Freedom strangled by macabre fantasies

Herewith the concluding part of Dissident’s two-part guest blog, which began with Apple bites man from the government.

Who Loves Being Afraid of the Dark?

Note the suspicious and familiar-sounding claims surrounding the authorities’ move against Eric Eoin Marques, the founder of server Freedom Hosting, who has been touted as the CP kingpin of the world.
I’m not saying “extreme” interests do not exist, or that there aren’t various sites offering means of conducting illegal activity, sometimes commercially. And I’m certainly not denying that human depravity and even pure evil exists out there. What I am saying, however, is that organized cabals of unspeakably evil people commanding vast resources and preying on children is something we have heard falsely claimed so often before that it makes no sense to embrace every new bizarre assertion as true in the absence of strong evidence.
So who are these people outside of the government who spread wild rumors and would seek to visit such places? And why? These are questions that become clearer when we look at similar trends, throughout history, including recent decades.
As suggested in Part One, it seems certain individuals with an “extreme” degree of interest in the darker side of human existence – both real and imagined – are aesthetically smitten by the cloak of mystique and exhilarating terror a demonic vision of the Dark Net provides, which adds “spice” to the mundane and often dispiriting world we have to live in. Those taken in by this phenomenon would logically include less defensible fetishists along with Kind people.
Such a tendency can be seen readily in other minority groups that have struggled for acceptance. This would include the Wiccan communities and New Agers in general, who have seen a small portion of their number embrace what they call the “Left Hand” path, which twists their cherished beliefs and practices into a gothic motif embracing a dark aesthetic, sometimes involving nightmarish images straight from the pages of a medieval grimoire.
Granted, religious/spiritual minorities are not the same as sexual minorities, but both have the parallel of being misunderstood groups in a deeply Judeo-Christian culture who have been pushed to the fringes of society, and whose members have had to struggle for acceptance against a surfeit of media-mutated imagery (note the gothic, stereotyped “witch” imagery for Wiccans). This is bound to have an effect on the psyches of some members of these disenfranchised groups. It also explains the “goth” and “emo” aesthetics favoured by so many youths who have felt marginalized: young people are also a misunderstood and persecuted minority, denied full personhood in a society every bit as gerontocentric as it is Judeo-Christian. Dark, morbid, and depressing imagery revolving around blood, torture, and death (both suicide and murder) seem to be commonly adopted by those seeking to express their disaffection with a society that has rejected them, and to resist it.
Why should heavily persecuted sexual minorities like the Kind community be an exception to this prevalent cultural tendency? My contention is that we aren’t, and the archetype of the callous, sadistic torturer of children and adolescents for erotic pleasure is the contemporary end result. The scary dark alleyways and mysterious woodlands of the past have yielded to the unlit virtual highways of cyberspace as the natural habitat of these mythical demons, perfectly adaptable to both traditional Judeo-Christian imagery and the secular attire of the modern digital age, as needed.
What aspects and aesthetics of the collective human psyche do you think Net-created bogeymen like Slenderman (with elongated arms, all the better to grab you with) come from, and why are these bizarre figures conceived as a threat to children? Add a distinctly taboo erotic element to that archetype, take him out of the old haunting grounds of the wilderness and into the new but equally mysterious digital landscape, and you have the near-perfect image of the sadistic Dark Net child torturer. And let’s note how many people claim they have actually seen Slenderman when wandering through the woods, or in their closet when they have had to get a broom out of there in the middle of the night. Two young girls even claimed the reason they repeatedly stabbed (but thankfully failed to kill) a peer was to appease this version of the archetypal fiend. Once a macabre psychic meme of this nature grasps onto the public consciousness, it takes on a pseudo-life of its own. And it morphs easily, capable of shape-shifting to any form moral crusaders and government-employed fascists need it to.

