mosaic situations in which the same individual possesses both XX (female) and XY (male) cell types. Bizarrely, as reproduction expert Milton Diamond puts it “a person might have an arm considered male because its cells are all XY while the same person’s leg might be considered female because its cells are all XX”.

More familiar, albeit rare, are so-called “intersex” conditions that result in genital ambiguity at birth. These cases can make it difficult to tell at first glance whether a baby is male or female, but that does not mean they are somewhere in between. They are always either one sex or the other.

In all anisogametic sexually reproducing species reproduction occurs by combining a large gamete (the ovum, or female egg) with a small gamete (male sperm). In mammals, each individual produces only one kind of gamete. Whether a mammal embryo develops into a male or a female is determined by a pair of sex chromosomes: XX for females, XY for males. Sex in all animals is defined by gamete size; sex in all mammals is determined by sex chromosomes; and there are two and only two sexes: male and female. This applies even when there are “intersex” chromosomal variations, such as Klinefelter syndrome, where a male has an extra X chromosome (XXY).

Now, it might seem arcane and unnecessary to dwell on microscopic stuff when our real concern is what decisions kids can make about their bodies as they are growing up, by which time all sorts of truly queer, non-binary differences in individual development will have affected us, possibly including unusual hormonal goings on in the womb before we were born, which may make us more masculine or less so. Everything we experience in childhood, from the influence of our parents and peers to what we eat, plays a part in our individuality, including our experiences and understandings of gender and sex. These things make us all rather quirky. As the old saying goes, “There’s nowt so queer as folk”.

But please understand that the point of dwelling on gametes is that the language of male and female is the issue right now; not, for the moment, our personal development and choices. The language we use is fundamental to our ability to think clearly, and without clarity we will run into disaster, as we shall see below.


Note that the terms male and female apply to all the sexually reproducing species, be they reptiles, birds, fish, whatever, from the tiny wasp Dicopomorpha echmepterygis to the gigantic blue whale. They represent natural kinds, which hold good throughout nature. In order to think clearly about sex, we need to hold onto these terms and their clear meaning. The terms man and woman, however, apply only to our own species. To the extent that we see them as matched in lock step with male and female, as per the traditional dictionary definitions (man: adult human male; woman: adult human female) we might think these also represent natural kinds.

But this is not the case. The terms man and woman reflect the highly individual lives we have experienced when growing up, including our genderings. As Simone de Beauvoir famously said, “One is not born, but becomes a woman”. What is meant by womanhood, what is expected of a woman, what she thinks it would be feminine to wear, whether she thinks it appropriate to be ambitious in a career, or better to devote herself to home and family, are aspects of this womanly “becoming”. Nevertheless, although the word woman has a strong social element and is not a natural kind, it also has a fundamental natural component. All women are born female.

The question “What is a woman?” featured strongly in a fascinating debate between philosophy podcaster Stephen Woodford and biologist Colin Wright. This screenshot from the podcast shows their sharply contrasting definitions of “man” and “woman”. Wright’s definitions are conventional. Strikingly, Woodford has exactly the same definition for both “man” and “woman”, based on a social construction approach. Notice that he did not even feel it necessary to say “An adult person”, rather than “Someone”.

J.K. Rowling has decided we need to be reminded of this. On Mother’s Day last year, she tweeted: “Happy Birthing Parent Day to all whose large gametes were fertilised resulting in small humans whose sex was assigned by doctors making mostly lucky guesses.”

Unambiguously, this is a mocking attack on inclusive transgender language, as is her most famous earlier tweet: “‘People who menstruate’,” she wrote in 2020. “I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”

Witty, but cruel and transphobic, some would say. On the contrary, in this case we really do need to be cruel – or at least blunt – to be kind, and it is not transphobic to do so given that we all benefit (including transgender people) from sticking to clear language. Without it there can be no clear policy grounded in clear evidence and its clear interpretation. Am I making myself clear?


Still with me? Still clear? Then it is time to start identifying the harm to which the misguided use of inclusive language can lead, beginning with “sex assigned at birth”. As philosopher Alex Byrne and biologist Carole K. Hooven have pointed out, women (biological ones, not trans ones) are nearly twice as likely as men to experience harmful side effects from drugs, a problem that may be ameliorated by reducing drug doses for females. Males, on the other hand, are more likely to die from Covid-19 and cancer, and they too may need sex-specific treatment. For this reason, public health policy messages are best directed clearly at men and women (or boys and girls), without using language likely to confuse ordinary people outside the woke elites who obsess over these things.

You think they don’t get confused? Think again. Consider what another philosopher, Elizabeth Barnes, has said on the matter, not because of her day job but because she has Parkinson’s, although men are much more likely to get it than women, and they need different advice because, for them, the condition has differences in prevalence, symptoms, and disease trajectory. She writes:

The use of language like “assigned male at birth” is, in this context, at best misleading. If you’re male, you’re not more likely to get Parkinson’s because of a decision a doctor made after looking at your genitalia. You’re more likely to get Parkinson’s because of differences between male and female biology – differences we don’t yet fully understand, and which crucially need more (not less) attention.

She readily admits that as a philosophy professor she has no difficulty with gender inclusive terms, or their abbreviations, such as “AMAB” and “AFAB”. However, she realised that it was a very different matter when she was consulted by a less well-educated family member seeking her advice after he contracted Parkinson’s. She continued:

My family member… is among the group most likely to get Parkinson’s – an older white man without a college education from the rural south or Midwest (an area of prevalence sometimes called “the Parkinson’s belt”) who has a background working in and around agriculture. This group is also, of course, a group that has seen a sharp increase in distrust of institutions, especially healthcare institutions. And it’s a group especially likely to be unfamiliar with – and very skeptical about – something like describing Parkinson’s disease as more common “in people assigned male at birth (AMAB)”.

This old white guy, in other words, is exactly in the demographic who have been getting mightily pissed off with wokery and voting for Trump as a result. Such people are not the enemy. They are not “the Right”. Like trans kids, they are simply folks with health care needs that need to be addressed with careful clarity.


Speaking of which, let’s get back to those kids and their needs. They too are better served by clear language than by gobbledygook. We know that trans kids have a deep feeling that their minds and souls are of the opposite sex to that of their bodies. But that would mean nothing unless there really were two sexes, one the opposite of the other. It is far more honest to tell them so, and far more conducive to them working out their best health choices, if they are given clear, accurate information rather than indulged in fantasies such as the feminine essence narrative.

There can be no “essence” of femininity. It is literally impossible. Why? Because gender norms greatly vary from one culture to another, from dress codes to career choices. Because gender is a social construction, there is nothing in it that cannot potentially be changed. Therefore, no element of gender expression is indispensable, or – same thing – essential.

This is not to deny that “trapped in the wrong body” feelings can be very real and important. But it makes sense to look for an explanation in reproductive and developmental biology i.e. in factors such as in utero masculinisation or feminisation of the foetus (including the foetal brain), comparable with those that have been implicated in the development of homosexuality and paedophilia. Indeed, neurological research of transwomen has detected (albeit controversially) a degree of brain feminisation. This has nothing to do with gender as that word is understood these days i.e. the social construction interpretation of the term.


It may be helpful to distinguish four ways in which the word gender is now used: 1. As a synonym: another word for sex; 2. In grammar; 3. As an element of identity; 4. As a performance.

Before the rise of second wave feminism in the later part of the 20th century, which Simone de Beauvoir pioneered with her 1949 book The Second Sex, the words sex and gender were often used synonymously. One major use not directly tied to human biology, though, is the fascinating role it plays in grammar, where in many non-English languages it is assigned to inanimate things, with apparently arbitrary and uber-queer results. In French, for instance, not only are “table”, “chair” etc., designated as feminine, but there are also slang words for the genitals that are the reverse of what might be expected. So, for cunt we have the masculine definite article “le con” and “le barbue”, and for cock we have the feminine article “la queue” and “la pine”. Male nouns for female sex organs, and vice versa! Would you Adam and Eve it!

This grammatical aspect makes an entertaining diversion, but of course the main focus of current public concern is gender identity, which is expressed through performanceJudith Butler’s fancy term for enacting gender roles through our dress and behaviour. Mercifully, having already attended to “trapped in the wrong body” as a conceptual issue, we will not need to dwell any further on either identity or performance in the abstract. We already have a good enough working understanding of the terms.


There is one further linguistic abstraction I should touch upon, though, at least briefly: polysemy, the ability of words to have several valid meanings. I had a long email debate last year with a philosopher friend who holds the view (which is orthodox in itself but susceptible to being taken too far) that words mean whatever a significant number of their users intend them to mean, or even a single user, such as a famous podcaster, if their newly coined meaning of a word goes viral. Dictionaries reflect this. The definitions they give do not come from an academic ivory tower. They are based on actual usage by speakers and writers of the language in question.

My friend professed himself comfortable with trans activists’ insistence that “A trans woman is a woman”. He felt that, because they were using the word “woman” in a new(ish) sense that had clearly gained quite widespread currency, it should be accepted. The main standard definition of woman (“adult human female”) should remain in the dictionaries, he averred, because that is the sense in which most people still use it, but a further definition could be added to accommodate those who identify as women and choose to live in accordance with accepted female gender roles and performance criteria (dress codes, etc.).

There is certainly a case to be made for this; and, as I have indicated before, I have no problem with using a transwoman’s preferred pronouns and, as a courtesy, behaving in her company as though she is indeed a woman. But this cannot be any more than a courtesy. Why not? Because, as we have seen above, there are medical issues (among other comparable social concerns: see Gribble et al.) that make it necessary for the primary definition of woman to trump the courtesy one. As the philosopher (sorry, yet another one!) Alex Byrne has argued, the fact that a word may have many legitimate different meanings does not mean that language cannot be harmfully misused, and his opinion is that misuse (through, in effect, denying the primacy of the primary meaning) has been a feature of the great “What is a woman?” debate.


Having thus addressed the conceptual framework and unpacked its confusions and conundrums, it is time to take a final and more detailed look at the wisdom or otherwise of pursuing a policy of “gender affirming care” for all children who self-identify as transgender.

Like adult transgender people, gender dysphoric children are individuals, who need to be treated as such. It will help, though, to consider a basic taxonomy of four different transgender types, to which distinct treatment pathways are applicable. As identified in an HTOC blog some years ago, these are:

  1. child-onset gender dysphoria (GD) associated with marked gender nonconformity (both natal sexes)
  2. adolescent-to-adult onset GD associated with autogynephilia (AGP) (natal males only)
  3. late-onset female-to-male GD associated with unusual sexual and gender fantasies (natal females who want to have sex with/as gay men…); broadly, gay transmen.
  4. adolescent-onset GD in natal females that has a strong social/iatrogenic component, specified as Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD).

The opinions on treatment I will now briefly set out are merely personal rather than expert, but they are based on a much closer acquaintance with the evidence than will be found in most public discourse. In general, social transition for children is fine. I have no problem with it. But many kids regret being fast-tracked towards risky hormonal treatments and, far worse, disastrously mutilating and irreversible surgical procedures. Fast-tracking can and should be avoided. Every case needs extremely careful consideration.


The watchword among cautious practitioners has been that medical interventions should only be considered when kids have shown they are sure they know their own minds by being “Consistent, Insistent, and Persistent” (CIP) in their GD and their pursuit of transition. This strikes me as a good criterion for category 1, those who since early childhood have manifestly been girlish boys or boyish girls. But it is not the last word. Many of these youngsters are quite simply gay; they might well be happier growing up to be gay adults living in their natal sex than changing. Only in homophobic societies is there any need to change. Accordingly, a better outcome than changing the kids to fit society, is to work for social change that accommodates us all.

A huge rise in adolescent girls referred to the British GIDS clinic is captured in this graphic, adapted from an academic paper for the Cass Review. Other clinics internationally saw a similar steep rise. This is the phenomenon on which Lisa Littman focused in her ROGD paper.

The CIP approach works less well for the later-onset dysphoria seen in categories 2-4. When adolescents present with these types of GD there is less time in which “watchful waiting” (another professional rule of thumb) can be usefully applied. Puberty itself does not wait, so puberty-blocking hormones must be applied in timely fashion to be effective. It could well be the case, though, that it is in these categories that many young people might be best served by physical change, because it would appear impossible to meet their sexual, romantic, and other life-style needs in any other way. See transwoman Natalie Wynn’s marvellous ContraPoints podcast and you will understand why. Wynn denies that she is AGP, and she has a witty, slickly presented blast against the psychologists who have championed AGP as a category, in part because she sees them as wrongly pathologising trans people. I think she has a point; but she also honestly ends up by admitting to some common ground with the experts in question.