Freedom is Darkness

The onion-layered mysteriousness of the Dark Net allows governments to play on fear of the unknown; everywhere, people are rendered passively quiescent as the global surveillance state takes shape.
Take a histrionic claim made recently by James Michael Cole, Deputy Attorney General of the United States, during an October 2015 meeting with top-level Apple execs for the purpose of convincing them to betray their customer encryption program. Given an authoritative status in the august pages of The Wall Street Journal, this claim was examined more skeptically by Jason Mick for DailyTech, who wrote:

“The report states that DAG Cole, the second highest-ranking official at the U.S. Department of Justice, claimed that children would die if Apple carried out the scheme. His argument reportedly boiled down to that law enforcement might be able to find details in a missing child case on a suspect’s phone, but be stymied by encryption, leading to a delay in finding the child. Such a delay, he argued could allow a child to die. Apple executives weren’t buying into the DOJ official’s hypotheticals. The WSJ report states: The meeting last month ended in a standoff. Apple executives thought the dead-child scenario was inflammatory. They told the government officials law enforcement could obtain the same kind of information elsewhere, including from operators of telecommunications networks and from backup computers and other phones, according to the people who attended [emphasis in original].”

The “safety of the children” issue is constantly used by officials to justify just about any invasion of civilian privacy. The Kind community is most certainly concerned about the safety of children, but we take two things into consideration that the government would rather the public refuse to think about rationally: 1) child abduction by strangers is exceedingly rare; and, 2) as Apple officials noted, there are other readily available means of a technical sort to siphon pertinent information that would help lead to the rescue of an abducted child.
Clearly, these concerns are not actually about protecting children, but simply excuses for gaining access to anyone’s private communications and transactions, in order to dig for anything that could be construed as embarrassing or compromising personal “dirt”, including evidence of reading material preferences and potential signs of political dissent. The government knows how Americans decry unwarranted intrusion into their privacy by state or corporate officials. So “stranger danger” and the stereotypical pedophile are invoked to make such intrusion seem necessary and to circumvent constitutional protections.
This is not to claim that corporations like Apple or Google are inherently friends of the common person or of freedom in general, let alone our natural allies against the state. As Mick notes in his article: “Both Apple and Google have been very cooperative with detecting and reporting child abuse material detected in their messaging and cloud storage services. In fact, they’ve been so proactive that they’ve actually come under fire from some users who claim the companies shouldn’t be inspect[ing] user data for signs of child abuse.”
Yet corporations looking through private customer data on the off-chance of finding naked pics of a six-year-old in the bathtub isn’t going far enough for the state; they insist on doing the job themselves. Could it be, perhaps, because Apple and Google officials have no major interest in looking for political dissidence? As further noted by Mick, even as some users criticize the big corporations for “violating their privacy” by inspecting the data that users willingly give them, federal law enforcement agencies are attacking from the opposite direction, claiming they are not doing enough to assist law enforcement. Mick cites the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation’s director, James Brien Comey Jr., as the leading voice of criticism against smartphone encryption.
Could this be due to the FBI’s long and sordid history of monitoring law-abiding citizens for no better reason than a suspicion that they may be unpatriotic by jingoistic standards? As Mick noted:

“In a recent interview, [Comey] admitted that the FBI had abused the public’s trust in the past with investigations against civil rights activists and other abusive actions. And he admitted that his agency operates relatively non-transparently so the public has no real way of knowing if those kinds of abuses have stopped. But he argued that the public should take the FBI’s word that it’s since improved.”

Mm-hmm. Let’s at least be thankful that Director Comey had the character to own up to something that’s been proven numerous times over.
Let’s not join the herd under the spell of the Dark Net mythology; let’s not be too eager to embrace a sinister story for whatever macabre excitement it may bring into our lives, mistaking it for a reality. It is to the benefit of the fascist elements of governments across the world that we endorse such a vision. We do ourselves no favors by swallowing without question what they want us to believe. We need to oppose the game, not get sucked into it ourselves. We do not need to compound any real darkness in the world with variants of all the usual archetypes, which moral crusaders and their government-based allies are eager to use against us and other minority groups—or anyone fighting for progressive change.

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His name was Shame

This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but with a whimper.
I think the low turn out lately signifies the end for both boylove and girllove. I think most have realized there is neither hope of acceptance in the face of oppression nor any end in sight to the suppression through indoctrination.
This blog is basically just a graveyard for seventies activists who cannot admit to themselves how it is that the very feminist and LGBT revolution they supported has set out to destroy them now. While their former “comrades” have gone on to receive aristocratic status in the New (dis)Order, they themselves are hounded to their death beds along with the “exposed” ancient schoolmasters and priests, whose authority they spitefully jeered at when they overturned it all those years ago.
Boylove and Girllove is dead. Gay boys are liberated now, have no wish to be pestered by old men, and girls get on perfectly well without adult lovers.

leonard sisyphus mann

Yes, bad things are going on and worse is undoubtedly awaiting us. There are few reasons for us to be optimistic, many to be pessimistic.
But to say that this ‘signifies the end for both boylove and girllove’ suggests that change can only be a matter of simple linear progress – one where we set off from ‘where we are now’ and rapidly progress in a straight line to our hoped-for future.
The Kind community has sometimes displayed the kind of naivety characteristic of politicians who know they have no chance of getting elected: focusing too much on dreams and ideals, making rash promises to itself, dismissing the small practical gains that can be obtained through compromise – and, worst of all, being impatient.
Atheists, slaves, women and homosexuals have had to wait centuries for their rights to be recognised in the West, and are still struggling for their rights in many parts of the world – why get dispirited because Kindness seems to be making little progress when looked at on a time scale of months, years or decades?
Don’t forget that behind all the sound and fury we have something that our enemies don’t – we have what appears to be the Truth on our side.
This might sound grandiose – but haven’t we all witnessed how weak the anti position is when confronted with our arguments?
That may come partly from the blind arrogance of the antis, who assume that their gut instincts and fantasms are enough to win any argument. Arguing with ‘antis’ is like a well-trained boxer going into the ring with someone who believes he can box because he’s played ‘George Foreman’s KO Boxing’ on his computer. They assume that their mantras of ‘a child can’t consent’, ‘all paedophiles are rapists’ and ‘children aren’t ready for sex till adolescence’ will be sufficient. They are shocked when these unquestioned items of faith don’t withstand the most tentative of jabs from a paedophile who has spent his or her life thinking and learning about, and researching the subject.
Of course, we mustn’t judge the capacity of our weapons by the effect they have on our weakest opponents – but my impression is that our case is much stronger than even the best anti case – hence why ‘no debate’, shrieking hysterics and death threats are the preferred approach of the haters.
To be on the ‘right’ side should count for a great deal. As to where we go from here – sometimes we just have to sit tight and brace ourselves as we’re battered by storms – but the thing we CAN change and improve is OURSELVES and our community – we can educate ourselves, research, promote and build a rich and varied Kind culture, develop a network of communities which supports those who are suffering and builds identities through which we all can find self-respect.
Then when small opportunities come for action we will do so from a basis of greater strength, greater intellectual power, greater solidarity.
An acorn that falls onto a rock can yet grow into an tree provided it exploits what rare cracks and bits of moisture there are. And eventually, given time, its roots may even come to split that rock and reach the rich soil beneath.


I think the low turn out lately signifies the end for both boylove and girllove. I think most have realized there is neither hope of acceptance in the face of oppression nor any end in sight to the suppression through indoctrination.
I disagree, Shame. I think the low turn-out lately is due to the very understandable fact that Kind folks come here primarily to read Tom’s insightful essays, and consider certain guest bloggers that do not have Tom’s ability to be the equivalent of an “intermission.” Tom needs breaks from time to time, of course, and it’s good that he allows a forum for other MAPs who have things to say. Once he gets back into gear, I have little doubt any periodic slump in commentator response will go way “up” again.
This blog is basically just a graveyard for seventies activists who cannot admit to themselves how it is that the very feminist and LGBT revolution they supported has set out to destroy them now. While their former “comrades” have gone on to receive aristocratic status in the New (dis)Order, they themselves are hounded to their death beds along with the “exposed” ancient schoolmasters and priests, whose authority they spitefully jeered at when they overturned it all those years ago.
I think the fact that those who espoused the values of the comparatively liberated ’70s are still going strong – along with the newer generations who adopt the mindset – make it clear that the attitudes haven’t died, but have merely been suppressed. Yet they continue to struggle at rising again, and I see them as more akin to a Phoenix determined to rise from the ashes than the equivalent of mortal entities that have been immolated to a permanent death. Killing ideas and rallying points isn’t nearly as easy as killing people, something the antis and those who have turned on us have learned to their great consternation since the ’70s.
That being said, the type of set-backs you mentioned are common for all oppressed groups seeking emancipation in the past. There is nothing particularly “hopeless” about the Kind situation, with many good examples provided by Lensman (Leonard Sisyphus) in his reply to you.
Boylove and Girllove is dead.
There is far too much living proof – namely, us – that this is not the case.
Gay boys are liberated now, have no wish to be pestered by old men, and girls get on perfectly well without adult lovers.
The problem is that you presume to speak for all boys and girls here, who are far too often not allowed to express their own opinions along these lines. In fact, they dare not, lest they end up thrown into brain-washing “therapy” and stripped of what little freedom they are allowed to enjoy. Gay boys may be “liberated,” but boys and girls who have a natural preference for adults are forced into the shadows and labeled “irrelevant”… and underagers in general are most certainly not liberated.
Progress has been occurring in significant small steps of late, and many examples of it have been provided here, particularly the greater allowance for non-condemnatory discussion of the topic on YouTube, Reddit, the blogosphere, and other cyber-locales over the past few years. This is in marked contrast to just the previous decade. This is precisely the reason why, I think, that the British media is going into “panic mode” lately, in a mad effort to stifle all of this. However, the time where this goes on unopposed seems to be gradually changing.