As for category 4, ROGD, the theory it puts forward is based on the observation that in recent years there has been a sudden, very large increase in adolescent girls identifying as trans, and that in this group the impulse to transition has been driven by social factors such as peer group dynamics, social media use, and prior mental health issues. Lisa Littman, whose research published in 2018 gave ROGD its name, speculated that rapid onset of gender dysphoria could be a social coping mechanism for other disorders, such as depression and anxiety. Her hypothesis sparked outrage and accusations of transphobia. But it is a hypothesis with strong explanatory value in relation to a striking social development that otherwise lacks any convincing explanation; and now, following further research the deniers are in retreat. If you read nothing else from all the links in this blog read what Amy Tishelman, former research director of Boston Children’s transgender clinic, said in a recent interview. She has become a critic of the field she helped to create and is now clearly paying serious attention to ROGD. The implication is that the mental health history and social influences on every child need to be explored thoroughly, without rushing headlong towards the conclusion that “gender affirming care” is the right option.


I should point out that in none of the extensive analysis above have I even touched upon any of the objections to transgender rights that have been put forward by the TERFs. The case for caution in relation to adolescent physical transition has nothing to do with their claims, which often do seem to be grounded in transphobia – definitely so in the case of the hateful harridans of Reduxx, who are also (more than coincidentally) virulently anti-MAP, and whose co-founder Anna Slatz has flirted with the neo-Nazi Far Right.

Which brings me back to J.K. Rowling, who has been strongly identified with the TERF camp thanks to her belief that transwomen who have a penis should be excluded from women’s spaces (such as rape crisis centres, women’s prisons, female designated public conveniences, and competitive women’s sport) but who insists that she is not against trans people. I think the TERF case is strong on all the above issues; but I suspect that unlike the truly transphobic hard-liners, Rowling would be among those who would be interested in potential compromise solutions that would keep all reasonable parties happy:  such as working towards more unisex public conveniences.

I come back to Rowling because something needs to be said to fellow heretics here who expressed their “disappointment” at Part 1 of this blog, and who may now be even more upset to see me double down in Part 2. I urge them to consider carefully the arguments and evidence I have presented, rather than reacting in knee-jerk fashion.

The front cover of the 388-page Cass Review. A baseless attempt was made to discredit the report because it had allegedly left out important evidence. These claims, apparently originating with British journalist Owen Jones, have been refuted in a piece by specialist writer Jesse Singal in conjunction with Gordon Guyatt, a leading academic expert in evidence-based medicine.  See also Cheung et al.

Rarely is it easy to take a stance against strong opinion within one’s own “tribe” and friendship circle. But sometimes it is necessary to tell hard truths and “do the right thing”. In her first book Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Rowling emphasised this very point. Soon after that book appeared in 1997 and became a global sensation, followed by the associated film in 2001, I wondered why the kids were being blown away by it, and decided to read the book myself, to find out.

I was impressed, and one incident in the story stood out for me. Do you remember a character called Neville Longbottom? He is presented as someone of no great distinction, just a modest boy with not much confidence, the sort who manages to “get by with a little help from his friends”. So, he really needed these friends. But there comes a time when he must risk losing their friendship by telling them they are in the wrong. This is his big moment. He finds his courage, sticks to his guns, and wins the day.

Rowling has said in an interview that “there’s a lot of Neville in me – this feeling of just never being quite good enough… I felt that a lot when I was younger”. For that reason, she wanted Neville to do something brave, in which Neville “finds true moral courage in standing up to his closest friends – the people who are on his side” towards the climax of the novel.

There is much less at stake for me than for Neville, or even than there was for Rowling when she was a young unknown. By contrast, I have no lack of self-confidence these days (different when I was younger), and I am not that bothered over making myself unpopular. After all, I’ve had a lifetime of experience at it! 🙂


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From F.B., “If you don’t want your child to be gay, trans, etc, then just don’t have kids…”

Quote a SeXy ’70s giggling HOT Loli, 11, wriggling on Bold Map’s HOT lap, “On the wall of our Catholic Girls School toilets a naughty girl wrote, ‘SeX is fun, but SeX is sin – sins are forgiven, so get stuck in!’ “

Last edited 11 days ago by HappyHumpingPup

Helen flanagan british actress getting alot of stick for hangin out with 14 year old adolescent in nightclub. oh, people dotn want teens to enjoy themselves !! evil. this 14 yo was very … um, well, how do i say. developed?

BiasedByCommission & omission 1/4 Quarter Century ongoing H.M. Forces, ABSOLUTELY EQUAL LBGTQPX. (Boringly repetitive Radio 4th Form words ‘absolutely/amazing/incredible’.)

While, CONtradictory Anglo vicars hypocritical sanctimonious bilge STILL worship only God the FATHER, KING of all creation??

Wot no absolutely equal almighty Gay/Queen/Les/Bi/Trans/Map of all Creation?????

Sunday Worship – 23 Feb 2025 Available for 29 days.
A service from St Clement Danes, the Central Church of the Royal Air Force, marking the 25th anniversary of the lifting of the ban on LGBTQ+ personnel serving in His Majesty’s Armed Forces. The preacher is the Deputy Chaplain-in-Chief Personnel, the Reverend Ruth Hake, who joins the Chaplain-in-Chief of the Royal Air Force and the Reverend Andy Chapman, the Padre to the LGBTQ+ defence community. The service is introduced by the Resident Chaplain, the Reverend Mark Perry.

Way down in the comments I mentioned that one of the pioneers of debate and streaming content on Youtube, a guy known as Destiny, has been embroiled in scandal after Kiwi Farms somehow hacked and leaked his nudes, many of which feature other people.

One of those women (“Pxie,” whose real name is Lauren Hayden AFAIK) was particularly upset and paranoid about her nude content being public online – saying she was suicidal to Destiny multiple times privately – and made headlines after launching a criminal lawsuit.

Destiny has now begun to produce videos addressing the whole saga, e.g. this one a few hours ago:

Among other things, it’s revealed that her lawsuit is seeking $15 million in damages… He explains how he’s been caught in a bind, since he wanted to avoid bringing attention to the scandal so that Pxie wouldn’t kill herself (which would make him look even worse), and didn’t want to prejudice a trial. But the drama has become so intense and consequential, that he’s breaking the silence…

If you include all the burnt bridges, rejections, and reputation hits he’s endured over the last month or so, the whole saga has likely cost Destiny himself millions in business and speaking opportunities alone. Politically, it has been a massive win for the Right-wing, as Destiny was one of their greatest, most high profile and well-connected opponents.

Instead of being resolved privately, her apparent worst nightmare of everyone knowing her name has become a reality. Huge amounts of content creators hoping to attain a spec of relevance, jumped at Pxie’s substack article and the chance to criticize Destiny…

Moral of the story: return to tradition. Sex in person. It’s better that way anyways :p

Coda: it’s also revealed she’s a hypocrite, guilty of doing the exact same thing she’s now suing Destiny for. Only, as he points out, no one cares because it’s her sharing porn of men without their consent.

[In reality, people do care and this info alone is starting to shift public discourse. But, I accept his point that men are assumed to be able to just laugh off and be unaffected by the sharing of their nudes, especially if it’s a woman sharing them…]

From F.B: No surprise ever mass manipulative mental Anglos DSM for DOUGH – DOH!

Genevieve Gluck
“The word “gender” rose in usage after 1980, the year that the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III) was published.The word “gender” does not appear even once in the DSM-II. The DSM-III, however, included for the first time the concept of “gender identity” in the manual, which is published, for profit, by the American Psychiatric Association.
Gender identity disorder is classified as a psychosexual disorder in the DSM-III. Several notable sexologists were on the committee overseeing the addition of “gender identity disorder” into the DSM.
Among them was pedophile apologist John Money, who devoted his life to promoting the idea that sex is socially constructed, and who attempted to convince a young boy that he was really a girl.
Money would force David Reimer – who he called “Brenda” – to engage in “copulation play” from the age of about 6 years old with his twin brother Brian. Money photographed the children in sexual positions together.”

Last edited 16 days ago by HappyHumpingPup

There’s a journalist people reference, but if you’re a skeptic like many people here, you’d wanna see docs and photos and as much concrete proof or quoted testimony as possible.

I don’t doubt John Money fucked up, but I highly doubt he meant any harm. With the best of intentions, some things just don’t work out…

Reimer’s case is often invoked as reason to doubt Trans Healthcare entirely, but Trans advocates will correctly point out that Reimer’s treatment was improper because he wasn’t Trans.

He identified with his natal sex as puberty took hold, and wasn’t dysphoric save for his confusion after he’d been lied to his whole life. This wasnt a case of a boy saying “I wanna be a girl!” at 11, it’s the opposite.

He’s an early case of what would now be someone slipping through the net. A cautionary tale of what can happen when someone is pushed to live as the opposite gender, when they very much do not want to.

Trans advocates will correctly point out that Reimer’s treatment was improper because he wasn’t Trans

From which we can assume that gender identity is somehow formed in the brain, like sexuality and chronophilia.

>I don’t know of any evidence to support the other allegations, which keep doing the rounds without reference to any reliable source.

How to explain the reliable evidence of pre-1980 Anglo DSM sans ‘gender’ in plain-sight, while non-Anglos ICD/WHO etc have always made make far fewer stigmatising pathological distinctions?

Last edited 15 days ago by HappyHumpingPup

There was very little that could be done in that situation. If there is something disastrous at the basis of that story, I would rather say that it is the practice of circumcision.

This led to me seeing what our old pals at Reduxx have been up to. Discovered that Peter Tatchell has recently spoken up to defend cruising (gay public sex) and Philip Schofield during his scandal. Minor-older sex may be largely beyond the pale for Tatchell’s reputation atm, but at least he’s keeping up the good fight for a positive view of sex on other fronts.

See the detailed:


Reduxx has put out some truly horrible stories, including a German killer they dub a “pedophile” [which he could be… who knows what his sexual preference is?…]

Reportedly, he began an online master-slave relationship with a 14YO female, and after a year turned up at her house, convinced her to go with him, took her to a forest and killed her.

You know why she went with him? Because she didn’t want her parents to know about their relationship… Had such relationships not been so stigmatized, had the young lady felt safe and free to talk openly to her parents about her sex life and introduce her boyfriend to them, she might still be alive…

But no, she felt the weight of secrecy, and went along with him.

He’ll be in a German prison for around 20 years… Horrible and crazy stuff; truly a deeply disturbed person who needs serious psychiatric intervention…


They also report a more bog standard case:

Stephen Ireland, 40, who co-founded Pride in Surrey in 2018, is facing 35 charges, while his flatmate David Sutton, 27, a volunteer with the organisation, is accused of 20 offences.

These two may well be MAPs, or have spent so much time around LGBTQ+ youth who are banging on all the time about their sexual/gender activity, that they started to see the law as silly. I say this bc of Ireland’s documented relationship with a Trans teen, who he participated in pet play with…

Too bad for these guys, since even if many of their once encrypted messages were “jokes” and “role play,” the sexual contact, watching porn, and getting high with a 12-year-old boy wasn’t…

I don’t know how the young male feels or felt at the time, whether everyone enjoyed themselves and had a good time, but in the law’s eyes this is “rape” and “assault.”

I’ll hand it to Reduxx: they set out to show that Trans and LGBTQ people aren’t always saints, and they’ve certainly done that. A minority within a minority, rare as most crimes are except perhaps porn offenses, but it’s impossible to deny that some LGBTQers do commit crime…

Self-ID TRANS at 14 months.

While on the trans subject. Elliott ellen page starred in hard candy whereshe was a14,yo who tortureda ped..hebephile. Now in this she proves that 14yos are capable so thus being a contradiction . but pplare to thick to realise this…yeh ican use wrong pronouns as clearly theyarent verynice tostar in more anti mappropaganda

Being Trans doesn’t imply sympathy with MAPs, especially for an actor at 14-years-old…

A much nicer movie is “Leon: The Professional,” which stars a young Natalie Portman who makes a pass at her adult companion in the story. The movie was recommended to me as an instance of positive MAP representation, on the now defunct Freespeechtube. Would highly recommend.

Leon is good as a positive representation of MAPs because the character is portrayed as innocent and responsible; meanwhile little Natalie’s desire is obvious but Leon never succumbs to the temptation.