Well I am with LSM on this one.
His name was Shame: Why so defeatist? Why assume we are all ageing activists whose actions are futile? Why assume there are no kids out there that seek a compassionate adult friend? Why assume kids are content with age of consent laws that forbid them from being sexual active with others? Sounds to me as if you are going through a mid-life crisis, or at the very least, you are being exceptionally economical with the truth.
Several examples of very recent on-topic initiatives that give a lie to the idea that Heretic TOC is but a mausoleum to an extinct species of sexuality:
Here also, is a filip for Tom’s blog posted just a few day’s back:


“Gay boys are liberated now, have no wish to be pestered by old men, and girls get on perfectly well without adult lovers.”
Girls get on perfectly well without the love of other girls. Is that a reason to persecute young lesbian lovers? White girls get on perfectly well without Black men and have no wish to be pestered by them. Shall we reintroduce apartheid?

leonard sisyphus mann

BBC Radio 4’s excellent ‘In Our Time’ last week dealt with the ‘Salem Witch Trials’.
(The podcast of this programmed can be downloaded here – )
Whilst it seems that each moral panic or witch hunt has its own dynamics – they all seem to share certain characteristics – one is that the people who are the target of the persecution are deprived, through their status as accused, of the capacity to defend themselves. To argue your innocence during the Salem Witch Hysteria seemed a pretty certain way of getting yourself executed, whilst those who ‘confessed’ would get away with prison sentences.
This meant that there was a very strong incentive for the accused to publicly affirm the faulty narrative and thus intensify the Witch hysteria in the general population. No matter how ridiculous the stories the accused were forced to confess to, the population’s ideas of witches became sufficiently detached from reality to accommodate things that were impossible.
I think similar mechanisms are operating with paedophilia: since we are unable to defend ourselves in the media even the most grotesque lies go unchallenged – and few in the media dare challenge ridiculous untruths since anyone doing so risks being branded as an apologist for ‘child abuse’.
We have recently seen a similar ‘inflation’ of outrage, and belief in outrageous fictions, with the demonisation of Jimmy Savile – who seems to have gone from groping a few teenagers to (for some reason) stealing the eyes from corpses.
(This reminds me of the time, when I was about 9, when my grandmother brought home from the butchers a sheep’s head for me and my cousin to open, take apart and see what was inside. Taking out the eyes was amazingly difficult and even my grandmother struggled. We put them in the freezer and later sawed them in half to see how they worked. The idea that one can just take the eyes out of a corpse as one would take a couple of coins out of a wallet is ridiculous to anyone who’s tried.
BTW I went on to become a life-long vegetarian a few year later.)
Having said all that – there’s another issue, a very urgent one, which I think needs to be addressed – another ‘elephant in the room’: that speaking for myself I have no qualms about the surveillance of islamo-fascists and any who sympathise with them.
In saying that I realise that I’m tacitly acknowledging that there ARE limitations to the sanctity of freedom of information, communication and privacy – some ideologies are hateful and have hateful consequences. The real debate for me isn’t so much whether the right to privacy etc is absolute – as far as I’m concerned it isn’t – but where the ‘line’ should be drawn.
The general population would say that there should be no right to freedom of information, communication and privacy for paedophiles.
Is it simply that they’re deluded when they say that, but I’m not for denying it to islamo-fascists? We claim that our desires and intentions are grotesquely misrepresented by the media – but surely the supporters of Daesh would also say the same thing..?
As I said – my gut instinct is that islamo-fascists don’t qualify for the hard-won freedoms of the enlightenment project; paedophiles most certainly do.
But I would say that, wouldn’t I?