Contrast the novel Lolita (I listened to part of the Jeremy Irons Audible – sadly not completed yet). Here the little girl’s aggressive sexual desire is even more obvious and manifest, but Humbert being a weak sort of fellow immediately gives in and encourages scenarios of overt sexual interplay.

It is surely only the man’s legal responsibility to comply with the law, and he must repel the little girl’s hearty and obvious advances if he is to stay out of prison, unlike Humbert.

The book The Lolita Complex proves that eleven and twelve year old girls are just as up for it as the men – it is therefore a legal minefield for the men to navigate, whenever they come across a pretty little girl with lunt for men. And it does happen – how could we be so naive as to pretend otherwise?

I’ve never read the book you mentioned, Russel Trainer’s 1960s The Lolita Complex (find at Anna’s Archive, Web Archive ). Is it good?

I kind of feel I’ve read well-enough about MAP related topics at this point, but feel free to tell us here at H-TOC about it…

There’s a big time difference between the 1950s Lolita book and 1990s Leon movie, which probably explains a large part of the gaps between them, in addition to the medium (what people are willing to write versus get actors to perform and film for the screen).

And yes, it’s undeniable and obvious to anyone who honestly examines their own younger years, or has honest conversations with other’s about their own, that the young can feel intense sexual desire. There are of course exceptions, and people who are not particularly sexual, or may be more romantic in orientation, but for the most part yes, young people feeling or expressing themselves sexually is commonplace, undeniable, and even well-evidenced in scholarship.

I mean, I don’t know about your school days, but I can remember the constant dirty jokes, pining for our teacher’s, and even semi-secret intergen relationship between mostly older men and young female students. For so many years I had no idea these things were even considered controversial, unusual, or worthy of note, yet it seems everywhere online especially, people are hell bent on stamping out any non-negative mention of these everyday realities.

And ya, it’s not something i think about much since it’s irrelevant to me, but in the law’s eyes it’s certainly the adult’s responsibility to refuse a young one’s advances. If it’s online, the best thing is to not reply at all and instantly block the person. In some U.S. States (for example), it’s an offense to continue a sexual conversation if someone unexpectedly discloses they are underage, regardless of how their profile looks, how confused you are, or if you’re on a site like “Adult Friend Finder.”

With the enormous amount of high profile scandals in “the age of groomers,” most people will be terrified or reluctant to engage with any account claiming to be a “minor.” The people who are likely to fall foul of this are the naive, who believe that because they aren’t pedos, they’re safe (wrong!), people who spend a lot of time with minors due to volunteering / work, or people who are MAPs.

Extracting yourself from the situation is probably the best move, if one is ever in doubt…

A much nicer movie is “Leon: The Professional,”…

Oh, movies! Okay, in that case, if you haven’t, you must see Mein erstes Wunder, the love story of middle-aged man and 11-year-old girl:

There are many movies exploring adult-child friendship and/or love, if you look beyond US/UK production…

Last edited 13 days ago by David

Looks like a good movie! Very 90s, early 2000s / boomer aesthetic! Grainy shots meant to imitate the look of classic photos and videos. Looks like a relationship drama film, though I can’t tell if the intergen relationship is presented as sinister or not; the trailer gives me mixed but mostly positive vibes.

PCMA had many non-native English speakers from Germany and elsewhere, back when I was in that space.

This film should definitely be listen on Newgon. Thanks for sharing.

It tells the story of friendship/love between the main characters and reflects on it by the eyes of the man’s wife, girl’s mother and other people. Definitely not one-sided, quite the opposite. It is available in full on DailyMotion. EN subtitles can be found on OpenSubtitles I believe. A must watch for GLs.

i think ellen was 19 playing a not so innocent nasty 14 year old. of course people loved it. bet they like bear baiting too. ps freespeechtube was revived !

WAY Back 99 yrs change hands??

1926 UK Minor snaps MinorAttractedMinors/MAM scene one.

Later, that headlock HOT Loli had BOTH HOT lads LEWD in the bushes!!


Quote Gold Digger HOT LOli, “OK then, but it’s just because I Luv U.”

Quote Gold Digger HOT Loli, “WHERE is the LOVE? I can’t see it, I can’t feel it, I can’t hear it, I …”

Last edited 17 days ago by HappyHumpingPup

I do NOT think that Dev is a groomer, I do NOT feel traumatized by him, and I am making this post to say that I OPPOSE what Ally is doing, and no matter what she does to try to protect my identity she is still harming me by releasing this video!!! […]

In the video, Ally made it seem like Dev sought me out and called me, which isn’t true, I DM’d HIM first and I called HIM- NOT the other way around. […]

Girls at school saw the TikToks and they recognized my voice, so now this stuff has spilled over into real life. Ally says she is making this video to protect victims, but if she releases the video things will just get worse for me at school and hurt his career.

I keep trying to say all of this in their subreddit but they ban me and delete my threads when I do. It’s ironic that they call this place North Koreddit but they’re silencing me just because I’m not supporting their narrative.

I occasionally see people referencing “YandereDev,” and had no idea what that meant. Discovered it was a “grooming” (i.e. digital messaging leading to nothing) scandal from 2023 involving an Indie game developer.

The response above is a Reddit post by the “victim,”
who was 16 at the time and clearly doesn’t see herself that way. Bravely imo, she instead complains that her overzealous “friends” have twisted a perfectly reasonable interaction, to blow it out of all proportion and ruin both her and Dev’s lives, all against the express wishes of the “victim.”

“Dev’s” response is here. It’s pitiful, pathetic and sad imo, but also understandable from someone who’s seeing his whole life and social standing plummeting. The scandal revolves around the question “can minors and adults be friends?”

Last edited 18 days ago by Prue

well kendrick lamar is allowed to libel people. so i will. the braindead bullying ugly bigot

“I’m not a HOT girl…I’m not a LOVER girl.”

AAM-tot ‘notha late starter?

Trump regime update:

The U.S. Army has banned transgender people from enlisting, and ended gender-affirming care services. The official U.S. army account announced it.

I’ve heard a lot of conservatives saying “X isn’t gonna happen” since Trump took office, and this is surely one of those “but it is happening” moments.


The U.S. State Department got rid of the ‘T’ in their headline; it now says “LGB” rather than “LGBTQI+ Travelers.” The department also suspended processing passport applications with a gender marker different from the applicant’s biological sex.

This has led to some amusing if sad cases you can find online, where (for example) someone who appears to be a woman to anyone who’s not blind – big boobs and extremely feminine – gets an “M” on their passport…

All references to “Trans” have been removed from the Stonewall National Monument website. Google has removed Pride Month, along with Black History Month and Holocaust Remembrance Day, from Google Calendar.


Trump made his own cryptocurrency coin, which is a good meme.

Meanwhile, the ICE raids targeting undocumented migrants continue. Some communities are apparently more like ghost towns now, as people have gone into hiding and aren’t turning up to work where ICE can easily arrest them. Trump’s got 4 years if he doesn’t eventually suceed in his so-far failed attempt at abolishing / amending term limits; I wonder if they’ll move on to other groups later on… As Trump said (paraphrasing), “We’ll start with the criminals, then deal with the rest.”

The death penalty is being restored and expanded massively, establishing “swift” executions where previously the courts had to go through rigorous procedures to ensure they weren’t killing an innocent prisoner. Over in Florida, the asshole of country which all should escape from if given the chance, lawmakers want to make the death penalty mandatory for undocumented migrants who are convicted of “capital crimes.” This change would remove the jury from the process, and challenge the U.S. constitution.

There are plans for El Salvador to accept deported migrants in their prisons, which are known for their poor conditions, coerced (i.e. slave) labor for corporations, and being extremely reticent to let journalists see the treatment of inmates.

Truly eventful times we live in. Never a dull moment :p

Upcoming book to look out for this July: The War on Science: Thirty-Nine Renowned Scientists and Scholars Speak Out, edited by Lawrence Krauss. (Simon & Schuster link; Amazon link).
Apparently it includes contributors from across the political spectrum. Some familiar and big names include Richard Dawkins, Steven Pinker, Gad Saad and Alan Sokal.

I don’t know many of the other contributors, and I see a certain Alice Sullivan who, if she’s the UK based sociologist, has no business being there. She’s an absolute cunt who’s participated in and even instigated cancel culture campaigns on academics she dislikes. I am about 90% sure she played a massive role in scandalizing Karl Andersson’s research on Shota.

I don’t personally have much sympathy for people who cry “woe is me” when they’re on the receiving end of what they’ve done to others.

However, Lawrence Krauss and many others there, are based as fuck. Readers may recall I quoted Krauss extensively in my guest blog on Price Andrew: The Musical and Jeffrey Epstein. Although ostensibly about other nonsense things, Krauss was (in-reality) cancelled because he wasn’t willing to lie and call the Jeffrey he knew a monster. Together, Krauss and Andrew are two very different people who stood by their dead friend, spoke “their Truth,” and were punished immensely for it. It appears that authenticity has a price…

Last edited 22 days ago by Prue

It Would be nice if we can find Bruce Rind’s name there.

Bruce of course had an enormous chapter in a recent book edited by Mike Bailey and others. It really depends on what communities you walk in.

Get Krauss and Bruce connected, and we might well see their names side-by-side in future. I have every confidence they’d get along as people.

They have an easy in-road: they can bond over shared sympathy around their respective cancellations…

Cory J. Clark (UPenn) and Wilfred Reilly (Kentucky State Uni), are examples of bold, articulate and confident academics taking on popular views about race and gender / sex they see as “taboo.”
They would be very well-placed to include a “taboo conclusion” like “not all instances of child sex abuse lead to psychological maladjustment for the younger party in adulthood,” or “most people who sexually offend against minors are not primarily attracted to minors,” in studies like this. Wilfred has a book Taboo: 10 Facts You Can’t Talk About (2020), which I hope lives up to its name and addresses age-gap sex contact like Alice Dreger’s Galileo’s Middle Finger (2015) did. Cory Clark is Director of the Adversarial Collaboration Project at her university, and what could be more “adversarial” or “taboo” than questioning the age taboo?

The 2020s is shaping up to be the decade of the “pedophile,” or the “MAP,” depending on how the next few years go.

Another watershed moment in history has just occurred, the Super Bowl LIX halftime show in America, this time featuring rapper Kendrick Lamar.
Why is it relevant? Well, because he preformed his song “Not Like Us,” on the biggest stage in U.S. Sports. The song is so famous that it has its own Wikipedia page, which states:

“Not Like Us” is a diss track written and recorded by the American rapper Kendrick Lamar amidst his highly publicized feud with Canadian rapper Drake. It broke multiple records on the streaming platform Spotify, was Lamar’s fourth number-one song on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100, and is one of the most awarded songs in Grammy Awards history.

What does he “diss” Drake for? Well, you guessed it, apparently everyone’s at it with, or got the hots for “minors.” (There must be something in the water… And how strange it’s always “minors,” never actual pre-pubescent children…)

His performance of this song is widely seen as the “main event,” or the main reason to care about the SuperBowl if you don’t care for the sports.

Here’s some lyrics:

Say, Drake, I hear you like ’em young

You better not ever go to cell block one

To any bitch that talk to him and they in love

Just make sure you hide your lil’ sister from him

And Baka got a weird case, why is he around?

Certified Lover Boy? Certified pedophiles

Why you trollin’ like a bitch? Ain’t you tired?

Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably A-minor

They not like us, they not like us, they not like us

Not gonna lie people, you got an uphill struggle on yo hands. This reads like a Teilio declaration of war. I mean, could you get much more clearly separatist: “They not like us”? What a load of bullshit.

The irony is that I have zero doubt that Kendrick’s got some 17-year-olds in his personal history. “They not like us” my ass! XD

The popularity of things like this does suggest that MAPs, age gap sex / sexual attraction, “strike a chord” with many. Whether part of that is mass denial projection (a common theme amongst posters on the Fediverse is previously being an Anti until they realized they were themselves a MAP), or hatred or both: people remain absolutely obsessed with the topic.

I’m sure the stigma serves tons of purposes. Has a ton of use value. Plus, there’s no real consequence for spreading hate about MAPs. Instead, it reassures people they’re “Good” people and not like those “Baddies,” (I can already hear the faint Trans MAP echoes, “uWu I’m the baddie nyaa!”), or it’s an easy attack on Trans people and other political opponents… Whatever the case, it does seem the “P” discourse is everwhere and intensifying…

You’re gonna need some full-on, constant propagandizing to flip the switch on this one. Some fucking bold, edgy, and resilient media personalities, journalists, artists, musicians, and eventually politicians. Just like the Left complains it has no Joe Rogan, you’ll all need people to inject counter discourse into the public eye.