I might be able to offer a new perspective on this as one who could in principle easily qualify for surveillance for sympathy to both public enemies: paedophiles and islamo-fascists. A little elucidation of this sympathy is probably advisable.
Regarding paedophiles, without wishing to indulge in a paedophiliac sexual act myself, I have published a novel which has left its readers in no doubt that I consider loving sexual relationships involving enthusiastic children under the current age of consent ipso facto often highly beneficent and their persecution iniquitous. To the majority who are not fond of nuance, this may well make me similar to a child rapist and suitable for surveillance.
Regarding islamo-fascists, while I actually dislike Islam and I loathe both blowing people up and forcing one’s religion (or culture) down other people’s throats, I cannot help feeling some personal sympathy for Bin Laden and others of them. This is because from the perspective of a hundred years ago I do not believe there was anything inevitable about the current mess where many such people not only exist but feel that terrorism offers the only means by which they can struggle for what they believe in, and I believe the US, Britain and France are very, very much to blame for that mess. If they had been more just and sensitive and less greedy and arrogant, I doubt it would have happened. The terrorist threat has grown and grown due to a wide range of crimes they have perpetrated against Islam, of which complicity in the theft of Palestine is probably the single greatest, but which stretch back significantly at least to the Anglo-French betrayal of the Arabs in 1916 and obviously include things like the invasion and destruction of Iraq. Perhaps the best proof I can offer of my qualification as an islamo-fascist sympathiser is my attitude to the next IS atrocity in Britain: the British have just asked for it. So, once surveillance has extended from known Islamic terrorists to their families and friends to their co-religionists and at last to anyone understanding their point of view, I should surely be included.
Why does this matter? Because you have used the islamo-fascists to attack the universal right to privacy, even while recognising most people think you too should have no such right and even while realising that this is the slippery slope to witch-hunting. I suggest you have needlessly lost an important principle. The state can and morally must do its best to draw a distinction between surveilling those it has evidence are intending to commit a crime and the far greater number of people who for a variety of reasons may merely sympathise with would-be criminals. I admit that for me this is mostly a moral imperative, but in case you are going to answer that the principle I am upholding (that people should be left alone unless proved to harm or be about to harm) must be sacrificed to security, I would counter that such sacrifice is counter-productive. I won’t attempt to explain why in the case of paedophiles, as that has been done here by others better than I could manage, but I feel sure that the extension of surveillance from terrorists to everyone having some sympathy with them is an insufferable aggression whose main effect is to convert multitudes of mere sympathisers into active islamo-fascists. It does little or nothing in the long term to counter the threat, because the islamo-fascists simply respond by communicating with whatever greater sophistication is needed (currently encryption): hence Paris and soon London.
Edmund, author of Alexander’s Choice,


‘ …the British have just asked for it.’
My family and I could be the next victims but we most definitely did not ‘ask for it.’
Having said that, I agree with the points in your penultimate paragraph.


Edmund: “I believe the US, Britain and France are very, very much to blame for that mess. If they had been more just and sensitive and less greedy and arrogant, I doubt it would have happened. The terrorist threat has grown and grown due to a wide range of crimes they have perpetrated against Islam.” Absolutely!
“Only when ‘we’ recognise the war criminals in our midst and stop denying ourselves the truth will the blood begin to dry.”
“Daesh has a mother: the invasion of Iraq. But it also has a father: Saudi Arabia and its religious-industrial complex. Until that point is understood, battles may be won, but the war will be lost. Jihadists will be killed, only to be reborn again in future generations and raised on the same books.”
I mentioned the second of these articles in Dissident’s: ‘Apple bites man from the government’ article a couple of posts back, but it is relevant here too, so I have included it again. I make no apology for this repetition because I think it is so important to get the message across that western governments are increasingly out of control, unaccountable and the single-most risk to civilisation.
I might seem to be straying off-topic, but having paedophilic desires, I automatically fall into a category where I become synonymous with terrorists. The headlines in the broadsheets in April last year promised as much: “’Treat Paedophiles like Terrorists’ says UK Government”, The Sunday Times headline ran.
I would suggest that the equation paedophile = terrorist as touted by the UK government is yet another device to create fear in the populace, and secure the excuse to implement surveillance and monitoring of everything we do, say or think, which in essence is fascism. As Dissident so astutely points out: “Once a macabre psychic meme of this nature grasps onto the public consciousness, it takes on a pseudo-life of its own. And it morphs easily, capable of shape-shifting to any form moral crusaders and government-employed fascists need it to.”