Change is certainly possible, and we’ve seen a lot of improvements in scholarship. But damn, events like this show just how widespread the negative side of the “P” discourse is! It’s pretty wild, all things considered; how rare pedophilia is…

(End of thought rant :p )

pedophile he texted 15 yo millie bobby brown.. these idiots dotn realsie that the AOC in usa was 7-12 for a while… so they are descended from pedos 🙂

15-year-olds are hardly indicative of pedophilia, unless Millie was especially underdeveloped and looked pre-pubescent (which I doubt)…

The idea that people are descended from pedophiles is pretty ironically funny given the hatred, but surely true as many pedophiles apparently identify as non-exclusive, so they may have relationships with adult women or elsewise end up having children (donating sperm or surrogacy, etc.)

It would be very interesting to research parenting styles amongst MAPs, or compare MAP and Telio attitudes toward parenting…

> Whether part of that is mass denial projection (a common theme amongst posters on the Fediverse is previously being an Anti until they realized they were themselves a MAP), or hatred or both: people remain absolutely obsessed with the topic.

Don’t forget the out loud punkverse WAY bak 44 years, 1981, “I LIKE LITTLE GIRLS” by Oingo Boingo.
Top comment @huyentruong9221 4 years ago 6.2k Thumbs, 42 Replies, “Typing this in the search bar wasn’t so easy.”

Neat follow up to Buzzcocks SeXy 77 kids fave “Orgasm Addict”. The song was controversial due to its sexual content and was banned by the BBC.[6]

Last edited 22 days ago by HappyHumpingPup

Hilarious info and ridiculously edgy by today’s standards. My own edginess pales in comparison, but I’d also be lying / being inauthentic if I produced such a song, so I’d avoid it on that basis alone if nothing else. Since as far back as I can remember, and kicking into high gear around age 10 or 11, I have been and remain primarily attracted to women, big boobs ‘n butts, “waist-to-hip ratios” ‘n all. Pretty generic really…

I imagine that many people nowadays would avoid performing or writing songs like these, both to reduce the risk of being embroiled in hysteria, and also to avoid putting out misleading impressions or insinuations about yourself and your personal life. In the 1990s, Marylin Manson took the piss by saying he’s a “child molester” all the time, which is funny in context and even now if like me you perceive him to be joking. But it allowed an easy avenue for the media to #MeToo him years later, the poor bastard…

Newgon has included this and tons of other songs in its huge page on Music featuring attraction to minors. Perhaps you can all find some new music to enjoy 🙂

Last edited 21 days ago by Prue

Re-reading Tom’s post now and finding it terrifically stimulating and indeed, muchly educative and enlightening, all over again. As “token” of my appreciation, this delicious photo i found of a Mr Bertrand Russell and friend. Apologies if all you BLs & Bi’s have heem in your stashes already!


[T]he film detailed how Edelman had interviewed a number of Prince’s former protégées / lovers — some of whom began dating the singer while they were underage […]

[T]he film depicts Prince’s relationship with Mayte Garcia, who became his wife. Now a striking, doe-eyed 50-year-old woman in a flowing silk shirt, she describes how she met Prince when she was 16 and he was 35, after he saw tapes of her belly dancing.

perhaps when the world is overpopulated with “doe-eyed 50-year-old women” and the birth rate is 0.05, someone will get the bright idea that young people should be allowed to have sex again.

How I came out to 140,000 people

MU poster Julia, recalls how they came out as a “non-offending minor-attracted person” to their 140,000 instagram followers. A Leftist who identified as an Anarchist at the time, they went by the handle “Comrade_Broccoli” and was apparently known as a Lefty meme poster. They came out by posting an essay about destigmatizing attraction to minors, explaining what it means and what it does not, etc.

You can find some archived screenshots from this time here:

In their introduction post joining MU on Feb 4, 2025, they describe themselves as a “a 28 year old woman from Central Europe. AMAB but do not identify as trans.” They also identify as a “CSA survivor, having been sexually abused by a teacher from age 9 to 10.”

Interesting stuff! With 140k followers, that’s definitely a bold thing to do!

Their old website archive is mentioned in the screenshots, containing what is probably their essay:

Last edited 25 days ago by Prue

A New Jersey teenager who was 13 when he allegedly fathered a baby with his former teacher is speaking out — and insisting that the sexual relationship was his idea, according to a report.

The teen insists that Laura Caron should not be facing charges, and hopes that they will someday be a family.

The teen, who blamed his father for the investigation, said that Caron was actually a positive influence in his life.

“I love her with all my heart,” he said. “She was there for me and my family.”

nope, usa wants to punish the older party and the younger party…. severely

Social Worker who was a colleague of Peter Righton’s; they were very likely personal friends.

Much of the info comes from Anti blogger Ian Pace, who’s done the work of digging up old sources, so they might as well be made good use of. Pace claims that Davis’s featured book argues for abolishing the age of consent, but since he doesn’t quote or a put page number, I have left this claim out until I or someone else more neutral than Pace verifies it.

It is after all, a big claim…

Little bit of history for everyone!

‘Inappropriate’ MAP fun – from F.B. Robert Thomson, “My son got sent home from school yesterday. He has been suspended for running around the girls toilets waving his willy around. Idiotic yes but it seems he had done it for a bet. Suspension seemed to be a bit harsh, so I rang the headmaster to explain that it was just a bit of tomfoolery gone too far. However, he was having none of it and has stuck by the suspension. Getting a bit peeved, I asked the head if he would rather have him thieving and smashing the school up like others I could mention. “No”, he said, “I would rather have him teaching the year 5 Geography class that he is employed to do”……….

Last edited 26 days ago by HappyHumpingPup

Hi, does anyone have an opinion on whether masturbation alone is enough to fulfil a MAP’s sexual desires? Thanks

In my opinion adequately yes but is much better if its done with an actual girl (or boy id imagine if they are that way inclined)

>Hi, does anyone have an opinion on whether masturbation alone is enough to fulfil a MAP’s sexual desires? Thanks

Unlikely that any pre-birth MAP/AAM stopped at just one HOT Wank.

“a female fetus at 32 weeks’ gestation touching the vulva with fingers of [her] right hand focused primarily on the region of the clitoris. After doing this for 20 minutes, the doctors said, the fetus experienced rapid muscle contractions before finally she relaxed and rested.”

the question the whole world is now asking! Well, at least a whole.lot more asking it than just MAPs! I think the question needs to be divided into 1) the question of physical pleasure per se, and 2) that of desire, which is ultimately unsatisfiable by its very nature – that is, it feeds on itself and therefore is constantly reborn anew. I think countless souls have long realized that physical pleasure-levels are a far easier thing to manage on one’s lonesome, accompanied as those now can be (in the MAP’s case) by AI imagery fed to us direct from heaven, but heh…what do you think you might mean today by “fulfillment” anyway? The realization IRL of a specifically imagined scenario? Surely only each individual is capable of knowing to any degree what sort of thing does or does not fulfil? Do you really think there could be some external, ‘objective’ call made on that?

i cannot recommend highly enough to you the work of Georges Bataille called Erotism: Death & Sensuality. There is within the pages of this book enough to make your mind take fearsomely wonderful flight, truly to places you have not even begun to think of before, all the while ‘anchored’ in potently anthropological intuition..The full text is available online for free!

Last edited 26 days ago by Warbling J Turpitude

Thank you for a great tip. Also, I think the desire is most commonly for connection and intimacy, too, not just of erotic nature.

And I cannot recommend highly enough the novel All the Ugly and Wonderful Things by Alice Feeney. Although the protagonist is likely not a typical MAP, the story follows the love of a 20+ man and a girl from the age of 5 till her early adulthood. Be prepared to cry.

An audible version available, well narrated.

All The Ugly And Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood. I have no idea where I got the Alice Feeney from, sorry :). It is a beautiful book for people like us.

Also, Lamb by Bonnie Nadzam and Tiger Tiger by Margaux Fragoso, if you want some tips of modern English language MAP related literature, all well narrated in audio versions.

Last edited 25 days ago by David

Oh and Tom, if you haven’t, read Pedal by Chelsea Rooney. Not a love story unfortunately, but if I remember correctly, your name and book is mentioned in the story!

Last edited 25 days ago by David

ive been jerkin to ava rivello but it doesnt make me feel great

just need to “pop in” and offer this meme i just made, to concur 100% that the way forward is.NOT with any sort of fixed view, and to apologise profusely to Prue for dropping the ball on our exchange. I am still fully intending to re-engage, but have been hugely absorbed in bodywork, building a fly-by-pranayama airframe fit to take on the human future now fast-breaking on every other front. I’ve basically been stimulated out of my gourd by current worldly input, and what’s more yum yum have only yesterday been called a “murdering Nazi” by my longest-serving kiwi friend, and a “moron” by one of my kinsisters.


In 1955, an AAM 14-year-old British boy became obsessed with Marilyn Monroe, 29, who was at the height of her fame. Captivated by her persona and perhaps drawn to her fame, Shulman made the drastic decision to leave his home in England without informing his parents.

It’s impossible for a 14 year old innocent angel flower child to have a sex drive or hard boner, if you have any good memories of being under 18 and having a boner, you’re actually just imagining that because you’re a mental victim of hollywood’s sexualization of children, but you’re also a disgusting pedophile who should be killed because you imagined a 14 year old with a boner, which will soon get you life in prison when Elon Musk perfects his brain implant that reads your thoughts.

14 year olds can’t comprehend sex (but can go to jail for crimes of course) and they don’t understand the consequences of sex because of undeveloped brains (good feelings are far too complex to understand compared to trigonometry), unlike people over 18, who understand sex perfectly and never go to therapists or take psychoactive drugs or experience any sexual confusion at all.

So, clearly Marilyn Monroe was a grooming pedophile monster who exploited her position of power as a famous model to participate in international child sex trafficking against the little boy. I’m sure she’s burning in hell with the rest of the entire countries of pedophiles from all of human history who committed similar crimes (without knowing how evil they were) because the age of consent never existed until like 5 minutes ago. Come to think of it, all of humanity before 5 minutes ago was a mass of disgusting, social reject child sex abuse devils since there was no age of consent, and only now have we come to our senses to correct the grave wrongs of our entire historical record.

And women were always the primary victims of this horrifying historical child sex abuse, but now that we’ve fixed it and changed the laws and culture, women report being the happiest they’ve ever been and the birth rates of all western countries are soaring, I’m sure I’m right about that but don’t double check it. Congratulations everyone!

Post-Love Generation EVIL Anglo Victorians generating HATE have Worldwide DEMONISED intergen natural SeX and now work-wank hard to stop fetal & preteen mere MASTURBATION?

Masturbation is a developmentally normal behavior, with researchers having records of female fetuses masturbating to orgasm in the womb (Brenot & Broussin, 1996; Giorgi & Siccardi, 1996)

HOLY S***! The Trans MAP featured just below, their most recent video (Jan 27, 2025) explicitly says “my kind,” referencing “MAPs.” A 4-minute vid:

“When it comes to MAPs, my kind are told there is only one narrative about who we are, that we are monsters destined to abuse. Under the weight of this narrative, some of us […] might give up on being good people, just as society gave up on us. […] Such people need to know that there is a future where they can accept themselves.”

Update: They’ve done a face reveal! And they’re hot! I repeat! Face reveal! Hot cutie!

Uploaded only 1 hour ago, there’s two videos:

When the younger partner abuses


For Those Considering Older Partners

Holy based!

Last edited 1 month ago by Prue

Minor Attracted Person – An Analysis (Part 1) – By Valium Sadfemme

A Trans MAP YouTube creator recently made a two part series on MAPs. You may wish to save a copy in case it gets removed, as part 2 already has… (I never got to see it or save a copy).

Amazingly, skimming the comments, their audience seems to have taken this 1st vid quite well.

Yesmap thread about it, including their apparent admission of being a MAP. Cool stuff!

Last edited 1 month ago by Prue

Did anyone see the clip of Kanye West’s wife Bianca Censori, practically stripping naked at the Grammy’s? Fucking h-o-t!!!

As you can imagine, unlike moi, not everyone found it so hilarious, entertaining, or sexy. The question on everyone’s mind was not “wow, wouldn’t it be cool if we could all live like that, free and relaxed in our nudity?” No, dear readers, it was something more like “holy shit what if a child saw this?!!!”

Well, we know at least one did…

Incredibly, someone snapped a picture of a kid (male) peering over to get a good look, and the conversation online turned towards “indecent exposure” and “problematic” behavior. Lox on Yesmap has the Tweet shared here:

According to news reports, she may face a charge of indecent exposure over her choice of attire…

it was something more like “holy shit what if a child saw this?!!!”

It’s good that children are not yet bathed blindfolded or forced to change clothes in the dark in the locker room, so that they don’t get trauma looking at themselves and others naked 🙂

americas one repressed shi hole…

Probably some readers here are subscribed to the UK’s Channel 4 Youtube channel, which has been obsessed with the topic of ‘abuse’ and age-gap sex lately. They’ve made numerous documentaries on celebrity scandals, platforming the voices of self-identified victims / survivors in the cases of Kevin Spacey, Russell Brand, Marylin Manson, and more.

They’ve recently been focusing on historic claims of now highly taboo sex contact within the Church. Releasing a ton of videos over the last week or so, at one point they posted on the same topic for three days consecutively. These reports have had a direct impact on the Church. There’s a mix of scandal focusing on children / minors, involving a guy called John Smyth, while the second involves two legal adults, focusing on Bishop of Liverpool John Perumbalath.

The first one sounds crazy but is also reported in a very way; there is even an implication of murder… The man’s now much older son hadn’t accepted the dominant discourse of ‘abuse,’ until changing his mind after Channel 4’s even earlier reporting. The second case is less heavy, the people involved are all still alive, and seems to be a case of a naive man thinking and trying foolishly to rouse an uninterested woman. (Something you should never do: ‘neediness’ is unattractive to teleio women, you have to be able to ‘meh, take it or leave it’.)

John Smyth:

Church abuse scandal: my dad the abuser (2 months ago; many of these videos don’t have massive views, but this one’s an exception with over 1 million views).
Church Abuse Scandal: serial abuser’s time in South Africa exposed (Feb 4, 2025).
Church scandal: Man behind cover-up was abuser (Feb 6, 2025).
John Perumbalath:

Church Abuse Scandal: Bishop accuses bishop of sexual harassment (Jan 28, 2025).
Church abuse scandal: calls for Bishop of Liverpool to step down (Jan 29, 2025).
Church abuse scandal: Bishop of Liverpool quits amid allegations (Jan 30, 2025).

Typo: should say “reported in a very vague way”.

In the year 1500 Columbus wrote, ” A hundred castellanoes are as easily obtained for a woman as for a farm, and it is very general and plenty of dealers go about looking for girls; those from nine to ten are now in demand.”

Biography notes that Dangerfield was, in mid-1920s New York City more or less totally unsupervised as a child. When he was as young as 5 years old he took to wandering his neighborhood. According to Dangerfield’s autobiography “It’s Not Easy Bein’ Me,” on one of these walks, he was approached by a man who offered him a nickel to sit on his lap. Dangerfield happily agreed. He sat on the man’s lap — and the man held him and kissed him on the lips for several minutes.

Unaware of what was happening, Dangerfield returned to the man’s office many times to get another nickel. Although he jokes that this made him a “male hooker” at the age of 5, he closes the anecdote with a bitter admonition: “Thanks for lookin’ after me, Ma.” When asked years later about the impact of that incident, Dangerfield admitted that “I could have come out being a nasty person,” but somehow things went the other way.”

Last edited 1 month ago by HappyHumpingPup

>Significantly, no helpline is offered for kids with a shit homelife, and even when there is such a thing (as with Britain’s Childline) the emphasis seems to be on sex, not neglect and hostile ill-treatment.

A confidential ‘Stranger No Dangerfield’ FreeFone “Happy Line” launched by HTOC & ConsentingJuveniles might get millions of dominant narrative-trashing KidSeX positives previously unknown?

Portrayals in the news media have tended to reinforce public fears of strangers as potential pedophiles, despite sexual abuse of children being more likely to occur in families.[1] In the early 2000s the emphasis of such campaigns shifted somewhat, to reflect the risk of abuse by persons known to the child.[2][3]

Last edited 1 month ago by HappyHumpingPup

A bit like with Matt Mccreedy he is seen as a victim but yet I bet he wasn’t thinking that on his way to the bank (when he was given the chance of a life time by Philip Scholfield (no one ever did that for me)

Then and now for nasty neo-Victorian hypocrites Cooper & Co.

Paraphrase SeXy ’70s ‘Love Generation’ Beat-all Lennon, “Worldwide making pleasurable Love is strictly hidden from children, while making painful War with innocent children bloodily destroyed is lawfully and profitably seen everywhere including by innocent children.”

Last edited 1 month ago by HappyHumpingPup

This is all getting a bit much. Video on youtube, person posed as minor and shoots the guy, dead. comments? all supporting him. can i respond to them? nope. this stuffs affecting my sleep. its a serious issue, how many thousands have major mental health problems due to societys hatred of maps?? im pretty sure theres a snowball effect…

Dare I ask for a link to the video you mentioned? Not sure I really want to see it, I’ve already seen crazy clips of people being beaten up or slapped across the face for allegedly attempting to meet up with a “minor,” who of course ends up being a sting operator. The men are usually old or autistic looking, and seem “not all there.” Though, of course some people appear to understand what’s going on, and try to run away after they’ve been physically assaulted.

Their attackers, violent thugs who can make big bucks from not-a-lot, tend to get low sentences even though many are repeat offenders. All it will take is for these predators to target a man who happens to be wealthy, resilient and legally proficient, and they’ll be sued into poverty…

Sometimes, of course, the people they’ve attacked defend themselves (completely justified and proportionate response, legally and ethically), though I’ve not heard of many cases where “hunters” have been killed / died during a sting operation. I don’t spend much time, if any, looking at such stories. It’s so crazy as to be stomach churning and mind-boggling, to think there are such dangerous, violent people out there…

A guy from “Dads Against Predators” got shot in the leg. I guess some people have poor aim… I personally wouldn’t mind seeing a “MAP Defence Force” like the Black Panthers, where a group / groups of MAPs / MAP allies would intercept stings or even deliberately get involved in them without breaking the law, and turn up Antifa-style with masks and guns where it is lawful to do so. In States with stand your ground laws, you would in theory be able to defend yourself with lethal force if threatened, which of course you’d be recording the whole event to prove you were.

That would take small-scale organization, and life altering commitment. You would become a hero to some and a hot topic debatable villian to many, and you’d better believe your name and face will be plastered all over media. If you want to become a die-hard MAP activist defending “your people,” you can’t expect to live a “normal” life, at least not entirely…

I’m surprised nothing like this has happened already, with how crazy the situation has become; alleged MAPs being “hunted” for sport… It’s a testament to just how non-violent MAPs are compared to the worst of their oppressors, where a beating or murder of a child involving a sexual element is so rare that it become national scandal, whilst “predator hunters” are so normalized that they garner little attention at the national level.

The lack of open resistance is also explained by the fact that MAPs can live quietly and hide their orientation from the world at large. This surely represents most MAPs, who probably only disclose / come out to their closest family or friends, if that. Before the 1960s and 70s, gay men and pederasts were in the same boat, terrified of having their sexuality “exposed.” Frank Kameny, who was himself supportive of pederasts, fought a tireless and lifelong campaign for civil rights after he got fired from his professional job over being same-sex attracted…

Pre gay liberation activist Henry Gerber, famously complained about how his fellow gays were okay with living in the shadows, flocking to foreign countries where they could engage in what we’d now call sex tourism. His gay organization in Germany was forcibly broken up by the German government, and it was not until the Mattachine Society and One Inc. was formed in America, that he saw any meaningful progress or reason to be hopeful. (See “Henry Gerber” in Vern Bullough’s 2002 “Before Stonewall” book, to see what I’m on about: ).

Because sexual orientation is not like being black, no one can tell, so your oppression lends itself to speculation and insinuation. It’s perfect for hysteria and conspiracy bait…

I would recommend avoiding “pred hunter” videos unless you’re researching/writing about them or working on ways to stop them, limit them, or turn public or local opinion against them. You can very safely leave these creeps in the dust and spend your time on much more positive and fruitful endeavors. Starting a website or media production company, posting comments, memes and infographics, getting good and esteemed in whatever skills / job you have; these are all far more fruitful than making yourself miserable and scared with “hunter” content.

If anything, MAPs could learn from their tactics. They closely fulfill many of Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals,” including such horrible gems as “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

You shouldn’t respect those who want you dead. Either out of ignorance or hatred, they’re participating in making the world worse for everyone, with MAP-phobia spilling over to stigmatize lawful adult-adult age gap relationships, particularly the once historical norm of older men and younger women.

People who feel the need to constantly attack others for their perfectly lawful, functional “problematic” relationships, are weird. They’re strange, odd, and giving off bitter / jealous vibes. Call them what they are: “creepy.”

(End of thought rant…) :p

The lack of open resistance is also explained by the fact that MAPs can live quietly and hide their orientation from the world at large. This surely represents most MAPs, who probably only disclose / come out to their closest family or friends, if that.

I think this and generally the absence of any meaningful activism is caused by the fact that most paedophiles are actually offenders in the eyes of the law, so they do not want any attention. Most pedophiles have at least some images on their harddrives, drawn or real, or erotic texts, and in countries like UK or USA this alone can give you a long prison sentences.

In the country where I live, even written erotic stories are illegal. I have plenty of them, and I am not a bit ashamed of it, as obviously nobody was harmed in their production and nobody is when I read them. In a way, I am looking forward to the day a police will come to my house and find them, and I am prepared and looking forward to fight for my rights up to a Supreme/Constitutional court.

But here is the problem: although illegal, I would hardly get any prison time in my country for texts or drawn images. It would be a suspended sentence, most likely, if anyone would care to make a case. My wife and my friends know I am peedophile, and they would support me. I am a business owner so I couldn’t be fired from my job, and my clients are all from a different country. This combined means I can be pretty confident and bold.

But let’s face the reality. Most paedophiles are not that open about their sexuality to their families and friends, so they lack the safety network. Most paedophiles live in a country where sentences are far more severe – and frankly, and unfortunatelly, most pedophiles have at least some images of real children on their harddrives.

So they choose the silence, and it is completely understandable.

The price for activism and public appearences is just too high for us. Some older man can afford it, given their loss of sexual drive and other circumstances, but they are not the best examples for gaining public sympathy. And young men, teenagers especially, have a lot to loose.

🙂 I am not a heretic, Tom. But because people I care about already know about my paedophilia, it would not be as devastating for me to go through this as for many others. And yet, it would obviously be challenging not just for me, but for people I love.

The point being, I understand why MAPs are so afraid about speaking out publicly. But without speaking out, nothing will change.

My advice is to open to people around you. It will make you feel safer, and at least some people will realize that there actually, not every pedophile is a monstrous rapist. And they will tell their friends. Better than nothing, I guess?

it was some young braindead thug…. yeh ill find it… i watched a bit but that predator chris hansen showed up. but even he doesnt advocate murder

JUST BEEN Suspended from bluesky (what a surprise). violating the rights of minors, what a joke, they are the ones violating their rights! i hope the owner ends up plane crash and shark food.

Blue Sky sounds homosexually inclined. You can probably say more on X at this point than you can say on Blue Sky.

I just want Paedophiles to be able to express their feelings, their wants and their desires, in more public fora x


I just want Paedophiles to be able to express their feelings, their wants and their desires, in more public fora x

This is a reasonable desire, because all people should have equal rights and freedoms. Many people can publicly admit that they have a gun at home, no one considers them dangerous killers. Everyone has a knife and an axe at home, but this also does not cause danger. Some people have a penis (biological or a toy) and the ability to experience sexual attraction to other people, but that also doesn’t mean they are all dangerous and want to rape someone. In all these cases, everyone accepted that this is NOT an indicator of aggression and danger (although in the last case, radical feminists are trying to promote hatred of men, creating a conflict to continue the existence of feminism, although they have already achieved all the required rights long ago)

Likewise, admitting to having an attraction to minors does not mean that everyone will go and kidnap and rape them. The essence of any attraction is mutual pleasure, friendship, care and love. No one wants to cause pain and suffering to someone they like and love. The last ones who still have limited rights are the youth, they must demand the return of their former autonomy. Juvenilism is needed, not feminism (there is no longer a fight for rights)

Last edited 1 month ago by Leonerd

well, i am on twitter for the time being. (i wont call it what that dictator musk wants!) shit, i cant even talk about epehbophilia. the lunatics at bluesky think 17 year olds are the same as 3 year olds. youtube?