“…the British have just asked for it.” There are an awful lot of British people. 397 of them voted to bomb Syria and that’s all it took. What about the ones demonstrating outside Parliament against the bombings — were they asking for it? I would argue anyway that pretty much nobody actually deserves to be blown up.


Yes, of course you are right. I do somewhat regret the harshness with which I made my point. Unfortunately though, the way the world has worked for a very long time, people are often held to be collectively innocent or guilty, however unfairly. It is hardly always avoidable. And then, while I’m intensely aware of millions of British who are genuinely innocent of the needless escalation in bloodshed being perpetrated in their name, let’s not fool ourselves that all but 397 are innocent. What about the 54 % of the total population whom opinion polls indicate wanted this? They certainly have no legitimate complaint if they are hit back. Then what about the large majority who chose the 397 to be their representatives, to decide such things for them? Power means responsibility, so in a democracy the successful electors have on their hands such blood as their chosen servants decide to spill. These are all unquestionable guilty of anything wrong done at their behest or authorisation, but straying into gray territory, I think one can also legitimately question the total innocence of all those tax-payers who opt to obey the law and fund the slaughter rather than resorting to civil disobedience where their consciences might be touched.

mr pedo-man

then what about the large majority who chose the 397 to be their representatives, to decide such things for them”….That’s why allot of MPs had Facebook death threats these last few days. My view to the Islamic ‘problem’ is hate speech laws, Political correctness, Safe spaces and the gradual eroding of free speech; We need more religious satire, a UK version of the Charlie Hebdo cartoons, Where no religion would be free from pasquinade.
unfettered free speech is what governments are afraid of; They would rather control what is seen as acceptable speech, and what is ‘hate speech’….Where there is total free speech, The dim-witted ideas would be exposed for what they are, and credible studies like Rind not censored out by moral condemnation without being challenged….On another note, These young and not so young people that join IS…If they’ve grown up in the west, With good upbringings, its hard to apprehend how anyone could not be disgusted by the barbaric beheading videos, call me old fashioned if you like, But the thought of doing that to an animal turns my stomach…..Alexander’s choice was a good read, sad in the end though, But entertaining.


I fully agree with you here, Mr. Pedo-Man. I couldn’t have said it better. Whenever we give into the temptation to put limits on either freedom of speech, or freedom of choice, we fall right into the hands of the fascists. No problem we will ever face as a society will ever justify draconian “solutions.” There is always a better way, because society always loses far more than it may possibly gain with such sentimentality-driven exceptions to freedom. The issues are certainly not black and white, but the choices should usually be clear once reason is objectively applied.
Good people often struggle with the freedom vs. security argument, and again, this plays into the hands of the fascists. They often count on good people to put sentiment before reason, which is why good people so often inadvertently do the “dirty work” of those who favor a police state and surveillance society.
I ask every good person who reads this (that would include you, Lensman) to ask themselves how often they have been compelled by the relevant topics to say something like this: “I’m certainly not in favor of police state methodologies… but if such measures would save even ONE kid per year from abuse or exploitation, then…”? And you find yourself dangling on the fence instead on the side of freedom and justice. This is why it can be so tempting to do the wrong thing for the right reasons, and why thinking with one’s emotions has corrupted more good people than money.


“…in a democracy the successful electors have on their hands such blood as their chosen servants decide to spill.” Not entirely sure about that. It depends how high the degree of genuine democracy is, how direct the democracy perhaps, how much is going on behind the scenes out of view of the public, etc. In any case politicians don’t, and can’t possibly be expected to, lay out how they would vote in every last contingency before people go to the polls to choose them as representatives! As for the 54% who polled yes, I can’t think people deserve to be killed for thoughtcrime. Were it actually their fingers on the trigger, so to speak, they might not have pulled it. Then there is the question of, for instance, manipulation by the media. Yes, people have a responsibility to inform themselves rather than swallowing whatever they are fed, but alternative sources of information aren’t always easy to find and not everyone has the time or the energy or the educational advantages or the raw brainpower to make use of them. It’s all grey, as you say.