The rather terrifying-looking Yvette Cooper, a rather good advertisement of why not all men are attracted to women, has announced that the UK will outlaw tools which can be used to make criminalized AI images of children. This will come along with ‘new powers’ for the Border Force, which is presumably the real motivation. Quite what these new powers will actually entail is unclear, as the Border Force already have the powers announced over the weekend. It sounds like they’re going to try to push through something grotesque with the old ‘protect the children’ lie. They claim they want to stop people physically bringing criminalized images into the UK on their phones!

>This will come along with ‘new powers’ for the Border Force, which is presumably the real motivation

Standard cowardly cabinet populist moves are now motivated to jump on (closet serial child-abuser HYPOCRITE) fascist Musk’s – ‘past groomers’ fake bandwagon and associated underage-sex. Fake media panics for careers, ratings, profit, power and control over their kept dumb shallow ignorant mob. .

While, if any of the neo Victorian phoney Anglophone truly cared about protecting natural pleasure-seeking modern kids from unnatural pain/abuse they would severely prosecute vile FGM rightly made pan-EU illegal in 1985 and soon all but eliminated in non-Anglo caring mainland modern EU. But just two convictions in 30years in uncaring perverse backward Britain with tens of thousands of UK past and present true victim-survivors still needing just a 1-minute medical (not months of ‘pro-active trawling & grooming) to prove or disprove a case. Though rightly demonizing DEMONIC childsex pain abuse, in vile religious rituals. Is not fake media ‘Woke’ or popular for cowardly UK cabinets, with once-HOT Loli uncaring Cooper in denial of her own sweet preteen clit potentially clipped, or bloody cut off.

Yet underage mere sex-pix, increasingly self-made unstoppable Worldwide by pro-active body-proud Generation Selfie-Sex from Age 4, are TOP priority to prosecute.

Last edited 1 month ago by HappyHumpingPup

UK is truly doomed. If they banned cars it would be less absurd – they could at least be used to hurt someone. If anyone takes this seriously, it will be the end of open-source AI in the UK.

It will also become illegal for anyone to possess manuals that teach potential ­offenders how to use AI tools to either make abusive imagery or to help them abuse children, with a potential prison sentence of up to three years.

This is the funniest one. Basically it makes all documentation and research on AI illegal, and makes all technical universities into offenders.

Eventually, the UK will have to close its borders to prevent people getting out. Time to beef up the canal security and sink all those fleeing techie bastards :).

Last edited 1 month ago by David

Brian. Did you see Yvette towards the end of Sunday’s Laura interview? She blushed deeply Brian. She seems a bit innocent. Not loli level, but innocent.

Anyway Brian. I perfectly understand your frustrations regarding the banning of tools that make ‘safe’ and ‘zero consequences’ PIM. However…well I agree it’s safe PIM. BUT is it really zero consequences PIM? If violent Class A PIM is created using these tools, Brian, it will entrain Paedophiles to r*** children viciously, and I DON’T want to see children get hurt. Gentle Class A? Maybe. I’m talking VIOLENT Class A Brian…I want the very possibility of violent Class A removed from ALL AI image software. This would certainly shift the conversation forward; because then we could begin to entertain the possibility of Gentle Class A AI imagery having a greater welcoming and acceptability in the public eye. You see, it’s absolutely crucial to please public opinion.

Gentle Class B and Class C AI imagery.

Let me know Your thoughts, if you would like, Sir.

is it really zero consequences PIM? If violent Class A PIM is created using these tools, Brian, it will entrain Paedophiles to r*** children viciously

Some people like horror movies, some horror movies are extremely bloody and violent, but that doesn’t make anyone want to go and slash people. The same goes for any content.

However, the absurdity is that underage sex is somehow considered worse than scenes of brutal murders. Stephen King once wondered why people were offended by the episode of child sex in the book “It”, but they were not offended by the slaughter of children. In every film adaptation this episode is thrown out, but the bloody and violent episodes are very much liked by the bosses of film studios and film viewers.

Wow Leonerd, this is such an intelligent post! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to respond.

  1. Brilliant point Leonerd. Horror movies are extremely bloody and violent, but in fact act as an SAFE OUTLET, where people become LESS LIKELY to want to go out and slash people. GREAT. But Leonerd, surely it’s a fine balancing act. Go too far in one’s content consumption (for example, but not necessarily limited to, obsessive content consumption) and it actually tips in the other direction: THEN, the mind actually entrains itself to want to go out and replicate the slashing. You might not believe me, Leonerd, but ask the opinion of an expert psychologist on this.
  3. You mention It, Leonerd. I love It! I mean the original two part TV adaptation. Weren’t the children cute in Part One? Anyway, you say an episode of child sex was portrayed in the book. Wow awesome! I looked at buying It on Audible but it’s around 40 hours! I love the Jeremy Irons Audible of Lolita but 12 is a bit old for me – I much prefer 5-10 (well, 4-10 actually). I also really love ‘The Lolita Complex’ by Russell Trainer. ‘The Lolita Complex’ gave me so much pleasure! I really enjoyed it. However, the ages were a bit too old for me. Again, I think 12 was the youngest…? Maybe 11 but I can’t remember. As I said, 5-10, perhaps 4-10, is my favourite age category. It’s just what it works for the most, if you know what I mean?! So Leonerd, yeah: it annoys me so much that bloody and violent episodes are liked more than gentle “child sex” episodes! Whoa, remember ‘The Conformist’? The Fascist film. Nice child sex scene, or hint of a child sex scene, at or near the start of that I believe. Again, a bit too old. My broad point is that I think they want to prevent the spread of child sex ideologies. I really want GENTLE child sex, and think it should be legal. I am UTTERLY HORRIFIED AND APPALLED BY THE THOUGHT OF SLIGHTEST HURT OR PAIN CAUSED TO A CHILD. THIS IS BECAUSE A CHILD ONLY HAS A LITTLE BODY AND WE SHOULD CHERISH, LOVE, AND CARE FOR IT TO THE UTMOST. HURTING A CHILD, EVEN VERY SLIGHTLY, IS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. DO YOU AGREE?

Would love to know your thoughts, Leonerd! Please reply.


Absolutely, the children are the most wonderful thing in the world, you want to take care of them, help them, teach them, give them joy and happiness. and that’s why I think…


…that at this age gentle caresses, hugs and masturbation are enough. There should be NOTHING bigger than a finger inside.

Zen, images are just images. Text is just text. Movies are just movies.

Anyway, all this banning is just ineffective virtue signallling. The technology exists, it is digital (=easy to obtain and reproduce), and its existence cannot be rolled back. The only effect of banning is that it will be more difficult for researches to study and develop it and for companies to productise it. The “bad guys” (=pixel abusers) will continue to have it and develop it, irrespective of bans. Sharing of AI models will just move to darker places of the internet. It is technically impossible to ban math, irrespective of how much immoral you are convinced it is.

If the safety of children is the main concern here, agencies like IWF and NCMEC would scream in pleasure that finally, CSA imagery is getting slowly replaced by computer generated imagery. Isn’t that amazing that violent perverts are able to satisfy themselves without a victim?

David, there HAS to be an outlet for violent perverts. That prevents a real life physical child victim. So I’m 100% for an outlet for violent perverts.


Do you agree, David? I’d love to know your thoughts. Thanks!

No Zen, I do not agree. I am not violent myself and in my fantasies and wishes the acts are always gentle, and mere thought of violence towards children makes me sick. Still, irrespective of how violent a person is or his fetishes, as long as he doesn’t cause any harm I do not care. If looking at AI generated pictures of killing puppies makes him happy, good for him, and good for us. I would much rather have a happy neighbor like this than miserable one. No, I don’t believe in thought crimes, and I find it totally ridiculous to punish someone for possessing a drawn or computer generated pictures of any kind.

Would I want to see such pictures on billboards or in supermarkets? Certainly not. I suppose I could accept a ban of public display or distribution of such pictures.

Dear David, thank you for your reply. No you’ve got this one inside out mate, as I previously said to Tom you’re in the wrong trouser leg here.

Let me briefly explain. Violent AI generated images of children, if consumed to excess, id est beyond the tipping point, begins to entrain the nucleus accumbens, the pleasure centre of the brain and part of the primeval reptilian brain near the brain stem, to gain pleasure and gratification from inflicting violence upon children. An absence of fear in the amygdala, which acts as a brake upon our wants and desires, also REALLY doesn’t help.

In summary David, and in the simplest terms, if you entrain the nucleus accumbens to be gratified by violence upon children, then unless you are a particularly timid or anxious person to act as a brake, that is inevitably going to spill over into real acts of physical violence upon children, by force of sheer psychological necessity and the Nietzschean Will To Power.

Do you grasp this point David? It’s essential that you understand. People that already feel this way need to put a little FEAR back into their amygdala, to stop them violently raping children.

Zen, do you have some scientific studies proving that fictional erotic or violent stimuli eventually lead to actual offending against real victims? And if so, is there a difference between erotic and violent?

There have been concerning news reports about this. The UK’s Channel 4 did an under 5-min report:

This is ridiculous. I would like to understand what is the rationale and real motivation for this hunt. Any sexologist would tell them they are just making things worse. Any sensible person would welcome computer generated pictures circulating instead of pictures of real children. This just doesn’t make any sense. And breaking into homes with guns only because someone has downloaded a picture? Seems you really don’t have any real issues to tackle over there in UK

Wealth inequality and the lack of freedom it leads to for the mass of people, the insecurity, the being compelled to stay in relationships for the money, etc., is the major problem facing most people in the West. Access to cheap housing instead of paying a private landlord’s second mortgage, etc.

For the UK’s part, focusing on culture war issues is a great distraction and people pleaser move, allowing you to push through laws to give police more powers to arrest citizens and later charge them, under expansive legal codes that are entirely divorced from any tangible, meaningful “harm.”

It’s governments trying to legislate away things they don’t like, which in the case of AI images and / or artwork shared over the global “world wide web,” is impossible.

It would be far better, as you say, to see the positive side, but unfortunately the West operates under a punishment culture and burgeoning hysteria over barely existent “grooming gangs.” Economic and related social hardships, plus perhaps aging, of which the UK specifically has an aging population, tends to breed resentment and bitterness. If people aren’t having lots of babies and increasing the availability of eligible sex partners once their progeny age, then there’s more competition for fewer socially acceptable sex and relationship partners.

If you combine that trend with age apartheid, economic insecurity, lack of social mobility, over a decade of government imposed austerity which seems unlikely to be reversed in 1 term under Labour, alongside anxiety, FOMO, and distraction inducing social media: well, you’ll end up with a country full of struggling, stressed people.

It’s a dead and dying country. I can’t wait for China, India, and basically everywhere else’s ascendancy on the world stage. If you’re young, get out of the UK and U.S. whilst you can: you can earn far more money, be safer and happier, with much more availability of sex partners / a sex positive landscape to boot.

Germany is one of the greatest countries in the world IMO. Very fair laws and sensible social systems. They actually care about what experts say rather than demozing them, resulting in a much more functional society. Pretty good worker’s rights AFAIK, including “the right to disconnect.” The healthcare there puts the UK, and iniquitous U.S.’s for-profit system, to shame. There’s a great BDSM scene too…

breaking into homes with guns only because someone has downloaded a picture?

> It is completely disproportionate. There is no indication that these people represented any realistic threat to anyone, and certainly not the police. It’s the UK after all, they’re extremely unlikely to have guns; a simple knock with a few officers outside ready, would’ve been fine… Pornography offenders are generally nonviolent. After all, their crime may just be downloading a picture, that’s hardly “violent”…

The UK is becoming more like America day by day. I think the country is screwed personally, and my only hope is that Nigel Farage doesn’t get in and institute national service, finish off the privatization of the NHS, and pull the UK out of as many human rights standards authorities as possible so that ordinary folk have even less legal rights or means to protect themselves from state power.

I do think he will become Prime Minister eventually. If there’s no Jeremy Corbyn mark 2 electric boogaloo; in other words, a meaningful opposition…

Labour are doing a shit PR job. They aren’t inspiring, funny or interesting, they’re boring as shit and don’t communicate well why they’re doing what they’re doing.

The purpose of philosophy is to change the state of things, and it is clear she none.

Re: Trans issues and the new U.S. government:

President Trump has signed an executive order that reinstates a 2017 ban on transgender individuals serving in the military, reversing a policy that allowed them to enlist and receive transition-related medical treatment.

Relatedly, the federal funding of gender transition for people under the age of 19 will end.

“It is the policy of the United States that it will not fund, sponsor, promote, assist, or support the so-called ‘transition’ of a child from one sex to another, and it will rigorously enforce all laws that prohibit or limit these destructive and life-altering procedures,” the order says.

I’m not particularly surprised or impressed, except for the fact he’s filmed himself signing these acts one-by-one, giving commentary as he does it. It’s a great political strategy. People can finally see you’re actually doing something. Many people, including me, may not like what he’s putting into law. But, I can’t deny it makes him look very good compared to his opaque predecessors. Very capable, decisive, strong and tough: the things that people want in a leader.

He’s actually following through on his immigration promises, with ICE raids being carried out in liberal places like Boston, and various places they call ‘sanctuary cities’. They appear to be targeting people who have previous sex crime convictions in particular, or at least when they film the arrest for propaganda purposes. Even TV host Dr. Phil joined in on one!

They may be harsh, but they’re not stupid. They’re well aware that if you pick on the already highly stigmatized, it’s a ton harder to protest the government’s actions without putting yourself in the firing line. The scariest news is probably the plan to use Guantanamo Bay, the U.S. naval base in Cuba, as a detention site for tens of thousands of immigrants. A famous site for mass torture, who knows what’ll happen to the people who end up there?…

I wonder what the Congress is doing there? Can a president alone pass and repeal laws at will?

Well the Supreme Court is majority Republican, and the Republicans won the popular vote. So, while there will and has been pushback, especially around the idea of ending birthright citizenship, executive orders will allow the president to enact rapid change without congressional approval.

If someone else gets in 4 years from now, they may overturn the previous president’s executive orders, as happened with the outgoing Biden. Now Trump is in, he’s re-implementing his 2017 agenda and then some. Taking America out of the Paris Climate Agreement, and so on.

In addition to securing majority political power, Trump is able to leverage the memory of Jan 6 and, relatedly, the power of social media and various factions of supporters (conservatives, TERFs, neo-nazis / “identitarians”, Proud Boys of whom Trump famously said to “stand bank and stand by”, and people who just rightly hate the democrats).

Amazingly, Twitter (not surprising), but now Facebook too, has ceded to the Right by getting rid of “fact checkers.” It’s incredible when your political supporters get upset by… facts. People want to rage about exaggerated bullshit so bad, the threat and fear around “pedophiles,” “grooming gangs,” and “predators” being ramped up day by day.

Find an immigrant or Trans person who’s committed a crime: they must all be dangerous! Politicians obsess over “mexican” drug cartels as a way to further stigmatize foreigners, instead of decriminalizing drugs and making the cartels obsolete / pointless, since you could just buy safely produced, regulated doses of currently unlawful substances – a market that businesses will be chomping at the bit to get in on…

Amazingly, Twitter (not surprising), but now Facebook too, has ceded to the Right by getting rid of “fact checkers.” It’s incredible when your political supporters get upset by… facts

They have never cared about fact-checking. It is always used by platforms as a censorship tool against inconvenient information. It is enough to remember how they called any reports about the artificial origin of the virus fakes and conspiracy theories, although there is no conspiracy in the accidental leak of the virus. Anyone who decides to personally check the facts will realize that this is one of the most likely scenarios, but all the media supported the invented legend about the market

Fact-checking should be done by citizens and journalists themselves, and not special departments of the social networks. This is the essence of freedom of speech. If someone manipulates information (as many journaliars do), then every citizen or another more honest journalist (if such still exist) should have the opportunity to prove it with facts.

Instead, we have policies that prohibits the reporting of factual, verifiable information about youth sexuality and minor attraction, simply because it does not fit the sex-negative agenda.

well cant wait till he signs the bill jailing people for life for asking for a photo of a 17 year old. (while they are charging 14 year olds as adults)

At any age, more important than what’s between the legs – is what’s between the ears!!

Last edited 1 month ago by HappyHumpingPup

The face?!

You’re a “face man”? :p

>The face?! You’re a “face man”? :p

Face it – between the ears is the BRAIN.

i wouldnt mind putting a drill through the head of republican. itll go straight through.

Are you ready for more content labeling anything you don’t like pedophilia when it has nothing to do with pedophilia? I sure am!

I mentioned YouTube streamer Destiny below, who is now in huge drama over sharing nudes of an ex casual sex partner without her permission – the fallout from which he may end up facing multiple criminal lawsuits…

This drama has exploded. Tons of creators are weighing in with hours upon hours of discussion. Many of his past collaborators have announced the end of their friendship (see e.g. Aba from Aba and Preach, and Leftist creator Lonerbox).

One of Destiny’s long-time critics has made an in-depth, if very smug video, attempting to evidence all the bad things Destiny has done with women and children (teenagers). Aiming to be charitable and evidence based, the section called “Harming Children” (beginning around 31 minutes in) will be of particular interest to H-TOC readers.

As always, I encourage everyone to think critically about the media they consume. How events and people are framed, the discourse being drawn upon, and the biases and motives of the speaker, etc.

January 2025: life-scarred fake media child abuse victim-survivor Prince Harry wins long-running lawsuit against Rupert Murdoch’s News Group Newspapers. Source says settlement involves eight-figure sum. Murdoch’s NGN offers full apology, admits for first time unlawful behaviour by Sun tabloid. Group also apologizes for targeting Princess Diana.

Harry, 40, the younger son of King Charles, had been suing News Group Newspapers (NGN), publisher of The Sun and the now-defunct News of the World, at the High Court in London, alleging the papers had illegally obtained private information about him from 1996 till 2011.

Check, largely untold, Adelaide Oct 1997 NewsGroup AGM, heard live on BBC Radio 5 Live, quote Mon$ta MurDark asked of his regrets at the ‘Deaths by Tabloid’ of three innocents including the globally loved young mother of England’s future King? Came the monstrous reply, “MY ONLY REGRET IS THAT I PAID TOO MUCH FOR SOME PHOTOS!”

Note, during the long-running UK Leveson Enquiry 2011-12 BBC Radio 5 Live/’Lies’ asked listeners to phone in with their stories about Murdoch. So, Bold MAP phoned with his 1997 true tale from BBC Radio 5 Live’s own archive, but was disingenuously told by a cowardly call-handler, “Oh, that’s a long time ago, we’ll try and call you back to go Live on-air.” But the gutless Biased By Commission (and omission) never did call back. So, no (loose) change there then..

Hot off the press! The scandals never cease! If age-gap attraction is so common, how has it become so stigmatized?!

Today’s story is YouTube / Twitch streamer and media personality, DJ Akademiks. He has 2.8 million YouTube subscribers…

From his Wikipedia:

In 2022, an audio of DJ Akademiks surfaced, where he discusses his preference on having sexual relationships with underage girls, making a comparison between 17 year olds and 20 year olds, alluding that age gaps do not matter to him and expressing his sexual desires towards underage girls.

The news is that he’s just been banned from Twitch for having an “inappropriate” conversation with a 15YO. That’s news because of his popularity, and because it may end up being a massive hit to his reputation and income. With that many subscribers on YouTube, he is likely a multi millionaire…

What did he say? Well, according to one write up:

The controversy began when a video surfaced showing Akademiks making inappropriate remarks to a 15-year-old streamer, Nour. In the clip, Akademiks asks Nour, “You’re telling me there’s not another 15-year-old you could buss down?” The video spread quickly, sparking backlash online.


Sounds like bullying, mob justice bullshit to me…

same people who want teens tried as adults… i just read renee zellweger defends age gap relationship in bridget jones i didnt read the article as it shoudont even be a thing?? i am truly past caring about people. accept the people on here of course, and other non bullies.

As people get older, age gaps typically become less of a big deal. As Germaine Greer said (roughly) – “when I was young and people cared what I did with my bits” – society only cares what the young do. As women get older, they start to suffer from the same invisibility that straight men do on the daily; “the worst thing for a woman to do is get old,” again paraphrasing Greer…

Age gap relationships become a lot more common as people age, say someone in their 40s going w/ someone 10 years older. Once you’re no longer considered “young,” people care a lot less what you do. It’s only the young they regulate so intensely, since they’re the most desirable with the least baggage, most future and most possibility.

You could see attraction to youth as a kind of denial of death projection, but really I think people just intuitively know there’s a lot of positives to “youth.” Even the idea itself if not the reality, since of course many young people are ugly, jaded, bitter / twisted, wracked by serious mental problems, cruel or boring, just the same as anyone older can be.

Bridget Jones is a classic!

I would try not to become too jaded with “people”; most people are lovely, mean well, and just want to live in relative safety and comfort.

They just probably live enmeshed by very different discourses, social scripts, information and life experience than you. Ergo, they think and perceive reality differently due to factors that are largely outside your individual control. Most people don’t even know why they come to believe what they believe, they just pick stuff up by osmosis and cultural / discursive dominance. Or they rationalize their own personal preferences / self interest (which doesn’t make someone incorrect or incoherent, it just means you’ve got to consider people’s biases).

But I know what you mean, “people” sometimes seem crazy. But we can’t expect everyone to be introspective, to think about their positions, values, and critically assess the arguments and information they hear. Media literacy is meaningless to most people. That’s why media is so important, because it sets the baseline for people’s thought, discussions, and jumping of points. It’s priming on a mass scale.

Antis relentlessly attempt to crush any dissenting perspective bc they don’t want people thinking critically and asking questions. They want those who do, to feel afraid to express themselves.

They rely on receiving no meaningful pushback, and resort to bans, threats, accusations and emotional blackmail, when challenged or questioned.

You can even find people online wearing “make pedophiles afraid again” t-shirts, a revealing statement which implies an uptick in uppity pedophiles challenging their second-class status…

End of random rant thoughts :p

For those who are following the podcasts about PIE, take note! The BBC has pulled one of the six episodes. Parts five and six were apparently set to ‘expose’ a pair of BBC journalists. What happened?

About John: (unfortunately, an obituary mostly behind a paywall)…

[Hilarious that instead of a photo of John they put you instead, Tom. I don’t know what John looked like, and there seems to be no photos of him in recent].

John’s book on boys in cinema:

He clearly had an enduring interest is Shakespeare and Victorian literature, involving himself in numerous related publications. As Tom implied a la the Albany Trust, Holmstrom was active in the struggle for sexual minority rights. He was willing to write about gay culture in the UK before male same sex intimacy was legalized:

John Holmstrom, Christopher Mylne and potentially Clifford Luton. They might have cut it out though, or they are yet to be mentioned.

Had to look two of these up. Not that much about them, but here’s info fron the online world which, bear in mind, is written by people who are less than sympathetic…

Chris Mylne was an incredibly influential nature photographer.

Clifford Luton:

Founded the North Sea Cruise Association, in Dorset, 1964. He was a BBC Northern Ireland correspondent. He was investigated for being in a child abuse network with Morris Fraser and Nicholas Reynolds. He was thought to have links to the Azimuth Trust and was investigated, but no charges were brought. He was skilled yachtsman, with 28 foot boat Sarah Jane.

A bit random, but in looking up Brian Taylor, who I’ve read about before, I stumbled on a piece about Sarah Payne’s killer not being a paedophile. A horrible and rare case, I’ve heard you argue the point that “paedophilia” means “child-lover” and he was anything but that, and therefore was no paedo. Simples!

Well, it turns out the psychiatrist that examined the killer agreed he did not meet the diagnostic criteria for paedophilia. The unscrupulous British press went after him for that, stalking him outside his home and harassing him for interviews.

A very reasonable article about it:

This document contains the Guardian’s original obituary for Brian Taylor, before it was removed due to this person’s actions:

An interview with Fragment, who also goes by Percy Shelly, is now available on Freespeechtube. Fragment has played an enormous role in MU (MAP Union), writing numerous articles, contributing to the forum and to much outreach and community building.

A father and working professional who has dedicated his life to education, Fragment is facing a two-year prison sentence in Japan, for the mutually willing masturbation of two early teenaged male students. An appeal is ongoing, so his sentence could be changed. Motivated by his legal struggles, Fragment wanted to share his story, so I hope he won’t mind me sharing it here:

If you ever needed evidence that other countries are less hysterical, that the world can be a far more reasonable place on sex-issues, this interview will provide that…

These are excellent interviews that everyone interested in such issues should listen to.