“We have recently seen a similar ‘inflation’ of outrage, and belief in outrageous fictions, with the demonisation of Jimmy Savile – who seems to have gone from groping a few teenagers to (for some reason) stealing the eyes from corpses.”
I would add that there are some unsung heroes out there who, for a number of years, have been questioning the dominant narrative and who, by taking a forensic approach towards examining the facts, something the UK police and the CPS seem incapable of doing, have exposed the many lies and frauds that underpin and perpetuate this modern-day witch hunt.
In the case of Jimmy Savile, you need look no further than here in Moor Larkin’s excellent blog: to see that not one of the stories about Savile’s alleged abuses has any truth to it. One can only hope that invaluable work such as this will be used sooner rather than later, to hold the real criminals, the liars, fantasists, fraudsters and compo-seekers, to account via due process of the law. Only then will society begin to see the witch hunt for what it truly is.


“This meant that there was a very strong incentive for the accused to publicly affirm the faulty narrative and thus intensify the Witch hysteria in the general population. …I think similar mechanisms are operating with paedophilia: since we are unable to defend ourselves in the media even the most grotesque lies go unchallenged…”
Yes, and in a closer parallel to the witch hunts, people in ‘treatment’ programmes often find themselves forced to ‘confess’ that consensual sex was abuse and a loving relationship was manipulation, and may even come to believe it. Their young partners may well be subjected to ‘therapy’ designed to convince them of the same thing.


Yes A, indeed.
One comment from Dr Brongersma: “the only man cured of his paedophilic feelings this author knows about was the patient of a certain Dr Agnes Martin who, under aversion therapy, was drugged into continuous vomiting; this brought on a cardiac arrest and the man died.” Dr Brongersma goes on to say: ‘”Where society permits assault upon a person’s sexuality, doctors may become remarkably inventive, especially when they are setting out to eradicate sexual tendencies different from their own. The courts provide them with a constant supply of human guinea pigs on whom they are permitted to experiment. Labelling deviants ‘barbarians’ makes it easy for judges and doctors to treat them barbarically, and in so doing, those in power feel their righteousness confirmed.”
From Not One (B4UAct)
“You will spend your life manipulating adults and maneuvering to gain easy access to children. You will groom them to victimize them. You may have hundreds of victims over the course of your lifetime. You are the most dangerous and predatory kind of sex offender.” Association for the treatment of sexual abusers, 2005.
“You are indefensible.” Raymond Fowler, CEO, American Psychological Association, 1999.
In treatment, young teenagers (13 to 15) have been compelled to write creeds including “I am a pedophile and am not fit to live in human society … I can never be trusted … everything I say is a lie … I can never be cured.” Centre on child abuse and neglect, University of Oklahoma, 1998.
“You cannot be cured.” “Fill out the ‘Fantasy Tracking Form’ every time you masturbate, as well as every time you have an inappropriate sexual thought (deviant sexual fantasy). Things to bring up in your weekly group session: Your deviant sexual fantasies and how often you masturbate.” Treatment workbook, Pathways Treatment Centre.
“You may be required to masturbate to deviant sexual fantasies. If you become aroused, you will be told to switch to an appropriate fantasy, or, exposed to an aversive stimulus such as ammonia.” Journal of the American Academy of child and adolescent psychiatry, 1999.
“I felt like someone was chewing on my heart. The pain spiraled downwards, layers of guilt and shame and fear until I hated who people said I was. I was 16 and I cried, hours upon hours of tears, weeks on weeks of feeling nothing, months on months of pain, years on years of longing.” Rob, 18.


Harrowing examples. Are they all coming from the US? Because if so, there is a link here with that country’s pray-the-gay-away camps, fix-your-insubordinate-teen camps and so on. This is of course far worse, and, horribly, far more mainstream, but the basic cultural context is the same.