Absolutely. The best podcast since “MAP the World.” Fragment is a brilliant and erudite commentator. Eminently reasonable, he comes across as grounded and level headed.

Luckily, he won’t be incarcerated for all that long in the grand scheme of things, if his appeal is unsuccessful. It is obviously difficult and must be very worrying, but he needs to keep a sense of perspective. This is Japan, not America. During his sentence, he’ll be able to get into a routine, make social connections, learn new things / skills, and plan what to do upon his release. All with a very low likehood of being beaten black and blue as a “chomo,” it sounds like won’t be on any public registry, so he’s very fortunate in some ways.

If he has any choice I would strongly recommend staying in Japan / out of Australia, but it’s his life and I totally understand that he may wish to go stay with his mother. Most importantly, he has a wife and daughter, so the task to me seems to be calm, composed and loving around them.

They’ll be there when you come out; show them you care and you’re committed to your marriage and family. Like any good father, I’m sure he’ll want to be there for his daughter and his wife. She sounds supportive, which is great. I’m sure you can set up semi regular visits, perhaps fortnightly, to keep in touch and see each other in-person.

Best of luck Frag. You have lots of people rooting for you.

Great interview and more evidence that this sex hysteria is primarily an English speaking country phenomenon.

It is also obvious evidence that this sex hysteria is completely sex-negative feminist in nature because the mother freaked out on this guy (guaranteed the mother has a miserable sex life). You have for the first time in history a huge demographic of aging, unhappy, ugly, miserable women who are empowered. And their simp male servants are much worse. They carry out the agenda of their disgusting old women, and make sure everyone else feels the brunt of their miserable demands.

The alliance between psycho religious evangelical freaks and left-wing radical TERF feminists is back again, and it’s global this time. The Social Purity Movement in the USA was the warmup, which was the same alliance of left-right miserable sex negative feminist forces which brought the US prohibition of everything fun, and only the sexual part remained illegal.

You can expect women will act like women. But simps… they are the worst, they get the rope first.

Bully Musk’s trans Loli bites back.

Here’s what ELON MUSK’s transgender and renegade daughter thinks !
“I see that your new point of view
it’s this god thing
“Western values/Christian family father”
but it’s weird said by you.
You’re not the father of the family,
you are a serial adulterer who never stops lying about your children.
You don’t love your children, you don’t accept them
how have you never accepted me.
You are not a Christian,
you have never stepped foot in a church.
You are not saving the planet,
you don’t give a fuck about climate change.
You are a fascist, and for obscure reasons,
gullible people believe you”.
Vivian Jenna Wilson Daughter of Elon Musk

Last edited 1 month ago by HappyHumpingPup

Trans people are clearly our friends, for better or worse, which is why the mainstream is turning against them. Also, Trump actually said something positive that no politician would say today:

“You used to be able to say a young beautiful waitress,” Trump said. “This was a young beautiful waitress but I will not say that because I want to continue my political career. If you call a woman beautiful today, it is the end of your political career so I will not do it.”
“I think you can call her young. You are probably not even supposed to say young. You are probably supposed to say a waitress,” he added.

You can also observe the hysterical sex negative feminist response. I say sex negative now in deference to the one or two women who might be sex positive, or at least neutral, towards men.

blaire white is our enemy.

>You’re not the father of the family, you are a serial adulterer who never stops lying about your children. You don’t love your children, you don’t accept them how have you never accepted me.

I.E. Serious serial child abuser Elon Musk!

Last edited 1 month ago by HappyHumpingPup

>I recommend Brian Epstein’s entry in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Surely Robert ‘Bob’, or Tufts’ Brian, not HOT Loli magnets Beat-alls Brian?

Last edited 1 month ago by HappyHumpingPup

>Wasn’t Beatles Brian gay, Pup? Hot lolis might have been wasted on him.

CRIMINAL Gay pre-Legal UK ’67 when he topped himself at age just 32 after a Spanish holiday with Lennon.

‘You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away’, a track which many have said was written in defence of the band’s manager Brian Epstein’s sexuality.

Last edited 1 month ago by HappyHumpingPup

Bill wyman had a hot loli. and hes free ! but he wasnt allowed to perform at some event due to that…

Although we live in such “progressive,” “accepting” times, sex scandals continue unabated.

The latest big one I’m aware of is the highly influential debate and politics streamer Destiny. “Revenge porn” is today’s drama, though no “revenge” is implied. More like emotional damage, or hurt feelings…

I understand it, he is accused of having shared a nude photo / photos of a previous casual sex partner, to someone else, who then “leaked” it. Where this other person “leaked” it, why or in what context, I’m not sure… But Destiny, for alledgedly sharing said naked photo in the first place, is recieving the brunt of criticism and is now facing a lawsuit.

This appears to be no empty threat, being taken seriously by Destiny and his various collaborators, who are all shutting down discussion so as not to prejudice an upcoming legal battle.

Here’s a read-out of Destiny’s response:

What has surprised me so far, are the zealous condemnations of Destiny without much to go on, and the lack of scrutiny over the young woman’s motivations, when it is clear that she was and is an aspiring streamer who wanted to meet Destiny to boost her career. She can easily be suspected of having ulterior, particularly financial motivations.

Put another way, I nor many people knew she existed before this point, so it’s a great way to drive public support towards you and get eyes on your content. She goes by “Pxie” online.


Who is Destiny?

Destiny is a popular YouTube streamer, who has been on his own personal journey from right wing capitalist to left wing socialist.

Through following the daily scandals of Trump, the Republican party and its supporter, everyday as it has developed over the years, Destiny has become a staunch critic of the MAGA movement and the emerging Trump regime. Prior to Trump’s election, he was one of the only high profile YouTube commentators to leave his bedroom and branch out into mainstream media, attempting to reach much wider audiences. A prime example would be his Jubilee video, where he debates 25 Trump supporters at the same time:

He is one of the most reasonable and authentic speakers in the online space, IMO, and was even open minded enough and willing to calmly debate with Amos Yee, back in the day. He has always held, and continues to hold, that the “17 year old child” myth is ridiculous bullshit, and and usually dates / has sex with much younger women of around 19-25. He has famously been in an open relationship with a much younger, foreign partner, during which he continued – with her permission / consent – to sleep with many other young women. Their relationship broke down about a year ago…

I’m sure he’ll be fine in the long one. He’s a resilient man and has one of the most reasonable fan bases out there.

Hey, Tom. I take it you’re familiar with the similar thing that recently happened to Russell Brand?

Last edited 1 month ago by Dissident

If your voice becomes popular with opinions not favored by the People in Charge, they will want to take you down. Since having you killed (usually) does not work in the modern world, they instead often opt for destroying your reputation and getting you “canceled” instead. And in today’s world there is no better way to do this than taking advantage of the hugely disproportionate level of coddling and sympathy given to women when it comes to allegations of sexual malfeasance perpetrated against them. And the younger the women are, the greater the proportion of automatic sympathy afforded them, which actually shows more about how Western culture condescends them in its virulent urge to “protect” them from harm (read: from men).

What it really wants to do is “protect” certain forms of social and political hegemony, so it attacks the agency of various groups–younger people being a prime example, especially if they happen to be female–hidden behind a very emotionally appealing virtue shield.

This neatly serves to destroy the rep of inspirational people like Destiny and to hopefully shut them down, destroying them without needing to actually take their life. “Would you take moral cues from someone like that? If so, then you must be an enabler of abuse!”

The same thing was done to actor-turned-popular-Left-political-commentator Russell Brand not too long ago.


It always follows a similar pattern: A popular male commentator who takes on the establishment gets involved with a certain woman, often much younger, or did so in the past. She accuses him of various sorts of abusive behavior. It can’t be proven, no good evidence turns up to favor it, and there is often something dubious about the circumstances behind the allegation–but the emotionally charged nature of the allegations turn the public against him anyway. The press, who those days function as little more than arms of the status quo, join in on it. At the very least, the male commentator is put on the defensive, forced to scramble to preserve his reputation, and is at risk of losing everything he built, both financially and reputationally. There may not be sufficient evidence to put him behind bars, but many people insist he belongs there, and numerous online forums like YouTube ban or at least de-monetize him.

Rinse and repeat. The situation with Destiny sounds like one of the latest examples of this ongoing trend. Let’s see if it loses steam from 2025 onwards due to the recent backlash against woke mentality, and if from now on more questions are asked and both sides of an allegation are held up to reasonable scrutiny as a result.

Last edited 1 month ago by Dissident

Did you see the recent 3 part series the UK’s Channel 4 did on Marylin Manson? Very similar, though he’s way more edgy than Russell Brand IMO. Like all hetero men, they like young women. Understandbly given their public facing roles, they were careful to avoid transgressing the law.

It seems to me that the recent cancelation attempt on Russell Brand was fermented massively by the UK’s channel 4. Ostensibly a left-wing outlet, they appear to be on the war path when it comes to historic allegations of non-normative / age gap sex and sexual impropriety, which all get mixed together under the banner of “abuse”.

Russell used to espouse well-trodden Left wing viewpoints, criticizing (for example) the pointless foreign wars that send poor people’s kids to die and create the terrorists of tomorrow. All the while, the West appears to expect no repercussions or lasting hatred from the people whose country you’ve just bombed to bits…

Russell has since has turned towards more Right wing positions in the last 4 years or so. I used to enjoy “The Trews” (meaning “True News”), but he stopped making that Leftie content a long time ago. Now, since he’s not seen as a left-winger, Channel 4 saw fit to take a shot at him.

Luckily, Russell is too agentic and too well established to be stopped so easily. Because he’s built up an independent audience on YouTube, he can’t be so easily bullied out of mainstream view. He’s not done anything illegal, though he has been promiscuous and done a lot of risky things, being very tactile with random women in public and on camera. He’s been openly hypersexual most of his life, which makes him an easy target for retrospective media attacks.

The dynamic you’ve identified is definitely at play, rinse-repeat. I do think Russell has done some stupid things, but who hasn’t? I do think he was too pushy and playing with fire when dating a 16YO schoolgirl, but don’t think he did anything that ought to be criminal. In most relationships, an apology would have to suffice, when there’s no celebrity status or big bucks involved. In this case, he did apologize and clearly felt he’d been too pushy / intense: An easy mistake to make for a drug addled, hypersexual male actor/comedian dating a much younger woman.

Nice to see you here Dissy. I too hope that we’ll see more pushback to the hysteria over consensual sex rendered “inappropriate.” A human life isn’t infinite; we can’t bank on everyone having sex within a proscribed “socially acceptable” 2-year age gap, it’s just not realistic. I have seen so many people who pass up what could have been fun, loving and meaningful experiences because of abstract, extremely recent taboos about age and status. These people are missing out and they won’t get their time back!

We can’t have young people growing up shrouded in fear and taboo around sex, one of the most pleasurable, fun and meaningful things humans can do. To pretend that once you’re an adult you’ll have your freedom, only to then impose a ton of stigma on having sexual contact with people you actually fancy if they’re of legal age but older or younger. It’s setting generations up for much unhappiness as soon as they leave school or university and enter the wild west of the workplace; that is, non age-graded institutions.

Thanks for your contributions 🙂

Disclaimer: I think the current changes have a direct bearing on this blog and the confusion in terminology. I try my best to be neutral and maintain that I am not transophobic.

Newly confirmed Secretary of State Marco Rubio directed his staff to do so in accordance with Donald Trump’s executive order saying the federal government will “recognize only two sexes, male and female.”“The policy of the United States is that an individual’s sex is not changeable,” read an email Rubio sent to his staff Thursday, “Sex, and not gender, shall be used” in official documents, he added.

Trump’s order stated that “sexes are not changeable” and that the term only refers “to an individual’s immutable biological classification as either male or female.Sex” is not a synonym for and does not include the concept of “gender identity, it also read.

It seems to me that in this case we are talking about clarifying the terms used and clearly indicating the biological sex at birth in the documents. Despite the distinction between the terms “sex” and “gender,” for some reason, whether intentionally or not, CBC still used the word “gender” in the news title. and misleads people

What do you think?

Human gender biology no confusion.

Females ovulate, lubricate, lactate.

Males spermogenate, penetrate, ejaculate.

Human gender-id politics, carry on confused.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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