Sorry for the delay A. Yes, I guess these are all US situations having originated from the B4U-Act initiative: see


Our friend LSM made a pitiful proposal to restrict the constitutional rights of those who sympathize with islamo-fascist terrorists. Since he implicitly assumes that this restriction to freedoms should be implemented by the existing imperialist States, this means in practice restricting the constitutional rights and freedoms of us all in the name of fighting islamo-fascist terrorism.
In the 1930’s, under the pretext of fighting violent fascist gangs, Parliaments in several West European countries voted laws repressing “private militias”; in practice officially dissolved fascist militias went underground or reconstituted themselves under new names; on the other hand, anti-fascist defence squads set up by the labour movement to protect itself were repressed under these laws, and for mass labour organizations such as trade unions, there is no opportunity to go underground or to reconstitute themselves under a new name.
In France, we have experienced since one month the “State of Emergency”, allegedly under the pretext of fighting terrorism. We have seen daily what the press calls “excesses”, that is, instances of gratuitous police brutality against ordinary citizens and arbitrary State repression of legitimate political activity. For instance, a brutal police raid on a Halal restaurant, the cops smashed locked doors while the owner told them that he could unlock them, they even smashed doors that were closed but unlocked; the same in an islamic women’s refuge; a 6 years old girl wounded during a police raid against an innocent muslim family. The cops justify themselves by saying: “We do what we want; it is State of Emergency”. A blind man who shaved his beard was denounced by a neighbour as a “potential islamic radical”, the police raided him and confiscated his white blind’s stick, he can’t have it back because, say the cops, “his blindness is unproven”; he has been “assigned to residence”, thus he has to report to a police station thrice a day, without his stick nor anyone to accompany him.
As LSM is “green”, he must certainly know that the second target of arbitrary State repression has been climate activists. On the eve of COP21, a leader of the “Climate Coalition” in charge of public actions was “assigned to residence”, having to report to a police station thrice a day, and under curfew during the night, under the pretext of “danger to public order”. An organic vegetable grower was raided by cops who copied the contents of his computers’ hard disks. A demonstration about climate in Paris was banned, as are all demonstrations; during it the cops walked on the flowers and candles put in memory of the victims of the November the 13rd murders; the press told that “radical demonstrators” had smashed the flowers and thrown the candles at the police. Some demonstrators were arrested. A teacher was jailed for 3 months allegedly for throwing an empty beer can at the police.
In his own blog, LSM once expressed his approval of the war on Daesh. We see here a coalition of strange bedfellows, everyone in power supports the war: Obama, Hollande and Putin, the Israeli generals (in private), the Lebanese Hezbollah, Bashar, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and the Kurdish nationalists… even Al Nosra (the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda) seems willing to join. Edmund and Feinmann have already highlighted the role of imperialist powers (Western and Russian) in the rise of islamo-fascist terrorism. Otherwise, just count the dead: the imperialist wars and the dictators supported by imperialists (such as Bashar) have killed infinitely more people than all terrorists. In 2003 there were everywhere mass demonstrations against Bush’s war, today there is nowhere none against Hollande’s war.
Definitively, you cannot rely on the State of the exploiters and oppressors to fight fascism, this fight should be waged by the exploited and oppressed themselves. On the part of the State, you can only demand a full respect of freedom of thought and expression, as explained by Dissident. This does not mean respecting ourselves the freedom of fascists to spew their hate, we fight them ourselves, without colluding with the State.


I know, by looking at overviews of the dark net that the “hurtcore” (what a word, btw) element is there.
I do not ascribe this to any part, or weakness of the kind community. I ascribe hurtcore to simply human nature, there will always be “un-kind” people among us.


Indeed, Aethentic, and your support is appreciated. Here are the two pertinent points for our consideration, though:
1) Are the elements of “hurtcore” filled with authentic depictions of children and adolescents who were kidnapped and subjected to actual torture? The vast amount of resources and logistics in covering up all the required kidnappings, torture wounds, and dead bodies suggest that most of those claimed pictures and vids are about as “real” as the idea of an authentic snuff film industry. What few actual pics were included in that horrific mix are likely tragic crime scenes that can be found in just about any book covering serial killers in-depth, or the many available tragic pics of kids subjected to brutal death by the international war machine.
2) Depictions of human torture and those who enjoy viewing the same are nothing new, and go all the way back to the artwork of the Middle Ages, and probably further back than that. The archetypes they invoke in the human psyche are transposed onto any minority group who happens to be considered “The Other” by any given society during any given time period… whether that minority are Jews, homosexuals, or Kind folks. These bloody archetypal memes then proliferate through the media, the modern equivalent of “village gossip,” which modern communications take on a “village” of global scope. And as noted, these memes are highly chimeric, adapting to new societal developments and adopting sectarian or secular guises as needed.

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